Do you even world of warcraft? This is a build inspired by discussions in Most’s callidor tempest guide.
This is a shotgun burst style build based on 3 shotgun effects on short cooldowns including: non-transmuted phantasmal blades + falconswoop + silverspread.
It uses warpfire to convert cold damage on PB nether edge + flashfreeze to fire dmg, to take advantage of the massive -130% fire resist debuff flashfreeze gives just at lvl 17. It also uses albrechts dualities to convert chaos dmg on nether edge to aether.
Basically pop flashfreeze then shoot a round of pb/falconswoop into them for massive burst of dmg during the -130% fire resist debuff duration. on weaker trash, flash freeze itself will 1 shot entire screens. the fire wave proc on wyrmbone handguards further combos with the above.
This my initial effort to make cooldown PB work. the ability looks very strong on paper due to high amounts of flat damage, as well as a high %weapon dmg and being an excellent proccer of falconswoop ; however, due to having so many damage types it is very hard to build efficiently. This build seeks to make PB become exclusively fire/aether dmg which are the dmg types and -resists that we are stacking. In addition we almost max both IEE + reckless power to get alot of flat dmg to boost the %weapon dmg on PB,falconswoop and silverspread. This is easily done with the large +IEE bonues on iskandras set.
Sounds abit convoluted? watch the BoC video of the build in action instead.
Defense comes from well, iskandra’s defense. the full set gives alot of physical resist/armor while the 5pc bonus is absolutely amazing, giving autoproc 50% dmg absorb for 5secs every 16sec. This why you may see hp bar drop below half often but not really dying. combined with mirror,bladebarrier+maiven. this offers plenty of survivability.
[SIZE=“3”][v1.0.0.4]Video: BoC run +nemesis. I was a retard and forgot to use nullification on sharzul, think he should do less dmg if i did.
[v1.0.0.4]Video: fabius ~30sec, fought him with low bleed resist too lazy to switch. wouldn’t drop low as often if i capped it
[v1.0.0.4]Video: MadQueen - due to her shotgun retaliation aura, this is one of the harder fights for this build. still prefectly capable of killing her but requires some kiting.
Grim calc + devotions:
With +5 arcanist +4 reckless power +6 IEE +2 overload +2 inner focus +2 mirror +2 maiven +2 arcane will +2 elemental balance.
LMB: beronath’s fury
RMB: Shadow strike (devotion ability - arcane bomb)
mousewheel up: silverspread (devotion ability manticore)
mousewheel down: Phantasmal blades (devotion ability falconswop)
middle mouse - pneumatic burst
keyboard 1 - Flash “freeze”
keyboard 2 - Devastation
keyboard 3 - nullification
keyboard 4 - Mirror
keyboard 5 - Blade barrier
Flash freeze + burst with PB + falconswoop + silverspread. aim ur mouse behind the enemy so the projectiles don’t stop right infront you (bug?)
You dont have to OFF immediately you can line up the mobs a bit or let them bunch before bursting with OFF+PB. (do this by spamming mouse wheel up+down to quickly cast both on CD)
Whatever isn’t dead afterwards close in with shadowstrike and melee - aggrivix will finish them off.
use Devastation against heros/huge packs.
Don’t be afraid to just open a fight with mirror in the middle of the pack. you still have 5pc iskandra proc + bladebarrier if shit turns sour.
Remember to refresh shadowstrike every 4s to keep up arcane bomb debuff.
Remember to turn on iskandra helm buff for some free stuff.
Shar’zul Tips: use nullification. facetankable. devastation is very good against him. he should die during the 2nd devastation.
Fabius tips: zerg, try not to devastation on his bladebarrier. he can be facetanked. he dies a bit slower due to fire resist and being skinny.
Mad queen tips: Due to her shotgun retaliation aura, this fight requires kiting due to our many multi-projectile attacks. use mark of divinity, jump in, do a couple rotations with devastation on then pop mirror , do another rotation then kite until mirror is back. pay attention to her red aura, which is a projectile shotgun retaliation which is near instant kill due our attack being multiple projectile shotgun effects that gets reflected back. u can purge her aura with nullification to speed it up a bit. Mirror and devastation CD are pretty much the same, so u can use both at once while u facetank then fight from range when mirror is not up.
Resist enchants can vary a bit depending on rolls on gear. Shard of beronath is just something to LMB with, not at all essential, im actually considering giving it up for imbued silver for bleed/chaos resist so i can switch a psn resist augment and swap an antivenom salve for scaled hide. either way is reasonble.
Head:Iskandra’s Hood sancified bone or +15 psn resist augment
Shoulders: Iskandra’s pauldrons silk swatch + 15psn resist augment
Chest: Iskandra’s Vestments scaled hide or chains of oleron + 15 psn resist augment
hand: Wyrmbone Handguards unholy inscription, +15 psn resist augment
Leg: Wraithborne legwraps antivenom salve + 7chaos/7vit resist augment
Relic: Aggrivix’s malice
Weapon #1Warpfire shard of beronath or imbued silver + creeds cunning or outcast aether dmg/hp augment
Weapon #2Iskandra’s Texts silvercore bolts + creeds cunning or outcast aether dmg/hp augment
Ring #1: Albrecht’s duality corpse dust + devils xing aether/chaos dmg+resist augment
Ring #2: Albrecht’s duality corpse dust + devils xing aether/chaos dmg+resist augment
Neck: Iskandra’s focusing prism corpse dust + kymon’s will
Belt: Phantom thread girdle antivenom salve + 15psn resist augment
Boots: Golemborn Greavesmark of mogdrogen + 15psn resist augment
Medal: Mark of Anathema +corpse dust
Alternate Medal: Mark of Divinity craftable, +corpse dust
Leveling guide:
Recommend starting out with arcanist. go PRM/Devastation until lvl 58. split a bit between physique/spirit. use ectoplasms for mana.
if you have an obsidian juggernaught, u can level with it at 58 as well. otherwise ok to stick with prm/devastation until 75. it will be slower later on without proper gear though. since we don’t have either shaman or soldier, lvling isn’t as easy but very doable.
In closing:
As this build requires some management of multiple cooldowns and procs it is not a super newbie friendly build. As many people, myself included think pure casters are underpowered without gimmicky stuff like Time dilation. This was my effort to make a traditional caster based on multiple non-op mechanics put together to make a relatively well rounded build that is viable to clear all of ultimate and kill the commonly farmed bosses.
This build was made for more veteran players looking for something different to play. it will not kill bosses as fast a blademaster variants nor sleeptank thru BoC like witchblade/warders. But the shatter combo mechanic can be quite satsifying to use against legions of trash.
Due to the hard aggrivix/devastation nerf, no single mechanic in this build is enough to be the sole focus but put together they round out the offense well OFF destroying trash and shotgun effects/devastation +single target resist debuff from warpfire vs boss.
Also in remembrance of Vurtne and Noone, who were gods of their time.