[] The Parasite: Tri dmg DOT Rust In Peace Build

Hey everyone, here I am with another stupid lame build
This one is more a concept, or even “rp” build, just excuses to make a slow build, kill times talking, yeah youve been warned.

The idea came up to me trying to make a bleed caster, using bloody pox, i wasnt satisfied with results, feeling and gameplay; as the gear usually brings up either additional vitality or poison bonuses i thought i could try to use all those three and use whole bloody pox line, so here i end on this build, some ideas directly coming from this build of Chthon

Here is a pic of the char

grimtools link right here

So as you can see, using whole bloody pox line i tried to get a mix of all three damages aka poison, bleeding and vitality, it ends on a surprisingly working and very fun char, at least to me; you spread diseases, virus, plague (put your fav evil word here) around you, leaving all your enemies unable to find any cure while they see themselves rotting to death as you laugh and dance.

Being a little bit more serious, yeah the build is “slow” dont expect crazy killtimes but dont expect to die neither, you can indeed face everything without being close to death (tried on fabius, valdaran and even maiden) thanks to our medal proc and high self healing from skills and devotions (reflective mobs arent even an issue); enemies like Mad Queen or Moosilauke may need some kitting from you but that aint an issue since we do dots damage.

Also, this is another “noob friendly” build since it doesnt need from the player much attention or skill; you can farm nemesies safely engaging them in the middle of others mobs and heroes without feeling danger;
gear choice is pretty large since we make us of three damages;
also youll have lots of skill points to spare

So yeah, i have lots of fun playing this build and i recommend it to those who would like a “safe” char or those who are looking for something different from usual builds around that may be too much, or too close to a “hold LMB” build.

There is for sure room for improvements, maybe i even made stupid choices and missed obvious things since casters arent the chars i make the most on GD; so as usual feel free to comment, suggest and give your opinions and ideas.

reserved in case

Posted mine a few days ago in another pox thread, it’s pretty much the same just places emphasis on vitality. But it doesn’t use the sigil, instead gets vines which are used to spawn tons of those eyes of the guardian. Which is fun but not that effective, much like the character itself. I’m also too lazy to farm those greens.


Edit: also it’s funny that everyone who posts a build like this uses a fairly crappy epic as their weapon. More pox themed legendaries please :stuck_out_tongue:

ah damn didnt saw, i would have posted it there then, and would have save me time also xD
yeah i was thinking about putting few points in vines keeping sigil at 12 but already felt like enough skills to use; but yeah guardian could ba better than scorpion ill have to try that for sure

I thinking of doing a Pox build with the new items in Xpack. There’s legendary weapons now that are useable for Pox like this one http://www.grimtools.com/db/items/8800