(Screenshot below)
Not sure if this is intentional, but in case it isn’t, I am able to place an Apiary on a Crop Field, both when the crops are planted and when it is empty. Not game breaking to me, but thought i should point it out.
(Screenshot below)
Not sure if this is intentional, but in case it isn’t, I am able to place an Apiary on a Crop Field, both when the crops are planted and when it is empty. Not game breaking to me, but thought i should point it out.
Actually it does make sense to me, apiaries are attended by farmers.
I tend to place them just in the middle of the farm for more output bonuses.
I think it makes sense to be able to have them beside the field for a bonus, but not on top of the crops personally.
It is probably done with this intention
This is not a bug.
Do we net out one fewer field tile if we place a beehive on one tile? Or does that field still count as a full 10x10 (or whatever) worth of field tiles?
(It would make sense to me if we “lose” a field tile to the beehive, I’m just curious)
You do lose that one tile of production. I usually place my apiaries alongside fields, not inside them.
There are two empty tiles in one corner of each farm plot that are not used for crops. I place my bees there
TBH, from my perspective it makes sense. Farm fields are a rich source for bees. And placing one in the center optimizes returns for that hive. I have two in the corner area left unplanted (place I pout them when I first started playing, since it’s left unplanted almost inviting its use), and one in each garden center.
(My plots are much larger than the min 5x5)
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