[] Shadowstrike Spellbreaker: 17s Dummy, 4s Madqueen, Kill Cronley before his Maiven's

The cooldown is 2 seconds, however, there is also the -1 seconds all skill proc on Belgothian’s Carnage.

Shadow strike is my favorite skill in grimdawn. It has been my favorite for over 3 years now. It’s just so satisfying and versatile.

wooow. And you manage to have way more dps than me, 2H with 1.1s cd :cry:
It’s a pity i like so much jumping around every seconds. otherwise, I think i’d already gone DW.

( btw, the proc is 20% on crit, and you have what ? 10% crit chance or something on average ? so I guess even if you strike insanely fast, that won’t bring the CDR too far ?)

Dual wielding is better for dps because Shadow Strike scales from both mainhand and offhand (2H weapons will only be counted as mainhand once). Additionally, the second component slot from using 2 weapons allows for, in this case, Oleron’s Blood, which adds another very notable source of damage to the mix.

As for the critical strike chance, I was getting ~28% on the dummy and ~31% on normal mobs, so it’s a lot higher than the mentioned 10%. Combined with this build having many sources of damage (particularly DoTs), it results in a pretty consistent -1 second skill cooldown every 4.5 seconds, bringing the average effective cooldown of Shadow Strike down to ~1.78 seconds (it also affects Oleron’s Might and ABB but they are not as significant).

Ah, ok. Thanks for the precision (and correcting my mistakes) !

If I may throw another question, that much dps also means that in practice, you do not need to be 100% (so to speak) of the time “insured” by mirror/blade b. at all right ?

(PS: btw, by 10% crit chance on average, I meant on unique, bosses or nemesis)

Yeah, this build does not need that guarantee; in fact, I’ve removed the point investment from blade barrier because it’s so rarely used. While this build may seem like a glass cannon, it may not necessarily be: the defensive stats such as Defensive Ability and various resistances are all within acceptable ranges and Mirror is only ever used under particularly tough situations (the uptime of the mirror then is usually enough for you to dps your way out of such situations).

The crit chance for the tougher mobs should be very similar to the crit chance on dummy (on mad queen the crit was ~29% if I remember correctly).

Feel free to ask anymore questions you might have! I also enjoy the free bump from replying :slight_smile:

Im using the Soulrend for this build and managed about 200k crit damage. Im just not sure if Dual Wielding will be even better!!

But how often ?

I’m also using a soulrend (and not a too bad one), and the thing I like, is, while I still don’t have the BiS gear (aka unobtainable greens (or like this build +5 BoM… i know, it’s not mandatory but… feeww…)), provided I have buffs and very good ping, I can even solo glad because I only have like 1s dead time between perma-mirror/bb when I need (which is very often since my DA/HP < crits I takes !). That, plus jumping with SS every seconds :smiley: Makes my char half glass-canon/half tank :rolleyes:
Also, compared to DW, it free you from investing much in ABB / LA. Handy.

But the sheer sheet dps, although not too shabby is not the same. not the same atk speed, crit chance, (and that’s a pity because soulrend’s proc is so cool (visually I mean)) and so on. I can’t compete on that level. Even with some fine tuning and better gear I would be I think at ~10k dps less (and I’m not sure about the debuffs)

Anyway, not sure I have anything left to ask :smiley:
Thanks for the answer @Elementoid.

Why why why why? please, don’t you understand basics of life OP? why are you posting this…I’ve had so much fun with it and now it’s all going to go to waste…all of those 137 runs for that stupid dread ring which wouldn’t drop even if i paypaled devs 300$ directly

lovely feeling right ?

I kinda think they He already knew…

Finally posting something regarding my build on here gorrik lol… Just need to actually get my post count to 3 first :D:D

Hey, I had tossed around the idea of putting up my version of this build since mid march, but never gathered the motivation to do so. I’ll just post a grimtool link here instead.
This is a 2H variant that also incorporates Scourge relic. My gearing focuses on stacking OA… Bleed resist is pretty terrible, but I rarely been bothered by it. (x2 fabius + maiden or x2 maiden +fabius hurts :smiley: ) But generally the AdctH% is high enough to leech through pretty much anything. You can drop a scaled hide for a Silk swatch to over-cap pierce and get a lil more bleed, or if u have stone-hide prefix for solael-sect for more bleed resist. Then use Outcast augment to cover the lost aether resist. Attached some screens to see stats. OA% increase or %cunning/%spirit/%phys increase are best options for scourge completion bonus.

Certain mutators will cause issues in crucible, but I have cleared extra spawn glad solo with this build. You cant totally facetank everything, but if you play smart the build melts everything super fast. It also has the oh shit options of mirror and blade barrier…

That last screenshot is the highest I’ve ever had a shadowstrike hit. That is 807k. In a 4 player group with crucible buffs/banner/conjour/soldier auras/ and a maxed CoF cast on the mob.

I just noticed at some point i must have taken my one point out of nullification. I normally have 1 invested there.

pfff…just use something like GDStash and generate the missing gear. To get all this gear in this build thread, or other similar threads, it would take insane amount of time. And without all that gear the build is usually just half-broken and not fun at all. Crafting a legit +5 SS badge of mastery? Give me a break…No offense. Week ago I spent over 10 mill gold and god knows how many scraps (over 2000 if not even more) just to try and get boots that I needed. I didn’t get them…Only easy piece of gear to get for this build are the pants and belt. Maybe relic, if you played GD long enough.

I guess what I am trying to say is - no need to nerf this build because of few of us who have the gear for it (got it one way or the other…). Even less if people like Aster spent a million hours trying to get just one piece for it…

pS. Free bump :slight_smile:

This build is super interesting, I’ve been wanting to start up a cold build recently. However, I tend to like Occultist based builds since I really love CoF.

I’m new to the forums, but anyone have thoughts on what the pros/cons of swapping out Arcanist for Occultist here might be?

It seems to me you fundamentally lose out on a lot of cold/frostburn damage and OA/crit from Arcanist buffs. But you’d gain a 2nd heal (with OA) in BoD and another -30 RR from CoF. Plus, CoF is proc machine, which is nice.

Since the real guts of the build come from Nightblade regardless, thoughts?

There is really no competition for cold Shadow Strike builds other than Spellbreakers. While Witch Hunters allow you to gain more OA and have more resistance reduction, the benefits of Arcanist, such as a lot of % and flat cold/frostburn damage, crit damage, and cooldown reduction, outweigh the benefits of Occultist in terms of damage. As for having a second heal from Blood of Dreeg, Arcanist can provide a similar survivability skill through investing in Maiven’s.

However, that doesn’t mean Witch Hunters are bad for all Shadow Strike builds. A while ago, I posted a poison Shadow Strike Witchhunter, which I believe to be vastly superior to a cold Shadow Strike Witchhunter since you can utilize the poison/acid damage gained from being an Occultist. If you like Occultists, then you can consider checking that out :slight_smile:

That’s an excellent explanation, thank you. And I love that poison SS WH build of yours too… I think I’m going to try both!

Hope you will like them!

I’ve recently been testing a similar dual-wield Blademaster that first focused on Cadence as a main attack along with as much PDctCD I could jam into it. However, I later found out that even a mock-up of this Spellbreaker build into a Blademaster (hence, bootleg Coldbreaker) is even more effective.

Here’s my current set-up

I’m working towards upgrading the Nemesis to a Belgothian’s Carnage so I can achieve a slightly more spammable SS as my main attack. I’ve found I can reach up to 3250~ OA with Lethal Assault up, and yet I don’t believe this even rivals the current state of Coldbreaker :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like your opinion on what I can do to tweak my bootleg Coldbreaker build, aside from obviously dropping Blademaster altogether and moving to a Spellbreaker lol

Black Star’s proc is being wasted in this setup (thanks to Elemental Storm). You may want to try and find a medal that does more to benefit the build. You’ll also want to swap Olexra’s Chill for a Crescent Moon. You’ll get another +1 NB, +1 SS, and most importantly - more cold RR.