Hi ,
GFN is not automatically migrating the save games. If I continue my ‘old’ save game and create a new one, it disappears. Any suggestions?
Best, JV
Hi ,
GFN is not automatically migrating the save games. If I continue my ‘old’ save game and create a new one, it disappears. Any suggestions?
Best, JV
I have the same problem, maybe someone can do something about it, dozens of hours of gameplay went into…
I was using GeForce Now successfully since the 0.9.6 update came out… until today. Launched the game and my old saves were gone. Not sure what changed.
I don’t know anything about how GeoForce saves stuff, but maybe check the save path is correct since that was changed with v0.9.6.
“In order to alleviate numerous reported issues involving Windows OneDrive, we have made the decision to migrate the save directory to C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\Farthest Frontier. Upon launching the game for the first time in v0.9.6, you will be prompted that a one-time data migration will be performed. If your system does not have sufficient space on that drive, you will receive a warning and the process will exit. Note: the Saved Games directory can be relocated to any drive on your PC by right-clicking it and selecting Properties.”
Having never used GFN, I assume the way it knows where to get/put saved games is by querying the directories that we cloud sync via Steam. Previously, we only synced the …\Documents\My Games\Farthest Frontier\Save directory. We have migrated that directory to C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\Farthest Frontier\Save. So now we cloud sync both those directories (to support anyone who hasn’t upgraded FF yet). My guess is that GFN is just looking in the old dir. So, I don’t know if there is a way to tell GFN to sync the new directory via the GFN client or something. Can anyone verify that there is/isn’t?
In the meantime, I’ll change the order of those directories on Steam in case GFN just looks at the first entry. Maybe that will work.
EDIT: I pushed those ^^^ changes to Steam. I would be interested to hear if it fixes the problem. It would probably be helpful to restart Steam and GFN before testing.
Unable to sync steam cloud, saves dissapeard again
I also have no idea how GFN/Steam are managing saves (not to mention I’m using MacOS).
No old saves returned, and the save I had created in the meantime also disappeared. So no luck there.
I have a idea, restore a old game version or only old save system for GeForce now only. the game doesn’t save progress, it’s useless in this version on gfn
Are you still losing your saves? I started a new game after Westfaliah pushed the last change, and this one hasn’t disappeared (yet).
Not work for me
I’ve opened a ticket with GFN.
I started new game yesterday, all saves dissapeard again
GFN’s support has said they will fix this. I guess keep trying!
Yes,everything looks ok now, thanks
Great! Glad to hear it. For the record, Nvidia’s GFN support was pretty quick to act on this, so kudos to them.