[] Dual wield Vitality Conjurer (100% Lifesteal)

Dual wield Vitality Conjurer (100% Lifesteal):

Idea: I saw a post looking for a signature Vitality build and I haven’t seen any dual wield Vitality Conjurers on here so I wanted to share mine and make a detailed build guide out of it. Vitality always comes with good lifesteal so I tried to shoot for 100% ADctH while also going for maximum attackspeed. This basically means we heal from 10% to full in ~4 hits or around 1 second.

Read gear choices down below for a “smarter” setup with less damage!

Screenshot with all toggled auras, Blood of Dreeg which is up 24/7 and the Hungering Void Proc which also has a decent uptime (20s duration, 8.6s CD)

Grimtools Link:

Grimcalc without +skills: http://grimcalc.com/build/1009-w2WptN

Changes based on Feedback: As pointed out by thailehuy and JoV in the comments you can exchange the 2 ectoplasm for 2 Soul shards and also take 9 points out of Storm Charged (or take the Witchfire tansmutor or some of the Curse of Frailty main skill) to be able to get Blood Pact for the Wendigo Totem. Do both and you can get it to 12/12 which I would recommend. Further by using 2 soul shards you can equip Chains of Oleron in chest for more OA but less attack speed.
As mentioned by Korsar you can overcap Blood Pact and use deathbound amethyst for the proc.

Skills and Devotions: Nothing much to say here, Vitality actually has decent support through Devotions which makes up for the somewhat lackluster support from items. We are picking up as much as we can, picking the Dying God Tier 3 Devotion for its awesome skill. The active health cost on it is no issue at all since we have a ton of lifesteal. With the spare points we just get some extra resistances from Solemn Watchtower and pick up +9% HP with the Order crossroads and one point into Lion. If you don´t need the Resistances from Solemn Watchtower pick up Hawk with those 3 points for more OA and crit damage.


Savagery --> Wendigos Mark
Curse of Frailty --> Twin Fangs
Devouring Swarm --> Hungering Void

Alternative Devotions: You can pick up Crab by not going for Affliction and finishing Lion. The shield skill is pretty decent and on a low cooldown and Crab helps with exactly the resistances this build needs (pierce, elemental). I wouldn´t suggest it tho, only do it if you REALLY need the extra resists or you prefer a bit more tankiness over damage.

Attributes: Straight forward all into physique and 6 points to spirit to meet gear requirements for the Helmet. You may have to put more into spirit depending on rolls if you want to be safe just go 75/15.

[SIZE=“4”][COLOR=“Red”]!!Gear and Gear choices:!![/COLOR][/SIZE] Now this is a pretty important part. If you have 100% lifesteal no DoT in the world is going to kill you as long as you are able to attack, so the only thing that can actually kill you is a huge burst or a CC chain and here lies the biggest downside/problem of this build. Shaman and Occultist are the only 2 classes who do not have a circuit breaker (soldier, menhirs; demo, blast shield; arcanist, mirror and nightblade, blade barrier) built in their skillset. This is a huge problem against enemies like Valdi, or Moosi who will just chain CC you and kill you. To solve this you can swap Direwolf Crest for a Mark of Divinity and the Necrosis Relic for a Blademasters Talisman to keep the ability to dualwield. Doing this you will miss out on a bunch of OA and around 3k DPS but you get a really decent circuit breaker proc with 100% damage absorption for 3 seconds. Dead people have 0 DPS so you should always carry those items with you to be able to swap them in for boss/nemesis fights. Ideally you want the Mark of Divinity crafted with Angrim’s Pierce resist since you will be loosing a bunch. You can also permanently swap them giving you much better resistances (you can pick a 3rd Survivors Ingenuity Augment that way to compensate for the OA loss and you might even be able to swap one “of natures bounty” to “of kings” making up for the loss of damage. Adding to that you will almost defenitely be able to swap Solemn’s Watchtower for Hawk like stated above again helping with loss of damage and OA. I personally would swap permanently the screenshot above is just to showcase the max. damage potential.

Necrosis Completion Bonus: Necrosis can have a really decent amount of resitances as a completion bonus, try to shoot for either Elemental, Pierce or Aether (in that order). For example, mine has +26% pierce resi. Click HEREand click on Completion Bonus at the bottom to see the full list.

Other smaller choices: If you don’t happen to be a lucky bastard and own a BiS Cronleys Ring you can swap it for a second Lifegiver Signet, less damage more tankiness, same lifesteal. Also Viable is a Signet of the Fallen, damage option without lifesteal but resist reduction.

Eldritch Gaze instead of Clairvoyant’s Hat gives slightly more DPS at the cost of the +1 to all skills utility and the much needed energy regen. Would not recommend (it does look cool af tho).

Gameplay and Misc:

Resistance Reduction: ~ -100% from Curse of Frailty and Devouring Swarm.


  • Open up with curse of Frailty to slow the pack
  • place down Wendigo
  • spread a bit of Bloody Pox
  • Hit the big Mobs with Devouring Swarm
  • Now they should be beginning to attack you
  • Smash everything and enjoy the lifesteal :D.

Thanks to all the people submitting builds and answering questions allowing me to learn how to make my own builds. And thank YOU for the read if you made it this far :smiley:

Reserved for future use.

That sounds pretty fun!

Looks familiar… :stuck_out_tongue:

I would adjust for something like this

Adding Soul Shard and Arcane Spark instead of Ectoplasm will help your energy better. Also I’d like to reach for transmuted storm totem as well as blood pact for more damage

The Helm along with the 2 Ectoplasms covers energy just fine, I wouldn’t want to trade the attack speed from Dread Skulls for Energy Leech. Although Soul Shards are Definitely an option worth considering. Transmuted storm totem sounds good in theory but in order to reach it you would have to take out the points of Storm Touched, which isnt too bad, we just lose a bit more attack speed. I wanted to reach attack speed cap but this is also a viable option. boils down to preference I guess.

Nice, but any particular reason for not investing few more pts in shamans mastery and taking blood pact?

Adding 2 soul shards increase vitality damage as well as allowing you to use Chains of Oleron on chest piece. Stormtouched isn’t really good, you use 10 skill points for a mere 5% AS. You can keep the dreadskull in amulet, that is indeed preference

Hmm, it’s kinda strange to me see a heavy vit. oriented build without a blood pact, you lose a huge chunk of damage without it.

Do you? This is a DW build which scales off attack speed heavily. Wendigo totem doesn’t.

Are you sure that you are completely familiar with mechanic of blood pact or in other words how does it works?

No, because I’ve mistaken it with transmuted Storm Totem.
This build has 1.5k% vit damage and a shitload of flat vit damage from everywhere already. None of the Blood pact parts will contribute meaningfully to warrant removal of 20 points from everywhere.


Plz tell me did build lost anything with this?

No particular reason that was just me going for attack speed cap. Taking the 9 points out of Storm touched to grab Blood Pact is probably worth, I will add it as an option in the guide. Thanks for feedback.

Any time and you dont have to sacrifice any atc speed in order to get blood pact. As example check my link above.

I saw it yeah, added a “Changes based on Feedback” section and updated the grimtools and grimcalc. I sacrificed the attack speed for now because my testing char has super average rolls nothing min maxed at all and sits at 196% so with better axes or gloves I should be able to push the same value or even more.

Small improvement and this build would be even more nice)

Im guessing this is with deathbound proc and 12/12 blood pact? I retested my build with bloodpact and it pushed ~76K dps with 5/12. I could take out the 3 points from the witchfire transmutor and 4 from curse of Frailty and check with 12/12. Personally not a fan of deathbound since all its good for is 50% damage and the proc I’d rather have crit damage OA and +1 to all. The gloves are basically the same with slightly higher flat chaos minus the AOE skill voidsteels provide. If I get good rolls and 12/12 bloodpact the setup without deathbound can probably obtain 80K DPS easy which is more than enough imo.

Either way good job on pushing the limits, any other significant changes to skills/devotions?

With deathbound proc and 15/12 blood pact.
You invested too much in chaos, it’s not needed there, because it’s only like 10% of you total damage.

Not a fan of taking points out of Bloody pox but I will definitely try 12/12 blood pact. As far as devotions I would like to keep Wendigo because it fits the theme but I will include you in the Changes based on feedback section. Thanks for your effort!