Devotion binding: Flame torrent - Black Water Cocktail, Eldritch Fire - Curse of Frailty, Meteor Shower - Thermite Mines, Giants Blood - Possession
Like i said early this build can shred enemy resistances very good. When everything proc you can reach -150% fire resist(Thermite mine, Warpfire proc, Eldritch Flame, Curse of Frailty) -25 flat resits reduction(Black Water Cocktail) and 20% reduced elemental resist(Viper constellation Note:We can apply this debuff only through Fire strike and Chaos Strike)
You can change rings for Goluses with the same Prefix & Suffix(which i dont have) this will give you more HP and HP regeneration
Also a nice Incendiary Shoulderplates will be better than Maiden`s Mantle because they have more armor
Character stats
With constant auras and Blood of Dreeg
In closing
This is my first build and guide I hope you like it. Honestly there a lot room for improvements so if you dont agree with my choices feel free to change this as you want.
Good Luck and Have Fun!
we have kinda %90 similar setup,
-but i dont use golemborn or iron maiden mantle, i dont think build needs golemborn , decent roll rare with hp + stun resist might be better, since occultist has easy access to phys res.
i generally hate doing 1 type of dmg in arpgs so i went a bit more fire burn + chaos centric than your build
not a huge fan of avatar of mercy + mark of divinity but they are just way too good in cruciblei did 1 crucible run with my bwc girl since i hate crucible
your DA is kinda low but i am fine with those numbers just wanted to say before some1else comes here and talks like a genius ‘DUDE you cant farm ultimate under 2k da’ etc… i guess this is only part i would try to get more if i were you, 2.1k is so sweet spot if you candont know worth tweaking tho
you can throw 1-2 survivers augment for %oa da in rings if you swap them i gues to get more oa and da number* just an idea*
and dont use haunted steel on weapons it has no effect on you, this is crucial…
BWC reduces enemy OA by 275 at lvl 22 and is up 100% of the time, with this his DA is more than enough before even factoring crucible buffs imo. The skill is awesome, does everything
well i know how bwc works have 1 similar, but keep in mind that even you spam bwc like maniac it doesnt cover whole area but still i am fine with 1900ish DA’s on casters… as long as you play well and outplay enemy i dont mind it.
i just wrote it cause some guys on forum has strict rules about da + hp numbers like ‘10k hp 2k da is MUST’ tho i hate those kind of useless comments. wrote it cautiously, but still his only thing he can improve on this char is his da numbertho i wouldnt care less
Nice build, I have sorcerer like that, thinking to post a guide about it
Decided to go sorcerer over pyro cuz better Energy regen and nice crit multy from elemental balance that perfectly fits this kind of build.
Do you have energy problems when spamming BWC? Even with sorc and having healing rain I had to put ectoplasm in ring for energy regen. Disregard energy question just saw that you are using transmuted BWC
Things that I could recommend to you are max agonizing flame having more flat rr cant hurt, same goes for COF (Vulnerability). Imo you dont need to over invest in blast shield, defensively better option would be to up searing light to lvl 7.
Also equipment vise if you can rework resistances to equip IK shoulders would be good Call for Inferno full IK set bonus is broken.
Edit: Smart thing to put haunted steel in weapon to be able to ADCTH from flame torrent Since your BWC is on transmuter Idk how ADCTH works with it, maybe would be better to put FT to CoF
I went pyro as well while energy problems are an issue. The thing i do is make BWC patches on the floor and kite over them waiting for energy regen. Isn’t the best thing but hey it’s kinda funny thing to do imo
I had planned a sorc but then thought, meh. I’d rather see fire skill like BWC on a pyromancer :p. You know cause of the class combo name and stuff.
Another guide from you? It’d be funny when you post all these builds at once and make Dik work a little
Thanks mate:)I really like your builds so i definitely want to see your sorc. And about FT on CoF I dont really think about it maybe Ill try it. And about 4 pieces proc on IK I dont know… it feels kinda unnecessary because as BWC build we already can clear entire screen in 4-5 seconds
Спасибо:) Я указал, что у меня нет этих колец, а так-то с ними билд определённо будет лучше
This will only affect killing speed of big guys such as Moosi and big crowds of mobs. Guys like Fabius usually dont trigger all mines and you will get better results if you bind Meteor Shower to something else.
On my commando I put one point in Fire Strike and Explosive Strike which applies energy leech and viper debuff aoe. Solved all my energy problems (I have 30 regen/s as well).
One proc per mine is completely nuts. One proc at a time is still very powerful with BWC builds. My commando would still beat gladiator without meteor mines.