[] BWC Sorcerer - Fire walk with me!

it has no oa

kill it with fire

:open_mouth: Seams that Im not the only OA whore around here :smiley:

Now we’re talkin. But we have to go higher

:smiley: Like this:

I’m so tempted on picking Devastation, maybe just for the heck for it. Plus i have some extra skill points i can use for it.

You can but imho it will not make much difference since it does not help in single target dmg much and you have plenty of AOE.

I don’t have the IK belt so I plan on using Ulzuin’s Torment which gives me +1 Demo skills, so I’ll have some extra skill points to spread around. Where do you think they would be best used? I was thinking about throwing them in OFF for the extra CC and -fire resists.

It would be better to put them in termite mines imho, but you can go with OFF if you like it.

After reaching 75 and equipping the entire IK set, yeah Devastation is pretty much pointless. Plus i can use those points to put in Mirror and Nullification.

Talking about IK set, this build gets even funnier with that set. I’m having a blast.

Than Im sure you will love other sorcerer build Im making atm, play stile is similar less AOE but more single target dmg than BWC setup :wink:

Thx again :slight_smile:

Oh great to hear JoV - you are the man - if it is a OP build PMing the details would be enough :slight_smile: :wink:

Ill make a guide just for them to have something to nerf in :smiley:

P.S. I could post it even now, but it would probably prolong upcoming patch and would add some more nerfs :smiley:

I’m new to this game and was interested in following your guide. I’m wondering what stats I need to be looking for at lower on the gear levels as I’m leveling.
As for the weapon I guess a dagger that has fire damage increase.

Thanks for a great guide and build, best part is giving different devotion setups and providing your reasoning for your choices in all aspects. This helps me learn a lot about the game and eventually making my own build without a guide.

My guy is at lvl 62 and is going really strong now. I was wondering if I could leave Demolitionist mastery at 40 and spend the remaining 11 points elsewhere?

As a newbie player I cannot tell if those 10 points in mastery and 1 point in Hellfire would make a huge difference. I was thinking putting those points in either Arcane Will or MSP or Reckless Power. As I am playing in HC the extra protection from MSP or Blast Shield would be nice when i start fighting nemesis bosses.

Also, why does everyone talk about Iron Maiden but not the other nemesis for the Order of Vigil? Does Iron Maiden drop something really good?

Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.

PS. i wont be running with the full IK set until I farm it with this guy (or trade for it).

Thx :slight_smile:

You dont have to go all the way in demo mastery, this guy was leveled long ago so it has both mastery’s maxed.

Iron maiden is harder nemesis for casters/ranged builds.

So does the reason for Warpfire is for the minus to fire resistance? Have you looked at Herald of Blazing In weapon?

Does reduction of fire resistance increase damage for burn damage?
Also, is there a damage calculator mod to help with selecting the best weapon?

-20% rr +1 to all skills = huge

I’m pretty new to GD, is this build still decent after the nerfs?

Pretty much the same. They reduced the lingering time of the OA debuff and the RR from Agonizing Flames, but it doesn’t mean much when you are constantly spamming it.

Only the reduced RR in Thermite Mines actually affected the clear speed on this build, but only against Nemeses because that’s where you mostly use them. Maybe the nerf to Blast Shield affected the build too, but didn’t noticed that much difference in survivability.

My Sorcerer lost around 30 OA (not much) but gained around 100 DA. Now his DA is sitting at around 2400, making him uncrittable.

I agree that this build is good on I feel like they balanced things well. I am playing on HC and this build is great at the end even without the full gear as OP. (having to farm those boots and legs will take forever)