094c - horses stopped to born

horses stopped to born. spent 3 game years - 0 horses was born.
10 horses , max workers , birth rate is 2 , a lot of food and food quality is 100%
built 2nd stables - same thing. tried to relocate - no effect

They won’t continue to bred once you have max numbers in the stables.

did i missed something? used to it was same as any other livestock , and cant find any fixes that stopped horses births . there are usual things like max horses pop and “produced last year” stats…
were any explanations given about that?

Just came across this in my game as well. Also found it confusing for there to be ‘produced last year’ stats.

I know when the public test was first opened, this was the case. Horses would not breed beyond the max allowed in the stables, and workers would not automatically slaughter them as they would goats, chickens, or cattle. I would guess that was a planed mechanic as the other livestock are primarily a food source, with hides and tallow as secondary by-products, whereas horses are not really part of the food supply chain. The primary purpose of horses is to supply cavalry with mounts. You can select to manually slaughter horses in your stables, and each will produce 340 meat, 4 hides, and 5 tallow. At that point, the horses will begin to breed again until the stable is full.


why horses is a kind of SPECIAL creatures? they are same part of food production as cows, goats, chickens and any other animal.
it is just human limitation how to use horse or cow etc. in other countries , especially long time ago working unit was a bull , not horse. i understand that horses is a game setting/design thing, but why not to let us use them as food as well ?
goats are not popular around the world as meat , same as horses… there are only few countries that use them for food as large as other animals, but it exist.
and about game setting/design for horses - in mid ages horses stopped to birth ? or they werent used as food ?
it’s better to work around disappearing weapons and armor while soldiers dont fight few years, but somehow they destroy their weapons/armor…
as it goes further many confusing things appears for me. (already told about meat numbers, for example, fantasy elements like “+” stats from items etc)

This isn’t a real life simulation game, it’s a fantasy game.

Zantai has said that atm horses are only for military purposes. That may be expanded on later; we’ll have to wait and see.

where are witches then? where is magic? dragons? elves, orcs etc? no ?

fantasy game are Hogwarts Legacy, World of Warcraft, Diablo, Lineage etc. but not Banished-alike games.
in FF there is only 1 unreal thing - items with stats. not sure what forced devs to add it in survival reality-based game. told it many times , and will continue to stay with my position - it’s better to avoid fantasy elements , because there is a demand for NO-fantasy games.

ps. if devs didnt tell that they make a fantasy game , i keep think they want to make a real life simulator as much as they can. that’s why there is no magic, dragons etc. and there are medieval setting , survival elements, reality-based conditions, wild animals , diseases etc.

just a small facts…

TITLE: Farthest Frontier
GENRE: Indie, Simulation, Strategy, Early Access
DEVELOPER: Crate Entertainment
PUBLISHER: Crate Entertainment
RELEASE DATE: 9 Aug, 2022


Popular user-defined tags for this product:(?)

Early Access

City Builder


Colony Sim







Resource Management




Open World Survival Craft

Old School

Immersive Sim


Alternate History


if i’m not blind … there is no any “fantasy”

so , until devs will tell it’s a fantasy game, i will continue to think it’s a reality-based game.
will you allow me to do that?

Maybe should have vampires as well, I don’t know.

Fantasy doesn’t have to have any of those things. The game is not based on real life.

did you see players tags ( took them from steam store FF page)? they dont agree with you. as well as i am

Players can add any tags they like.

they did , and there is no "fantasy " tag.
that should say something. at least for me that means people say that they see this game like that.

Man, imagine being this passionate and aggressive about eating horses in a video game.

Please keep the bug reporting forum for bug reports and relevant info. Thanks.

I’m actually quite inclined to agree with ungamer on this. And frankly, I don’t think he/she is being overly passionate or aggressive on the matter.

The game does a VERY poor job of explaining that horses will not breed and can’t be used in the food supply chain (save for manually lowering the max stable limit followed by increasing it again once X number of horses have been slaughtered). The stable also provides stats for how many resources were generated the previous year - further convincing players that horses are meant to be in the food chain.

Poor design on the Devs part. It also doesn’t make much if any sense to allow horses to be purchased so early on in the game when the game isn’t even setup for you to be able to afford a 15 gold/mo expense for a single unit.

I’m a big fan of the game, several hundred hours in. I also don’t expect it to be a finished product atm. Having said that, the Devs should either make it known that horses won’t reproduce via a tooltip in game or simple make horses act like any other animal in the game and allow it to be harvested (makes the most sense, IMO).

Sidenote - Devs really need to reconsider churches. 'nough said

I would argue that you worded all of this a lot more constructively than he did in any of his comments. I agree it could be communicated much better. I personally would prefer horses to not be food though. That wasn’t very common in the middle ages either. It was the exception rather than the norm.