[] Beginner-Friendly 2H Lightning Elementalist: "The Storm Bolter"

My first toon on the game and got Ultos 2h axe from my co op friend.
I’m 85 now with nearly capped all the resists and ultimate is piece of cake.
Only diffeence i made was maxing feral hunger for more surv.
I have cleared gladiator crucible with my friend till 120. Aspirant and challenger is soloable easily with this build.
I want to push gladiator, what can i change to do that? My burst is really nice, i want to keep that but want to get some more defence, some life steal maybe?

So… I registered just for this 1 post.
I recreated your build, it was fun and a good learning experience!
Until Ultimate. It still works on Ultimate… but it has one major catastrophic flaw.
: >
It’s melee.
I have to rely on life leech… which restricts movement a lot, and I can only deal decent damage in close combat, where in Ultimate… I die a lot.

And therefore 75 is my last level for this build, it’s ridiculous how little XP I can gather. In fact, most of the XP that got me to 75 was from quests. Ultimate is where this build stops being fun, it’s too slow, I’m just running around like a fool, not being able to use the build’s strengths anymore.

I guess for a player who’s been grindin’ for ages, and they have excellent gear, it’s not the case. But I have a really hard time even getting some decent resists, no way I could ever cap. And if this game is in any way similar to PoE… I guess capping your resists is crucial. I’m getting one-shot or two-shot by insignificant mobs… But while in PoE I can craft or buy gear, and capping resists is very doable, in fact… quite easy, in GD finding good gear… no way. I’ve been using the same big stick for ages, and zero chances of finding anything good. I mean… I don’t intend on spending hundreds of hours farming GD.

I think any challenging ARPG should be played as ranged as possible anyway. I never play melee in PoE for example. It’s suicidal.

So… I haven’t played a lot of GD, mostly your build, and it’s great to see a build that’s easy to follow. Thx!

just farm crusade after 85 for a good 2h and it will be fine after mate

Just wanted to stop in and say that I’ve been playing with this build through Normal in my first attempt to get decent at this game and it’s been really fun. (I’m going melee, though, because I like swinging big 2H beating sticks.) Thanks for sharing this! It helped me overcome the paralysis that used to set in every time I looked at the skill trees.

Falcon’s Claw must be pretty neat for very early game?

I have to say I am loving the game with this build.
Started playing 3 weeks ago and this is a blast. Still on Normal\Vet at Lvl51 doing a tourist walk-through.

Big Boss mobs are still a pain with single target DPS but the rest are fun while energy lasts. Energy Regen at 13 which I need to work on but never find the gear for. Exceptionally fun build.

Thanks !!


Just hit 55 and started Elite.
Changed all skills to go Savage and started out.

WOW ! What I thought was great became fantastic.

This is an absolute blast !! Thanks again.:smiley:

Absolutely. I had it drop in Act 1 Veteran (not sure how rare this is, since I’m new to the game) and didn’t have anything top it in DPS until I started Act 4.

Hey Mournslayer,

I just had a question in the 31-50 leveling bracket.

At last, we start working our way into Demolitionist. Our first goal here is to get Blast Shield maxed out ASAP since it goes a long way into keeping us alive. However, be sure to keep working on Primal Strike and Wendigo Totem while working your way up the Demolitionist mastery since we’ll want it at a full 16.

I’m just a bit confused because i looked at the level 50 Calc and Wendigo totem was only 4/16 and there was 1 point in Blood Pact but you dont mention putting one in. Then later on in the 55-70 bracket you mention finishing off Wendigo again.

Nothing too groundbreaking here. Finish maxing Heart Of The Wild followed by Wendigo Totem to keep us alive.

Would appreciate it if you could clear it up.

What in Riftstone is it that makes it so good? Do we want the chaos dmg despite being lightning? (Still new to the game, sorry …)

Is a Riftstone much more preferable than, say, Amber?

Riftstone component provides Chaos Strike skill that has abilty to “blink” (melee), usefull for mobility and sometimes for triggering Celestial procs :slight_smile:

Hey so I’ve been following this build word for word and it’s been working great up until now. I’m currently level 30 and our level 30 builds look a bit different (I don’t have enough to put a point into Stormcallers Pact and I didn’t put a point into the demo mastery yet) Did I do something wrong? Did I miss a quest or something?

Been a while since I’ve been on the forums in any serious capacity, finally getting around to some replies here. And thank you folks for the kind words :slight_smile:

Thanks for bringing this up guys. I threw the leveling calcs together in a hurry and probably forgot to mention some of the finer details in them. I also should probably port them to grimtools instead since grimcalc has been deprecated IIRC. There are a few quests that give skill points (see grimchecklist for full list) and you might have missed one, but don’t freak out if your ingame char looks a little different than the leveling builds here. Again, I put the calcs together in a hurry and might have done something a little wrong - they’re just guidelines!

On wendigo totem and blood pact: 4 or 5 points in wendigo totem and 1 in blood pact is a huge amount of sustain and a pretty key early priority. Put 1 in pact the moment you unlock it. Again, probably just a mistake on my part at failing to mention it.

This exactly. Chaos strike gives us mobility, which is crucial!!! Amber does give more lightning conversion, which is nice (even if its granted ability is pretty terrible) but I prefer a “blink strike” effect for closing distances quickly.

I’d disagree. If you’re getting permarekt in Ultimate, you probably need to get your resists and DA up to snuff first. We do have some builtin life leech and, as mentioned above, chaos strike for some mobility. It’s true that this is somewhat squishy for a melee build (and that 2H is well behind sword-n-board for survivability across the board) but you should still be able to clear ult with this build if you’ve built up your resits properly :slight_smile:

Maxed feral hunger seems like a good change to me! Happy to hear that this is working well for you in cruc as well. I’d honestly be a bit surprised if this could solo glad, however…that is the realm of storm totem and shield builds mostly :undecided: I’d say focus heavily on survivability effects (mark of divinity and suchlike) and cap your stun res if you want to stand a chance there. I’d probably avoid relying TOO heavily on ADCtH but it’s great to have of course - just not the ONLY thing you should use to keep yourself alive.

First time player here, i’m having a blast with this build, thanks for the guide but i have a bit of trouble understanding the updated devotion tree. The old one has a guide for it but the recently updated one doesn’t, anyone that can help me choose what to get and then buyback and possibly in which order? For a first time player the devotion tree it’s a bit too much :V

Thank you for the help ^w^ Another question I had for endgame, is that should I choose to stay ranged, should I spec out of Brute Force, Feral Hunger, and Upheaval? If so, where else should I put those points?

Hey - a beginner here.

I play the game for the first time and I found this really helpful build. (Thanks you!)
I still have a question:
After changing to Savagery @Lvl ~58 I felt a huge drop in aoe kill speed. The mines seem to work very slow and not as reliable as the build before. (I bound the right skills)
Do I miss smth?

Also I played melee the whole time and tryed to switch to ranged but it feels like playing early D3 again in terms of running and kiting.
Compared to Primal Strike it feels slow and inefficant. (A3 Elite btw.)

Thanks for any kind of answer. :wink:

If you absolutely want to stay ranged, then yes those skills won’t help you at all. Put em in Tenacity of the Boar or Oak Skin IMO.

Tempest mines took a nerf in - all the mines now share a single cooldown for devotion skills, rather than each mine having an individual CD timer. I mentioned this in the latest original post update, and the Grimcalc build is updated to reflect this (I unfortunately haven’t yet had time to update the text of the guide itself however). Switching to Savagery will definitely hurt your AOE, but the progression in this guide is designed so that you only make this switch once you have other sources of AoE so you don’t get overwhelmed.

Regarding ranged-vs-melee, it’s a playstyle choice. I like kiting and ranged is a little safer than melee, plus elementalist moves sooooo slowwwww earlygame compared to nightblade or soldier, so the ranged weapon helps out a bit with that. Melee PS definitely packs a lot more of a punch however.

You could try switching back to PS if you feel you still need the AoE power. However, savagery is a MUCH better choice for bosses :slight_smile:

Hey - Thx for the answer.

Does that mean the Devotion Build is correct in the Grimcalc build? (Because its a lot different than before…)

Skill whise it seems not that a big of a change?

I did a mistake and joined Death’s Vigil by mistake…is it so bad? hahaha!

am I crazy or is the grimtools linked in the first post different than this storm bolter build?