[] BWC Sorcerer - Fire walk with me!

my reply still remains the same dont stop yourself from enjoying something now because you are afraid it will be nerfed in the future. As everything in this game has been nerfed and buffed at some point and will be again in the future.

Just hit 50 with this build and was looking through my items for a weapon to use until 65 and settled on deviltongue. Wandering through elite with everything burning and that gun auto-proccing once a second on the burning dot crits is insane. I’m assuming it won’t scale with level to be viable in ultimate, but is definitely a fun way to level.

You are missing 3 valuable procs, warpfire, IK helm, and IK set. Also direct fire dmg from BWC is not something that should be disregarded.

But I dint tried it with CT + transmuted BWC, you can if you are interested and compare with performance of spamming BWC. Dummy kill time is 55 secs so you can use it as a reference.
Also you would suffer from severe lack of skill points if you max BWC and CT in same time.

Exactly the point! :wink:

It will be viable tho it will under perform compared to warpfire setup.

Ofc if nerf hammer dont hit to hard :smiley:

JoV interesting build - now I’ve got another to add to my growing list of future builds. I’ve got a quick question on skill points. A few of the skills seem to be off on 1 of the 2 Grim Calcs that you posted:

Vind Flame 11 on both +skills and on no +skills
Mirror 12 on +skills, 4 on no +skills
Maiven’s 12 on +skills, 6 on no +skills
Conversion 6 on +skills, 4 on no +skills
Reckless Power 12 on +skills, 6 on no +skills

From your gear you should have +5 Demo and +3 Arcanist with no individual +skills to any of these items. What should the correct skill point allocations be for each of these skills?

Thx and sry for the issue, grim calc w/o skills was wrong, its fixed now I hope, tho Im not 100% sure cuz I was changing few things :smiley:

Basically you should aim values of + skills grimcalc, use conversion to cap stun, MA to adjust energy consuption and if you have spare points to cap c speed if its not caped. You can even overcap RP if you find it suitable,…

Don’t quite understand the “conversion to cap stun” and what is the cap on cast speed?


Conversion is a skill connected to maivens sphere in arcanist mastery, aside from other things it provides stun resistance thus invest in it to raise and possibly cap stun resistance.

200% like for atc speed.

Probably a noob question but: why do you put all points in physique? Isn’t BWC dealing fire damage? Wouldn’t that get boosted by putting points in spirit?

Because, a bit crazily, that’s the way the game works. Nearly every build just needs all points into Physique. Some might require some Cunning or Spirit, but it really depends more on the items you’ll use than anything else.

That’s because damage bonuses are addictive and a massive amount of increased damage comes from gear and devotions, but DA and Health bonuses are more limited.
Putting points in Spirit will indeed increase damage, but not by that much. Putting the same points in Physique will proportionally give a lot more DA and health than it would increase damage.

Essentially, even for caster builds, Spirit is a really bad stat since it only increases energy and damage.

Pretty much what other guys said :wink:

So how is the new Demo nerfs gonna affect this build? Kinda new so not sure how big a deal the new changes are…

It will affect largely, about precise magnitude we should w8 for patch to go live.

Ah well, I’ll continue along as it is, made it to 50 now and just finished normal/veteran :slight_smile:

It’s mostly the rr effects on mines and BWC, or am i missing something ? i was pretty sure that it would be looked into by the devs since it’s quite abysmal to be honest (and i was even more sure when i saw that thread - damn you JoV ! :D). now i exclusively do end game runs with my Pyro waiting for :stuck_out_tongue:

CD on BS also, Fumble from searing light some OA, but it got some slight buffs also, so I cant be sure how much exactly is nerfed. Still imho it went better for this build than for BMs or S&Bs or VoS sorcerer (they nerfed Vortex % atc speed pretty hard).

Sry if I spoiled your fun, got some messages about that issue also so I will probably stop posting builds from now on, or post only mediocre ones, and try to restrain my self from commenting. Like one message said: ˝Dont do their job, they are paid to do it and still they don’t do it and just w8 for someone to reveal it to them.˝ :smiley:

Since we’ve added GrimCalc interaction with the EquipmentPlaner I’ve prepared two new links (which is just opening the equipment, and pasting the grimcalc url).
For comments/questions, check out this post.

With +skills: Click here to view equipment configuration
Without: Click here to view equipment configuration

I have decided to try this build out because i had no idea for a Sorcerer build.

I assume either Wraithborne Legwarps or Legwarps of Tranquil Mind are good options for pants if you don’t have a great MI. I’m already seeing problems with Pierce resist and Bleed resist.

Only purpose of boots/pants is to cap resistance LoTM or WL would be much better choice than those pants Im wearing if you can cap resistances using them.

I’m going to mess around with augments and devotions to cap resistances. Build looks fun btw.