[] Sorcerer 2H ranged, Aether dmg - Unmatched clearing speed

2H ranged aether sorcerer

When I started playing this game everything looked so complicated in producing ulti viable build, use this skill for that, reduce this with that, convert that to this, etc. To improve my knowledge I lurked this forums for long and there was bunch of guys who were writing, explaining, arguing about stuff, I learned much from them.

This build is dedicated specially to two of them ETK and Jajaja, among others, they were and still are real gurus of this game. If you are still stalking this forums you have my regards, you are missed. Knowledge used to produce this build is not mine is theirs.

What gives this build ultimate clearing speed?

There is only few really marvelous weapons in this game one of them is Vortex of souls. Things that are making it marvelous are its capability to with every shot pierce through enemies (its deleted from its description but it still works 100% of time) and its a pure aether dmg rifle with no armor piercing and no conversion of any kind.

When you use it with Fire strike as your auto atc replacer it works like this:
You hits one target proc explosive strike and brimstone, your shot pierce through it, hits another target proc explosive strike and brimstone, pierce through it, hits another target, etc. you get the idea, 3 targets 3 procs from explosive strike and brimstone, 5 targets 5 procs from explosive strike and brimstone. Imagine it in BOC or Crucible pretty crazy :rolleyes:

Pictures of the build:

Constant auras without Maivens sphere:

If you want to be extra tanky and able to facetank Fabius and Mos for example, put on Maivens sphere:

Grim calc with +skills and devotions: http://grimcalc.com/build/1007-zWBLur

Grim calc w/o +skill: http://grimcalc.com/build/1007-yHj3a4

Devotion bindings: FS = acid spray, Flashbangs = arcane bomb

Why so defensive devotions?

Personally Im not to much of a fan of defensive setups and ˝playing safe˝ but wast majority of this forum is. Beside that most of the builds are judged by crucible and not main game performances and as you all know crucible favors tankines and defensive abilities.

Concept of the build

Aside from piercing through everything and everyone, there is some more interesting stuff about this build. Our main dmg type is aether, we got bunch of it from Vortex of souls and reckless power, but we want to have more, much more :smiley:

Question is: How?

Answer is: By using two Albrechts duality rings we transfer all chaos dmg from fire strike to aether and by using arcane shard of agrivix we transfer fear chunk of fire dmg from fire strike to aether ofc.

To have an idea how efficient this conversion is, here is tool tip breakdown from fire strike:

Attribute points

Since both masteries aren’t so big physique vise, my advice is to put as much as you can in physique.
To equip Vortex you need 403 cunning so some points in cunning are also required, I putted 5 but you can go with less.

This build attribute point distribution is: 85/5 physique/cunning


You know the drill, try to cap all resistances and get some HP this build really needs it. Other than that flat aether/chaos/fire dmg, +%to aether, OA/DA, etc.
I picked Iskandra 3pcs mainly for HP on chests, flat aether dmg on hood and uber resistance bonuses, specially 20% phys from 3pcs bonus.

Here it goes:

  1. Iskandra chests, hood, pauldrons - components: scaled hide, sanctified bone, chains of oleron - augments: 2x 7% vitality/chaos, 1x 7% pierce/10 poison and acid

  2. Vortex of souls - haunted steel - 25% chance of 15% rr, 15% chaos res

  3. Wraithbourne legwraps - scaled hide - 7% V/C

  4. Light defender gauntlets - consecrated wrappings - 7% V/C

  5. Phantom thread girdle - antivenom salve - 7% V/C

  6. Stonehide exalted threads of kings - mark of mogdrogen - 7% A/C

  7. Arcane shard of agrivix - dread scull - 30% aether/chaos dmg 12% A/C resistance Higher conversion one you get higher your aether dmg will be.

  8. 2x Albrechts duality rings - 2x corpse dust - 2x 20% to all dmg 2% OA/DA Make sure that they together have at least 100% conversion chaos to aether

  9. Mark of divinity - arcane spark

  10. Agrivix malice

In closing

Damage conversion indeed is a powerful tool in making builds. Its really shame that this game doesnt have more weapons like Varpfire, and more items like AD rings and arcane shard of agrivix. Also it would be nice to have some weapons that aren’t daggers and scepters and have other base dmg beside phys like Vortex of souls.

Since Grim calc after each patch sems to have troubles working here are the pictures of skill tree:

Have fun :wink:

Peace out!

Another cool concept. I just started levelling a sorc, and I’ve always liked Vortex, so I may give this a go!

Thx, glad you like it :slight_smile:

Can u update your gear, augment …

Working on it right now.

No Shadowflame Mantle?

Updated all planed content.

I wanted that +20% phys resistance bonus for extra tankines. DPS vise SF mantle is much better.

Yes that physical resistance is neat.

If I had to make such a character, I would probably go for Shadowflame Mantle and Blood Sigil of Ch’Thon. This medal is crazy.

Yep fire and brimstone ftw :smiley:

With offensive setup using that medal, mantle and few other things I even pushed DPS close to 45k (w/o medal proc), but you are so low on hp than that one hit puts you down.

I’ve had three Vortex of Souls drop, so I guess the game is telling me I should try this build! I’ve certainly leveled enough Sorcerers at this point.

Thinking about doing something like this but with my Druid and the Ultos set (since I have all 5 pieces), any thoughts on how I might accomplish that? As a rough first draft, I’m thinking this: http://grimcalc.com/build/1006-A7J6nx More lightning damage than aether, but it has some extra bleed damage and a ton of +crit. Plus as I understand it, Vortex still has the 100% pierce chance so that with PS seems pretty amazing for clearing.

Totally like it. One of the few Sorcerer don`t use Warpfire and Aldanar’s vanity.

Haha, I feel you, notice the name of this char, its 3rd sorcerer in line, first was Jov, than JovI and than this one.

Yes it does and yes it is :slight_smile:

In short about your proposed build: drop grasping vines, drop raging tempest, and invest those points elsewhere, ie IEE line, Storm totem, MP line. Take elemental storm or manticore from devotion to compensate, or equip black star. You dont need Huntress, also you are relying on ADCTH from wendigo and sacrificing 6 devo points to get it, its not worth it on range build imo. Also you will probably have low OA so that huge crit multi will not worth much if you dont have high OA to support it. Think about taking first nodes from dying god and take hawk.
Also check this build jajaja made long ago, its not druid but it uses primal strike+Vortex of souls.

Just my 2 cents, hope you dont mind :wink:

Thx :wink:

P.S.Most 2H ranged sorcerers are using helbourne+ulzuin, tho lately Im seeing only casters and its shame cuz there is so many ways to build up sorcerer without using CT or PRM and devastation as a must :frowning:

Read my PM please. I’ll delete this post once you reply. Thanks!

Did and replayed :wink:

It used to be the case that multiple hits from a single shot only triggered multiple Explosive Strikes, not multiple Brimstones. When did that change?

In any case I think we have a new winner for best application of 100% pass-thru.

Could you tell me your modifier and flat for aether damage? Besides that you and i have different setups. But i suppose it’s because i tend to underestimate physical resistance.

Also, what’s the highest conversion a single Duality ring can achieve?

Good build, fun to play and very efficient ! :slight_smile:

just a question though, at which skills are acid spray and arcane bomb attached ?

I bound acid spray to fire strike and arcane bomb to flashbang so far, seems fine so far

Idk, cuz I never tried it earlier.
here is how it works now (I needed few attempts to capture all the procs in same time :))