[] BWC Sorcerer - Fire walk with me!

Thx :wink:

About WB gloves, one setup uses them I explained in guide.

About pierce resistance I made a mistake when listing augments, its not Mogdrogens touch (7% vitality, 10% P&A) but Kingsguard powder (7% pierce, 10% P&A) its fixed now. Also my HoJ have 36% pierce,ā€¦
For chaos I have 22% roll on shoulders MoD and Helm are with +4% chaos smith bonus.

Sry for confusion :frowning:

Jov, you need to stop with these awesome builds - i cannot catch up leveling new chars :slight_smile:

If you have to compare your Harbinger Chaos Pyro, this build and the Chaos AAR Warlock using Black flame - how would you rate them in terms of:

  1. Most fun to play -
  2. Most powerful -
  3. Most Tanky -
  4. Grucible viable?

Any chance to see the video of this build in action plz?

JoV I like how you presented the gear with 4 options of different levels of ā€˜affordabilityā€™ - useful for newer players like me.

One that doesnā€™t seem to be working is the Armour slot, instead of 4 armours it gives 2 heads 1 belt and 1 feet, I guess somethingā€™s gone wrong in the edit there?

I didnā€™t check all the others btw, but head is ok - it shows 4 different head slot items.

Ok I will stop :smiley:

Red text :wink:

From me unfortunately no, PC issues, but if someone else is willing to make and post some it would be nice.

Sorry Im not sure about what are you talking about?

Iā€™m really surprised you consider a BWC build to be faster than straight up attacking builds. Not saying itā€™s not, Iā€™ve never used BWC for anything other than res reduction. Is it simply because of Meteor+Mine abuse, or can BWC alone do the heavy lifting?

I donā€™t consider I measured :smiley: (killed the dummy with it for 55 secs)

BWC alone. Build I compared doesnā€™t use meteor mines combo. Burn dmg on BWC+procs with all rr available is just insane.
If you didnt tried it I urge you to do so, I was stunned :wink:

I will definitely try it out when I get back into GD. Iā€™m assuming Ulzuin hat works just as fine, there is nothing special about the full set skill, right?

Also, is there no way to fit in Devastation?

Full set proc is amazing its 100% of time up burning 5 targets around you (8m radius) for immense dmg with 0.5 secs ticks. Also you would lose 2 energy per sec regen, +1 to skills, +3 to bwc and termite mines, some crit dmg and if you take out -15% fire rr IK helm procs is more than 3x stronger. But it can work with ulzuin just fine.

I tried with devastation, but you just dont need it.

Nah, I get why the full set is good, I just donā€™t have the recipe yet.

That sucks, I miss LD helm recipe and really want to try SJ LD elementalist :undecided:

SJ Elementalist is easily my favorite character in

Im guessing that it works just as amazing as IK BWC cuz that set looks fantastic.

the set is great tho I donā€™t care for the active skill it grants. For a caster set it gives sick amount of armor and decent amount of health (Flat and %)

Basically thatā€™s all you need, every damn piece is giving +% to armor on top of innate high armor values, coupled with more energy regen than IK, gloves as set part (much better than belt as set part),ā€¦:rolleyes:

Hey JoV:) Does the OA reduction from the amulet-skill stack with the OA reduction from BWC or is this just BIS because of the added ao and +crit stats?

Bis because +1 to all skills, OA, and crit dmg :wink:

I just noticed that Warpfire has Aether damage - I was expecting a fire-dmg weapon. Does it not matter in GD?

BWC doesnā€™t have weapon dmg component in it so it doesnā€™t matter at all.

Only if your skill has a decent amount of %weapon damage. Warpfire has %fire Damage and %burn damage and it has a proc that lowers fire resists. So it is still a damn good weapon for Fire Caster.