[] Warlock Twins


General info:
Warlock Twins are two Aether-Chaos casters buids with same double convertion mechanics uses similar equipment, but different main skill.

  1. Panetti

    Main skill Panetti Replicating Missile

Calc: http://grimcalc.com/build/1bGWoBV
Calc (+skills): http://grimcalc.com/build/Cpm8PAb

Orb Convertion:
PRM elemental damage to chaos , gain aether-chaos PRM;
Devastation fire dmg to chaos, gain aether-chaos Devastation;
Flame Torrent (Fiend) and Elrich Fire (Solael’s Witchblade) fire to chaos.

Clairvoyant set + Albrecht’s duality ring convertion:
Up to 100% chaos to aether, gain aether Doombolt;
Agrivix’s Malice, Flame Torrent (Fiend) and Elrich Fire (Solael’s Witchblade) chaos to aether.

Head -Clairvoyant’s Hat+Leathery Hide +Kingsguard Powder
Shoulder -Clairvoyant’s Mantle +Silk Swatch +Mankind’s Vigil
Torso -
Clairvoyant’s-Robe +Silk Swatch +Bladeward Powder
Hands -Aethereach (alternativeDoomtouch) +Spellwoven Threads + Kingsguard-Powder
Legs -
Wraithborne Legwraps (alternative*Empowered Hermit’s Legguards) + Silk Swatch +Bladeward Powder
Feet -Wraithwalkers + Mark of Mogdrogen +Kingsguard Powder
Waist -Sash of the Bloodlord+Antivenom Salve+Kingsguard Powder
Main Hand -
Clairvoyant’s Wand +Aether Soul+Outcast’s Wrath (alternative*Outcast’s Riftstorm)
Off-hand -Blood Orb of Ch’thon +Resilient Plating+Outcast’s Wrath (alternativeOutcast’s Riftstorm)
Ring 1 -Albrecht’s Duality +Corpse Dust +Survivor’s Ingenuity
Ring 2 -
Screams of the Aether (alternative for your choise) +Corpse Dust+Slith Venom
Necklace -
Essence of the Grim Dawn +Focusing Prism +Survivor’s Ingenuity
Medal -Empowered Arcanum Sigil (alternativeMark of Anathema) + Arcane Spark
Relic -*Agrivix’s Malice

Some gameplay video Panetti vs. Loghorrean: https://www.twitch.tv/denismashutikov/v/96494321

  1. Albrecht

    Main skill: Albrecht Aether Ray

Calc: http://grimcalc.com/build/fMO9a8s
Calc (+skills): http://grimcalc.com/build/FOqPjrK

Orb Convertion:
AAR fire dmg to chaos, gain aether-chaos AAR.
Other conversion equal.

Head -Clairvoyant’s Hat+Leathery Hide+Kingsguard Powder
Shoulder -
Clairvoyant’s Mantle+Silk Swatch+Bladeward Powder
Torso -Clairvoyant’s-Robe+Silk Swatch+Kingsguard Powder
Hands -
Aethereach+Spellwoven Threads+Kingsguard Powder
Legs -Wraithborne Legwraps+ Silk Swatch+ Kingsguard Powder
Feet -
Wraithwalkers+Mark of Mogdrogen+Mankind’s Vigil*
Waist -Sash of the Bloodlord+Antivenom Salve+Kingsguard Powder
Main Hand -
Clairvoyant’s Wand+Aether Soul*+Outcast’s Wrath(alternative*Outcast’s Riftstorm)
Off-hand -Blood Orb of Ch’thon+Resilient Plating*+Outcast’s Riftstorm(alternativeOutcast’s Wrath)
Ring 1 -Albrecht’s Duality+Corpse Dust+Survivor’s Ingenuity
Ring 2 -
Screams of the Aether(alternative for you choise) +Corpse Dust+Slith Venom
Necklace -Essence of the Grim Dawn+Focusing Prism+Survivor’s Ingenuity
Medal -
Mark of Anathema+Arcane Spark
Relic -*Agrivix’s Malice

Gameplay, BossRush (never facetank Rashalga :D):

There are interesting experimental builds that complete main quest.
It’s good base for further experiment. Probably you can make it more survivability without lose efficient and main idea of dmg conversion.

Origian RU thread: http://grimdawn.ru/forum/index.php?/topic/927-warlock-twins/

what about life steal/life leech? is this build potion adict?

There is no life steal/life leech.
Blood of dreeg uses for heal. Health Potion uses only in critical situations. Albrecht collect 5 stack of health potions to date.
Clairvoyance (set skill) uses for energy regen. Energy Potions uses if Clairvoyance not enough (with AAR usually).

About Paneti one, you should take out points from supercharged, you are not gaining anything from it, its plain trash skill, even first position in PRM line (Paneti replicating missiles) is questionable, you are not gaining much from it.
Think about upping devastation. Also try to up your OA/DA its to low imo.
Just my two cents.

You are mistaken. Supercharged gives elemental damage that aplies before conversion and chance to stun which prevent enemies reach you.

+67% elemental damage is totally negligible and +~5% stun chance won’t help you much, since it don’t work on bosses and PRM evaporates normal mobs anyway. Overleveling Devastation would give you big increase in single target dps, especially on bosses bigger than human size. Also I don’t see a point of overleveling Possession on non-weapon damage build, why not move excess points to Blood of Dreeg for OA boost?

I think what he’s saying is that since that bonus applies before conversion, it is effectively multiplicative with +% chaos damage. So it’s not negligible at all.

It totally should not be multiplicative, unless there are some eldritch forces/bugs at work. Just another +% in a pot. Or am I missing something?

i agree that it shouldn’t work that way, bonuses always apply after conversion as far as i understand. So raising Devastation should defintively be more rewarding than a maxed Supercharged

as for Possession, the key stat is % dmg absorption, which is the main defensive stat for a Warlock and can’t be neglected imo.

thanks for sharing anyway, i’m planning an Aether/Chaos Warlock myself (though i’m a little at loss with all these potential conversions :rolleyes:) and very interested about your Panetti’s :wink:

Можно я по русски отвечу? :smiley:

Let me remind you how to conversion work:
Skills -> Skill Modifiers -> Skill Conversion -> Equipment Conversion -> Equipment Modifiers and Skill Passives/Auras

Modifier bonus applies to base skill damage before conversion.
If the supercharged did not give a bonus, its using would not affect the final damage.
Supercharged: 0 vs. 17 poinrs

Exactly. Also Chaos dmg & resist

Besides i have 2 & 3 unspend skillpoints respectively, because can’t decide.

thank you for the explanation, it seems that there’s always something new to learn about conversion :smiley: that said wouldn’t you get more damage from a maxed Doombolt or Devastation ?

also you put only one point in Mental Alacrity, while cast speed seems to be a key stat for a Panetti’s build ?

May be, If i’ll cast it more often.

I have 200% cast speed already. Skill energy cost for PRM not so important than for AAR. Therefore only 1 point enough.

my question about attributes point? How many points which attribute?

All in physique (grimcalc confirms)

ah thnx i am new in game sorry :smiley: