[] Dreeg's Champion

Oh there it is, I didn’t see that point in there. Appreciate it :smiley:

Very strong build. That Shar’zul kill is priceless:cool:

Started leveling a new char on Veteran chasing this build (as just yesterday got the dagger and assembled the Dreeg set).

Would you be able to help with the below:

  1. Is leveling with this supposed to be that boring - its just hit and run, with the 4 sec CD on DEE and popping tonics?
    Tried to dual wiled the poison daggers you get from the slith cave but the dmg you do that way is just pathetic.

for the record - i have a poison tank WB based on Guts build - can farm Gladiator Crucible stable. Seeing how it plays early levels it is exactly the same minus the great suvivability of the Soldier tree + shield.

What does the build gain from NB, apart from the Night chill -% resist?
Just wondering since you dont have Merciless repertoire which should give a good dmg boost.

  1. Currently lvl 25, killed the warden (farmed 10 Devotions in crucible from lvl 1, so currently have 18 devotions) - what is the fastest and most fun way to level this? Can you advice on skills etc?

" its just hit and run, with the 4 sec CD on DEE and popping tonics?"

well you got the “Dreegs infinite gaze” skill, from the component “Mark of Dreeg”, as well

You can always drop the Focused Gaze and spam DEE. At least thats how I am leveling with this build(level 27 now) :slight_smile:

Levelling with poison is the fastest, get lots of sources

Minimum you should have these sources — Poison bomb, Dreegs Gaze, Trans DEE, item procs like from slithtongue,rover scepter etc, Nidalla shadow strike and rush to vile eruption devotion

What’s the rationale for going transmuted DEE considering you can stack a ton of cast speed and vitality resistance reduction of this char?

Also, try putting another devotion point into Abom, it’s a lot health and OA for a single point.

I actually need to update as I switched to Merciless Rep now as I wasn’t aware it gives flat poison now :stuck_out_tongue: I originally dropped it when I changed build to dual wield just to get high level SS though that had less of an effect that an I thought. SS/NJE dot, veil of shadow (important for squishy), heal+dodge are all pretty nice on top of the -poison res which is very strong.

Fastest way to level if like deka said just stack a bunch of poison sources though personally I use spammable DEE for leveling. If you want to make it more fun than use fevered rage :slight_smile:

Honestly the reduced phys damage and not having to hold LMB down are the main selling points. I have gone back and forth on the transmuter many times on my hunter and warlock even with 22/12 eruption the kill times are very very similar. Been awhile since I tested, but I always found the times to be within like 1 sec of each other or so a few patches ago

This build was recommended to me to level a new character to farm with. I lost all my backup saves so i’m starting fresh again. Am i to put DEE as my LMB attack? I have tried it on RMB as well as on the keyboard but sometimes it won’t work when i try to use it. It’s not on cooldown when this happens and ive been killed a couple times because of this.

My other problem is i’m not sure if i’m leveling it the right way. I am in the crucible right now to get some fast devotion points before i start the campain. This is my build so far.


There is a similar build in the compendium which uses the top section of the Nightblade tree, all the skills that go up to 8 points. What would be the advantages/disadvantages of going that direction, the rest of the build is almost exactly the same.

Advantage would be slightly higher damage most likely, not sure what thread you’re talking about it. Disadvantage would be if they are putting 5+ points in those skills as well as maxing evil eye then they are using some items to give bonuses to them which is going to make them a lot squishier

Having fun leveling this build. In the 30s right now, no problem’s so far. Everything just explodes instantly; looking forward to getting Tainted Eruption.

Anyways, a question - any specific advice on augments and components, or pretty standard fill in the resistance gaps? Death’s Vigil or Kymon specific augments this build uses? Thanks again for the build!

Once you get tainted it’s gg :stuck_out_tongue: Mark of dreeg+eruption and maybe a curse cast before will trivialize all mobs

Ideally you want to get revered with both of them on different difficulties and making your choice on ultimate based on which nemesis you want to farm more for their shoulders. Pretty standard fill in the gaps stuff. I didn’t list any, because the shit I have is really hard to get even for hardcore GDers like myself. Most people will need to drop a single dreeg piece to get everything capped

The only thing I think I’d always use are chains of oleron on chest and leathery hide, chains can be skipped but hide is so important. Build has low hp and stun reduction is no where to be found and you can drop like a fly if you get stunned

Wow that’s a bad ass Build, I have Dreegs set, I will try it thank you!

Like this build very much. Only problem right now is the one-shot physical damage. How do you survive a hard hit? My resistance is almost capped

Nice build using Dreeg’s set.

This build made me want to try WH again

Just got my WH to 75 and equiped all the stuff.

update: played with items a bit - managed to max all resists except 75% bleed, and 60% Aether since i opted for Vitriolic on my weapon instead of Salt - Dmg just skyrocketed even more - stuff dies before i hit it even…

Question: would you consider if you put the points from SS and Blood burst into maxing Circle of Slaughter - that will give you 50% Fumble.

I haven’t played this build too much since enemy OA changes, but honestly I didn’t have a problem you just have too much healing and dodge. I think only problem would be crits from big bads on this patch in which case you could use alternative setup I mention where you just dump a ton of points into wasting mod on bloody pox

That is definitely an option, personally I wouldn’t consider it.

Shouldn’t 1 point go into blade barrier? Not only for the super helpful panic button, but also because you can draw mobs to your poison chunks and just stand there in the mess?

Hi. I am new here, and tried out this build as my first character. I am now level 40 using the nuke DEE and Infinite Gaze. I have also tried removing Focused Gaze for fast cast but felt it’s too energy consuming and have to spam spirit pots every 5-7 seconds. Was wondering if is there anymore efficient way to farm beside this 2 methods?