[] 2h range Bleeding Cadence Witchblade Solo Gladiator viable

Hello everyone,

Before I start, please excuse my poor English.
I don’t think I’m the first person who tried this build but I couldn’t find any 2h bleeding range crucible build in this forum. So, I wanted to share my 2h range bleeding Witchblade build!

This is not the fastest, safest, or easiest gladiator farming build! However, if you like to have an INTENSE crucible experience, I would highly recommend this build. It’s like controlling a Starcraft 2 Marine!!

I got inspired by Safarel’s (his youtube username) bleeding Gutripper Cadence Witchblade the link
I’ve never been a big fan of Crucible because Crucible takes a lot of time and efforts… (I didn’t even have the Gladiator achievement). However, I wanted to give a shot with this build.

Gladiator 108 - 150 (No banner): https://youtu.be/dtFmx9bNUH0
I tried to record a Crucible gladiator gameplay from 100 to 150. However, I had to cut the first five minutes of the video because it was lagging hard.
I didn’t have any banner for this run because I just didn’t have any token :(… It took about 40+ minutes (yes, it’s really slow Q.Q). and I had one of the worst nemesis combos(Fabius + Valdaran + Benn’Jhar) during this run. I got really luck with this run haha…

Since this is pretty tanky build for a 2h-range, my character doesn’t have any problem handling one nemesis at a time. However, that combo was really DEADLY because they had 1 high melee dmg (Fabius) and 2 CCs (Valdarun’s Teleport Swap and Benn’Jhar’s trap)

This was my 6th Crucible runs:

  1. Failed (lvl 135) - My devotion skills were really low (like lvl 3 ~5)
  2. Success - Moonsilauke, Benn’Jhar, and Valdaran
  3. Success - Moonsilauke, Benn’Jhar, and Fabius
  4. Success - Fabius, Iron Maiden, and Benn’Jhar
  5. Failed (lvl 147) got trapped by monsters
  6. Almost failed (like 5 times!) - Fabius, Valdaran, and Benn’Jhar

Crucible tips

  1. Save your warcry until each wave of mobs come close to you. Warcry is the only damage reduction skill for this build. Also, it only lasts about 5 seconds but it has 7.5 seconds CD (2.5 seconds of an opening for them o.O).
  2. Don’t stand still! Keep moving! Even though I overcapped all my resistances (+30%) except chaos, mobs can take me down pretty easily. Footpads of the Grey Magi helps A LOT because of the 100% entrapment duration reduction!
  3. Use bloodthirster at the right time (usually at the beginning of each wave).

I can’t take them down really quickly but they are fairly easy for me. But a combination of 2~3 nemesis is a complete different story.
Deadly combinations:
Valdaran + (Iron maiden or Fabius) + (Moonsilauke or Benn’Jhar)
Valdaran + Iron Maiden + Fabius
Valdaran’s teleport swap can mess me up really hard.

The rest combinations are pretty easy.

Character Stats (Oleron’s rage, Field command, Blood of dreeg, Solael’s Witchfire, and Vengeance of Cairn were on)

Current Gears
Head: Warborn Visor + Leathery Hide+ 7% AR&CR
Chest: Warborn Chestguard + Sanctified Bone + 7% AR&CR
Shoulders: Warborn Pauldrons + Mutated Scales + 7% AR&CR
Pants: Empowered Legplates of Valor + Scaled Hide + 7% AR&CR
Belt: Reforged Chains of Oleron + Antivenom Salve + 7% AR&CR
Gloves: Voidsteel Gauntlets + Unholy Inscription + 7% AR&CR
Boots: Footpads of the Grey Magi + Mark of Mogdrogen + 7% AR&CR // %100 Entrapment duration reduction is CRUCIAL!
Weapon: Gutripper + Haunted Steel + Potent Oleron’s Fervor // “+400 all damage” for the lucky bleeding damage
Amulet: Avenger of Cairn + Focusing Prism + Survivor’s Ingenuity
Ring1: Ring of the Black MAtriarch + Frozen Heart+ Mogdrogen’s Sanctity // to max cadence
Ring2: Aggressive Cronley’s Signet of Readiness + Soul Shard+ Survivor’s Ingenuity // There are so many better options for the 2nd ring!
Medal: Mark of Divinity + Black Tallow
Relic: Oleron’s Wrath // Bleeding proc + All Soldier skills + OA :slight_smile:

Also, I have a grimtools link with my gears, skills, and devotion
Grimtools: http://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZR9yxVD
Grimcalc without bonus: http://grimcalc.com/build/1009-hErUHi
Grimcalc with bonus: http://grimcalc.com/build/1009-fxUkXQ


  • Active Skills:
    Cadence (Acid Spray): Main damage source
    War Cry (Falcon Swoop): Damage reduction
    Blood of Dreeg: heal, +OA, and resistances
    Curse of Frailty (Rend): -RR and slow
    Sigil of Consumption (Howl of Mogdrogen): for the Devotion skill.
    Bloodthirster: Massive ADCTH (Crucial survival tool)

  • Passive Skills:
    Oleron’s Rage (Wayward Soul): OA, Movement speed
    Field Command: OA/DA, Armor, Damage, Attack speed
    Solael’s Witchfire: Attack speed

Potential Questions:
Q1. Why did you pick Witchblade over Warder?
A: I thought Witchblade has a nice heal and bleeding RR skill (Curse of Frailty). Also, CoF has physical RR as well so it helps with the bleeding immune mobs.

Q2. Bloodrager set has a lot more flat bleeding damage and it has an awesome buff (Bloodrager’s Frenzy). Why did you choose Warborn over Bloodrager?
A: There are 2 reasons.
1. My main damage source (or only damage source) is Cadence and Warborn set supports Cadence, Fighting Form, and Deadly momentum beautifully.
2. I don’t think I can survive Crucible with a Bloodrager set. This build doesn’t have any damage absorption and it relies heavily on Blood of Dreeg, Warcry, and Bloodthirster to survive. I would use Bloodrager’s for the vanilla content but not for the Gladiator.

Q3. Why did you max Occultist skill bar (50)?
A: This is my old guinea pig testing character. I didn’t have time to make a new Witchblade to test this build. In fact, I’m planning to make a new Witchblade in the future :). I would have higher non-bleeding damage if I could spend that 18 skills points on deadly momentum and other skills. This will definitely improve my clear time.

Q4: Is this a reliable Crucible farming build?
A: Again, this is not very reliable crucible farming build. There are much better (faster, easier, and safer) crucible farming builds on the forum. This is just one of the many builds which can solo Gladiator :smiley:

In closing:
This build has a lot of room for improvement but I had A LOT of fun with it. Now, I understand why people like to play Crucible. It’s really challenging but fun haha. Also, I would love to hear your thoughts!
Thanks for reading this post!

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Nice build! :slight_smile:

Regarding Shaman not having heal, Grasping Vines modifier steals a tremendous amount of health. Around 50/mob/s without any +%life leech bonus.

Thanks :slight_smile:
That’s really true. I might try it out with my warder then. I have an abandoned lvl 60 something warder haha