[] 2H Elementalist - 8sec Shazrul, Solo Ultimate Mogdrogen 15min. etc

[i] This is a relatively unimaginative ultos savagery build… *yawn. Nothing too groundbreaking, just a project to optimize what i believe is the strongest class combo for an ultos build. MISSPELL TITLE CAN’T EDIT T_T

While 92k paper dps isn’t particularly high for a 2h savagery build, it does not tell the whole story, as there is >100% resist reduction from thermite mines,elemental storm+arcane bomb+viper. 2750 OA on paper is also not impressive however, with flashbang -250DA, our effective OA is 3k+, along with +112% crit dmg due to hungering void. for some really big crits, my biggest hit is 220k so far i think from oleron.

Defense is extremely strong from 12.2k hp, ~2.1k DA, blastshield, flashbang, physical resist and lifesteal.

The best part of all the above is that it is not dependent on any shortlived procs, all of the involved procs are up ~100% of the time, with CDR from ultos, hungering void is on a ~23s CD with 20sec uptime. except BoM proc. Add in BoM proc and OA is nearly 3.2k

Probably the main things that differ in this guide compared to most other ultos builds is:

  1. the use of oleron’s blood in weapon for 20% enemy dmg debuff a 260% weapon dmg to apply a new source of stormtouched’s electrocute. and a 85% chance to proc arcane bomb due to its CD.

  2. Not getting Spear of heavens, which initially seems a no brainer for lightning builds. However, Rhowans , SotH, dying god, tempest, are all good devotions for this build, but we have to choose among them. SoTH is extremely strong and giving it up was the best thing that i did that fixed all my problems. While SoTH is godly, it requires 4 useless points in sailors guide and it doenst add electrocute dmg. Electrocute is also a pretty big source of dmg due to stormtouched and tempest gives alot of electrocute dmg. by saving the 4 wasted points, we can get rhowans,tempest, and hungering void all together, along with a point in revenent for much needed lifesteal - due to very high dmg, 3% is all we need.

The result is a fairly well balanced build with very high dmg output rivaling the fastest blademasters (i think). while having many more defensive options, as evident in our ability to show mogdrogen who the real lightning god is ^^

Finally special thanks to the tall handsome individual who donated me a +savagery badge of mastery.


[v1.0.0.4]Video: 15min Solo Ultimate Avatar of Mogdrogen no consumables

[v1.0.0.4]Video: 8sec sharzul kill

[v1.0.0.4]Video: BoC run

[v1.0.0.4]Video: 11sec Madqueen

Grim calc with +skill: +3 shaman, +1 demo and a few minors. This is ideal with +5 savagery BoM, if don’t have, savagery will be at 21/12.

LMB: Savagery (devotion ability falconswoop)
RMB: flashbang (devotion ability elmental storm)
midmouse - healing potion
mousewheel up: thermite mines
mousewheel down: oleron’s might (devotion ability arcane bomb
keyboard 1 - wendigo totem
keyboard 2 - optional BWC
upheaval - devotion ability reckless tempest

bascially throw a couple thermites in the pack ahead, walk in, drop flashbang, and LMB/oleron’s might. 3% lifesteal will keep you topped off against lifestealable enemies so you don’t randomly proc blastshield. DPS is enough to just zerg stuff down before blastshield even ends most of the time.

Shar’zul Tips: He’s a joke, he usually dies like at the end of the 1st blastshield, dont even need BWC, just zerg.

Madqueen Tips: her projectile retaliation aura is getting triggered by some aoe, i think the 5pc ultos proc/tempest. so she’s very randomly bursty. you can equip mark of divinity and zerg her down. or try your luck without. i killed her in 11sec without MoD and unbinded falconswoop. With MoD which is much safer, i killed her in 14s.

Mogdrogen Tips: Setup is a bit altered, see setup in thisvid
Basically use classic targeting get in the corner so adds don’t zerg you as much, and lock onto him spamming oleron’s might to reduce his damage on CD. Flashbang immediately when adds spawn, keep dropping healing totem/thermite mines intermittently as they get killed randomly. Ambient lifesteal from ultos weapon proc/falconswoop/feral hunger should keep you alive. monitor mark of divinity cooldown, be quick with pots when its on CD. He has a ton of lightnining resist, so fight will be long. After all killing a lightning god with lightning isn’t a walk in the park :rolleyes:
stack 70%+ stun resist and +130% lightning resist on top of 91%, cap pierce resist incase of the ranged adds - i think they do at least part pierce.

Head: Ultos’ Hood sancified bone or leatherhide + 15 psn resist augment
Shoulders: Ultos’ Spaulderssilk swatch+ + 15 psn resist augment
Chest: Ultos’ Cuiress Kilrithian’s Shattered soul + 15 psn resist augment
hand: Justice Handguards unholy inscription + + 15 psn resist augment
Leg: Empowered Legplates of Valor scaled hide + 15 psn resist augment
Relic: Eye of the Storm - ideally with +1 Stormtouched
Weapon #1Ultos Stormseeker Oleron’s blood + potent creed’s cunning
Weapon #2Ultos Stormseeker w/ Riftstone for mobility on farming easy stuff if desired
Ring #1: Closed fist of vengeance corpse dust + kymon’s chaos resist/lightning dmg augment
Ring #2: Open hand of mercy corpse dust + kymon’s chaos resist/lightning dmg augment
Neck: Ulto’s gem dreadskull or attuned lodestone+ kymon’s chaos resist/lightning dmg augment
Belt: Ulzuin’s Torment antivenom salve + 15 psn resist augment
Boots: Stormtitan greaves molten skin + + 15 psn resist augment
Medal: Badge of Mastery attuned lodestone or dreadskull
Alternate Medal: Mark of Divinity attuned lodestone or dreadskull

Notes: Missing a small amount of resist, if u need to farm BoC optional to use a blacktallow for more chaos resist. swap a gear enchant for either 15 fire or 15 psn resist depend on your need.

Ideally with a +3-5 savagery Badge of mastery, however since this is hard to get, other options include +Bruteforce Badge or any useful skill. If you do not have a decent badge at all, just use Mark of divinity.

Leveling guide:
General leveling progresison: 1-50 in veteran or normal, 50-66 in elite or stay there til 70 if necessary.

Lvl with lightning focused primal strike (it will be hybrid phys/lightning initially but as your get more lightning devos, it will lean more toward lightning so you’ll want to try to get a lightnign conversion 2h if possible). After finishing shaman tree with Stormcallers pact, primal strike+torrent+heart of the wild. go to demo and max flame touched, around lvl 11 in vindictive flame. then rush to blastshield. getting flashbang/searing light + thermite mines last.

Initially find high dmg 2hander, both range+melee. go melee when u can tank, if cant, go range. silverbolts is a good ranged weap at lvl 50.

Start with falconswoop/hawk, then eel and kraken on the devotion, u can get it really early, shit is beyond broken and makes leveling a joke.

wildcallers axe/alvarics rebuke or even stonefist rebuke are decent weapons. otherwise try to get one with IAS/lightning conversion.

After 66 or before u enter ultimate, switch to savagery, it will be stronger at this point now that you got enough points.

Just another ulto’s build, nothing to see here.
We get it, ultos op, moving along.

Tier1 Ultos build ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ

Where’s your’s Dragon Slave?


Chest: Ultos’ Cuiress Kilrithian’s Shattered soul + 15 psn resist augment

Kilrian’s Shattered Soul. And cuirass.

Again Jajaja many thanks.

I have start a warder and i will redo one to make an elementalist i think :slight_smile:

You must have for general post to list all your builds which are amazing !!

Hey jajaja, was wondering how you spent your attributes? I checked the grimcalc link it showed them as unspent. Thank you for the guide and the hard work!

are you offering to be it ? ^^

stat = all physique

my build list can be found in my signature

Nice one, smartass. I’ll pass. :smiley:

Looks great, congrats.
How far this can outperform the savagery conjurer?

Why do you think it will?

More DPS and AOE procs i guess, defense is probably similar.
Not sure so that’s why i’m asking.

Well crap as happy as I was with mine this build blows it out of the water. Time to roll up another some of your normal hits with this one are bigger than the crits with mine :frowning:

Problem I have with these builds is that I will die of old age before I get the whole ultos set :frowning: otherwise, peachy.

It does take luck or a lot of farming runs to build up a supply of legendary items. Some of us have been playing for a looong time though so we have items stored on top of other items.

Jajaja has some other builds that are very easy to put together. Loads of people will help in multiplayer games with crafting the items, the ones that can be, if you dont have the recipes.

Also, didn’t you previously profess undying love for occultist’s resistance lowering mechanics since the damage from those outweighs everything else? Demolitionist? What gives :slight_smile: ?

Definitely not the giant -lightning debuff from thermite mines on top of all the other incredible support things offered by demolitionist :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for getting back to me so quick!

I love your builds and already tried a lot of them since they work well and provide lots of fun. But there is something i would love to see in your guides.

Can you post your grimcalcs without +points from your items? Also it would be very nice to see how you spent your attribute points :smiley:

Having the gear is nice, but it is no way a requirement here. Ele is pretty strong outright both offensively and defensively. A ton to offer us for defense and some nice offensive boosts as well

First of all, thank you for the awesome guide that help me a lot. Your guide gave me many ideas to fix my character. After that I killed Mogdrogen in 10min. It was awesome.

Secondly, I think I am the lucky guy that I found this pants.

The pants give me an option to change the devotion setup. My character currently have 83% stun reduction and almost every resistance above 50%, 12% life steal, ~2450 OA (around 2600 OA ~22% critical chance after buffed). ~96k dps at 9 stacks. Moreover, the Maul skill from Dire Bear give a tons of damage to clean trash. However, I am working on the last devotion point.

Finally, sorry for my bad English. If anyone need this pants, I can share it :D.

Nice pants!

BTW, your GrimCalc link doesn’t work…