[] [Sorcerer] Callidor's Firestorm

Most common approaches to CT as mentioned earlier in this thread are your typical Fire->Aether conversion or full Iskandra or a mix of both. I did neither as I wanted to try a different approach to it :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, there’s support for the build’s original intention now (which was Fire/Lightning CT) so I will come back to it eventually but don’t count on it any time soon, I have other ideas that I plan on trying with the new masteries. I also expect someone else to post an updated Aether CT build by then as it by far the most supported damage for it and probably other variants - the expansion added a ton of options for CT.

I used to play a Aether CT Sorcerer but the thread hasn’t been updated in years so I wouldn’t know what devotions to go for nowadays though. Which is always my main concern when playing a char :smiley:

I just started playing your Fire CT Sorcerer but if Aether is just that much stronger I might make the switch. Any idea what devotions I should change ?

Sorry for the late response, didn’t see until now :eek:

As for changes between this build and an Aether one. You’d definitely drop Solael’s Witchblade in favour of Widow and unless you’re using Elemental/Fire to Aether conversion, you’d also choose a different T3 devotion than Meteors. I’de check out a pre-expansion Aether CT build like Chthon’s Aether Tempest Shield Caster for ideas.

Edit: Though, with the new masteries, I’m under the impression that Spellbinder (Necromancer/Arcanist) will do Aether CT better than Sorcerer now and Sorcerer is suited towards Fire or Lightning (and hell, probably Chaos too). That’s not to say you can’t still do Aether Sorcerer though.

On another note, I will update the build’s first post with my first draft - keep in mind that this is not yet tested and just my plan.

After playing through the new AoM content and some past experiences with this build pre-expansion, I have decided to go somewhat more defensive (likely overkill) and will be seeing if dropping down defences in favour of offense is a possibility when I get the gear. I’de like to hear anyone’s impression of playing a Callidor’s build through the new content on Elite/Ultimate and how well they’re able to cope defensively to see what adjustments need to be made.