[] Hot n Cool Commando - Meteor Whirlpool Annihilator

We already have Cadence discord for 100% Physical to Elemental conversion.

Perhaps Weapon with 50% of physical damage to elemental damage will give us new variations for Elemental builds.
Like Warpfire or Mindwarp concept :slight_smile:

So, how about combination of both yours :
An Empowered Myhtical Relic that gives +1 to all skills And -20%RR And 15% HP And 5% DA And 200% to All Damages :smiley:

(Using AND (&&), no OR (||) as logical operators)

How would you level your commando? Iā€™ve never played one and iā€™m really sick of leveling with blade arc :stuck_out_tongue:

You can BWC or Canister or even Grenado. Canister is my personal favourite. Just rush it and instakill whole packs with it. Will run out of steam at some point, but it wonā€™t be soon (or ever in fact, itā€™s viable since the last buff it got).

Something like agonizing flames to lower some resists and then just canister? Is it really doing any single target damage?

Canister basically kills everything in a wide radius early on, it deals its listed damage multiple times (first explosion, then secondaries a second later that can overlap aoe), the single target damage is acceptable if you just want to rush normal. You donā€™t need any other skills. RR isnā€™t really important in normal either.

Well iā€™m looking for something to get up to 75, since this build doesnā€™t really work without beronath.

Forcewave Gazer Man is fun :


Im a newbā€¦ just wondering how this build is able to dual wield?

Iā€™m using Direwolf Crest.
It enables you to DW melee weapons.

You can also use :
Belgothianā€™s Carnage

Bladesworn Talisman

Blademasterā€™s Talisman

Mythical Direwolf Crest

If you use Nightblade, just put 1 point to Dual Blades or Breath of Belgothian, one of them will able to make you use DW melee weapons.