[] Aether Spellbinder - Triple devastation for the win!

Pot, kettle. :pIn this case it’s all the same because loosing that flat fire damage which could’ve been used for aether conversion thereby making performance drop

Great build and everything, but seriously, whose dick do i have to suck to get those boots?

The blacksmith’s :smiley:

He is probably so rich now he is not taking blowies from dirty weathered travelers such as myself. Probably bought himself a farm up in homestead and having himself different black legion chick coming for dinner every night.

Yea, expanded area or converted dmg are offset by double amount of projectiles, but only one of those, not both things :slight_smile:
So you basically still end up with much lower dmg from devastation.

Outcast secret is must for this build, but I dont find teranox tome mandatory at all, you could do just fine with some other one.

Rofl :smiley:

Got pretty lucky with those, only like 1k something craft attempts to get them and they even have 2% crit bonus on them :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree. The diviner set (or just the offhand in general) is meant for a very different build. We still don’t know if the cold/aether concept will work great but the offhand itself might find a place in some builds like a cold-focused TSS with devastation as secondary skill.

How does this compare to your sorc build atm?

Interesting build. Just leveling a spell binder aether based too and find myself spiking to low health a lot. Also tried fitting in Caladors tempest.

How did you level?

Made my day. Thank you.

@Jov. When did you level him?:rolleyes: I need to quit my job or smth.

And sexy build of course:p

Well this one can dish out more dmg but its not completely bulletproof like sorcerer. If you like to play more reckless go with sorc and roflstomp everything, if you want something new go with this one.

Btw after acquiring some more mythical gear sorc looks like this now:

Constant auras and judic signet proc up

Txh :slight_smile:

For leveling I use special kind of magic and I did quit my job for time being :stuck_out_tongue:

Told ya like few months ago, I level solo classes for later expansion usage have demolishinist, occultist and NB also, only missing shaman

Yeah i know i checked your thread about it. Atm i’m doing good with it but single target damage is terribly low for my taste. Takes like a minute to kill fabius&moosilauke, could be more i haven’t timed it. I’m missing that hood though because it’s simply refusing to drop. I’m also using different weapon on it (the one with 10% chance to cast meteor on attack) did some testing and it seemed to be little bit better.

Oh, shi… You’re god of luck :smiley:

Both setups are tailored more for defense and success rate in cruci so you can by changing devo setup or some gear pieces improve their dmg output on cost of tankines. Although I wouldn’t change warpfire its by far best weapon for setup like this and I tried many, tho before expansion.

Anasteria helm is extremely important piece of gear its proc alone adds like 20% total dmg, not counting -devastation CD and that is a loot of dmg also.
But even with it dont expect some marvelous times when fighting against Fabius/Maiden, they are highly fire resistant and are small thus hard to hit with devastation. Mos on other hand shouldn’t be a problem, he is large fella, for instance I put MQ with that setup in less than 20 s.

Yeah the weapon i’m using is an expansion weapon. At least on dummy i got slightly better times with it but not that big of a difference.

Been a while since I leveled an arcanist. Still good to OFF and Fireball or would you recommend something else?

I got like that, with addition of devastation later, until ultimate, and it was pure arcanist, leveled pre exp :slight_smile:

For the Spellbinder setup, what changes would you make to devotions/gear so that the build has more damage output for nemesis/AoM without compromising the defense too much?

Well, every bolstering of offensive stats brings some decline in defensive stats, it depends how much you are ready to accept as ˝not to much˝.

Changing pants and shoulders to wraithborne legs and Alagast mantle could be acceptable imho and wouldn’t bring to much changes to defenses, but also it wouldn’t bring to much to offense, so you could do that for instance.

Changing rings to elemental to aether conversion one and -% aether rr one would be large boon to offense but also large drawback to defenses, but maybe even that is acceptable in some cases. It basically depends on your play style, where do you find comfort zone with a build and what are you trying to achieve with it. I, for instance, wanted steady, no buffs and banners, crucible farmer so gave up on some offensive capabilities in order to be more tanky.

Thank you very much for your reply man!

I have one last question,and would love your advice. For now I only have time to invest on one of these builds: your triple devastation spellbinder or your obliteration sorcerer, which one of the two would you suggest investing time for now for mostly nemesis/AoM purposes (maybe some crucible later on)?
Also which one would you say its safer?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Any time :slight_smile:

I would suggest spellbinder, also spellbinder is safer than obliteration sorc.