[]Sorcerer-Want to play ARR that pierce trough? or What to do with all those skill points?

Yes they become green if you get green (rare) affix on them.

Ok thx, i finally learn this after thousand hours :slight_smile:
I’m not used to random craft.

Get used to do it a loot if you want boots like that :wink:

Don’t tell me you spend time and money on a blacksmith?


No problems I just thought it was done on purpose :slight_smile:
Forget that English isn’t a lot of peoples 1st language on here.

I spend all my scrap on crafting boots and gloves at blacksmiths.

More than you could imagine :wink:

Why gloves? I mean I cant find any affix combo on gloves that is much better then legendary gloves are to make it worth crafting.

I mostly craft daggers now since I have more than enough boots crafted :smiley:

You’re insane. Consider playing non-SF :eek:

Jesus Christ

I do the same but i do it not cause of gear but because i am addicted to gambling away resources (Fuck you Gheed :rolleyes:)

As much as it is hard and pita in some cases if I would change it, it would soon kill the game for me.

not true since im a newb still :eek:

I cant seem to cap my resistances with your setup… so i said screw it, i used 2x inco of attack and ended up with 3.3k OA with all resists overcapped… i dont know how you managed to reach 50k DPS though… stuck with mediocre 43k…:rolleyes:

anyway great build as always

Casting speed is your friend :wink:

But guess if you stick on using 2 x incorruptible signet you cant get much more than that :stuck_out_tongue:

^now im sitting at 51k dps with almost same as your stats… if not better:rolleyes:

run into fabius and moneybags… and they cant kill me even though i dont know how to use the build and my healing rain was lvl1.

Pretty solid and damage may not be top tier as of now due to low lvl devo skills but this is quite fun in itself. I am surprised, I think i might roll an aar build because of this. thanks again JoV

So it wasn’t that hard after all :wink:

Any time :slight_smile:

Is the flat damage provided by passives and components applied to active caster skills?
For example IEE and arcane lens.

Flat dmg is added to weapon dmg, so only spells that have weapon dmg component in them can benefit from flat dmg. This build doesn’t have any such skill.

Thx for confiming this, it’s a shame :(.

One more question, i can’t remember the way damage absorption work, for example here maiven sphere and blast shield.
Is it applied before or after armor and resistances?

For resists stats with casting speed. Are times I can’t max resists on builds and there are very few cast speed gloves

Check here http://www.grimdawn.com/guide/gameplay/combat.php

I got it, now i wonder if prismatic rage can help more the tankiness than leathery hide or sanctified.
I don’t know if a 130 flat damage absorption can really make a difference here.

Very interesting