[] Rifle Very Offensive Tank commando

What I think is that neither of you two know what you’re doing nor what you’re talking about.

I’m also wondering, since I remember your obstinate defense of crappy shield+pistol builds on the GD subreddit, are you a different person or is one of those accounts just a sock puppet ?

I think when someone posts a really bad build on the boards, they should listen when multiple others point out the glaring flaws instead of deflecting.

And as far as single pistol builds go, their performance is crap because they’re plain bad. It’s not a matter of “playstyle”.

EDIT: And while we’re at it, go take a look at those 2 threads to see what one can achieve with a proper ranged build. http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53362 http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48512

this thread looks something i could follow while eating popcorn…