[] 2H Elementalist - 8sec Shazrul, Solo Ultimate Mogdrogen 15min. etc

the use of oleron’s blood in weapon for 20% enemy dmg debuff a 260% weapon dmg to apply a new source of stormtouched’s electrocute

hey jaja what do you mean by that?
Or more specific can someone plz explain to me how the eletrocute Dot functions. normally savagery applys the stormtouched-electrocute dot, why and how does olereon’s might buff/stack this dot?

The DoT from Stormtouched will be applied by any skill that does weapon damage. The damage will be added to your weapon damage. Oleron’s Might does 260% weapon damage. So it does 260% of the DoT damage provided by Stormtouched.

The DoT from Stormtouched will be applied by any skill that does weapon damage

that was the information i was looking for, thx.
one more thing: what about the previous DoT, will it be overwritten or does it add up?

DoTs from different sources stack. From the same source you get the bigger one.

If you apply the electrocute with Savagery and then again with Oleron’s Might, I think that counts as “same source” since it’s from your weapon both times. I am not 100% certain about that.

I see Hungering void on your Devotion tree, how is that used? Where do you link it (which skill) and does it really fit the char or is it off and just take the points for the OA and crit from constelation?

Since the base of his devotions give plenty of chaos and primordial going for Hungering void is a great deal. Huge OA bonus both flat and % and as for the ability itself…Can say how much he uses it but…why not? You get a huge boost to crit damage and attack speed. Very deadly with this build.

Hi, I am newbie here and follow this build which I like a lot. May I know how the decoration allocate? And which first?


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I went something like this:

  1. Falcon
  2. Hawk
  3. Eel
  4. Kraken
  5. Rhowan’s Crown
  6. Viper
  7. Widow
  8. Tempest
  9. Dying God

Grabbed the point in Revenant somewhere in elite I believe. It is pretty flexible - you could grab viper, widow or tempest once RC is done. Widow is fun just for the arcane bomb, and you can start leveling it a bit earlier.

thanks very much.

Can anyone post a grimcalc of what the skill points would look like without devotions? That would be much appreciated!

I thought modifiers like Storm Touched apply just to the base skill, here Savagery???

Hi, I like this build a lot and got almost the same setting as OP, stats are closed except not having +5 Savage. However, it is very squishy even play level 90 in Crucible (Gladiator). The health bar jump up and down a lot, and sometime just one or 2 shots me. Do you guys get similar situation? I use BoM instead of mark of divinity. Belt is using tinker.

Please help. Thanks.

Hmm anyone knows the devotions for this build after kraken? I have no idea because i’ve never had lighting builds.

This is a super fun build. Thanks! I thought switching from Primal Strike to Savagery would be iffy since I wasn’t really 100% sure where the pack-slaying would come in. Holy shit was I wrong. Once the procs get going things die by looking at them, even in Ultimate now. And the single target dps is just insanely better.

Only drawback is that there are so many procs that when a few dozen enemies get on the screen my GTX 1070 and i5 2500k actually get bogged down to around 30 fps… wow.

It’s now about your pc, it’s the game engine. Turn shadows off and turn lighting to low. That pretty much fixed it for me. Doesn’t look as good, but smoothness is more important.

I actually changed from primal strike to savagery, and i’m doing less damage :stuck_out_tongue: maybe its because my gear gives +6 or 7 to primal strike. My sheet dps went up a bit yeah, but my actual damage seems to be lower or about the same. That will probably change when i get my ultos stuff equipped.

Thanks for the tip. Figured I’d have to do that - sounds like a good place to start.

And I switched to Savagery right after trading for some Ultos pieces, including going from the lvl 70 legion lightning sword to the Stormcaller, so that might have something to do with things dying faster. :slight_smile:

Was Savagery nerfed in the recent patches? I followed this guide almost to a T but I got killed by Darius Cronely and my HP drops dangerously low even versus Hero enemies!

What gives?

I just realised that Savagery MUST be assigned to the left click…damn I’m so noob.

I was playing around with Devotions and figured that instead of going for Hungering Void (which does seem pretty deadly with the +crit and +speed), you could get Tsunami and SotH instead of DG and Falcon. The other changes would be Scholar’s Light and Hammer instead of Hawk, and no Crossroads points.

It ends up looking like this: http://grimcalc.com/build/FSN3sh6

But would this be worth it for Tsunami and SotH? Basically giving up a good bit of OA, health, and the DG proc for a ton of + Lightning and SotH. You also trade the Falcon proc for Tsunami, which seems like a good trade off. One big problem is that you lose the lifesteal from Revenant. My guy has a Lifegiver Signet with 6% lifesteal, but I’m not sure how that might impact gear choices overall. I don’t really have terribly good rings atm, so Lifegiver works for me.

Changes (Dying God --> SotH):
Procs: Hung Void + Falcon --> SotH + Tsunami
OA: 115 + 6% --> 40 + 5%
DA: 0 --> 8
Health: 5% --> 0%
Crit Dmg: 8% --> 10%
Lightning: 0% --> 219%
Electrocute: 0% --> 40%
Physical: 39% --> 30%
Elemental: 0% --> 6 + 24%
Vitality: 180% --> 0%
Chaos: 180% --> 0%
Aether: 0% --> 180%
Fire: 0% --> 15%
Bleed: 24% --> 0%
Int. Trauma: 0% --> 60%
Physique: 0 --> 10
Cunning: 15 --> 0
Spirit: 25 --> 10
Ele Resist: 0% --> 8%

Edited to add Aether dmg, which would affect Arcane Bomb at least.

I went for more defensive devotions instead as this build received quite a few nerfs. I took Empty Throne, Behemoth, Viper, Wayward Soul, Widow, Kraken, Raging Tempest, Jackal and Rhowan’s Crown. (Along with that 1 node in Revenant)

The BiS rings would still be the Judicator Signets. Lifegiver Signet is good too so you don’t have to take that 1 node in Revenant but you will need a godly Gollus ring to make up for the loss of resists and stats.