[] Burning Commando - Relaxed and Effective HC Gladiator Farming

Hello, weapon is the key point of the build. Set itself doesn’t really give any skill bonuses at all except to Blitz and investing into it is up to preference but set’s completion bonus and overall boost to tankiness, armor and flat damage is really really important.
You can probably manage with items in the same direction or rares as long as you have the Infernal Brimstone but still couldn’t be comparable.

I wouldn’t advise you to start with the aim of completing this build if you are a beginner, maybe as a second character at the least.

For devotions it can vary depending how you level but i can advise as :

Fiend > Quill > Empty Throne > Chariot > Viper > Eel > Kraken > remove Eel and Chaos crossroads > Scholar > 3 points in Rhowans Crown > Hawk > Ulzuins Torch > Behemoth and after that you can invest up to your preference.

Seems good, let me know if Phoenix is good and can be an alternate investment if you manage to test it out.

How important are bonuses to % burn damage vs. other things?
What sort of itemization should I be prioritizing?

Extra - BWC/Mine Burn Version

Grimtools : http://www.grimtools.com/calc/4ZDMxLkN]

This Version is only for extra Spawns?.. Nice build, I will try it when I got all the items… Thanks…

How do you get life leech in this build?..

Fire damage sure is important but main damage/killing power comes from stacking Burn damage through difference sources and procs.

Based on my experience you can easily beat HC Challanger with less than optimized gear but with couple key items and myhtical ones at that ofc.

Since Gladiator is the pinnacle challange to beat, you’ll need pretty much the advised gear with above average rolls considering it is also HC.

Just to show you this is what my Cadence tooltip looks like, just with the buffs off fight without any procs.

There is no limitation like that :D, i didn’t have access to the extra spawns at the time since it was my first run in Gladiator with the Cadence setup.

Probably explains why i had an easier time compared to BWC setup :rolleyes:

Just saw your edit now, i updated the build and explained how you sustain yourself and leech life.

Sure, but I’m just trying to figure out where the damage is coming from. Cadence doesn’t leave a burn outside the one on the weapon, correct?
So point for points, assuming you aren’t having to make bad trades focusing on burning damage is better than fire?

Or is the burn damage on the weapon modified by %WPN damage?

You have Cadence which is to apply our flat Burn damage through %WPN and leech life as you guessed correctly.
Rest of skills are; Thermite Mines and you really have to use that a lot, quite important one. Blazing Charge, chunky Burn dot on Vindictive Flame thanks to Mythical IB and transmuted BWC in my current setup.

4 offensive devotion procs : Elemental Storm, Flame Torrent, Fissure, Meteor Shower.

Item procs : Rain of Fire, Ring of Flame, Burning Justice and 2 Lifetakers

You can’t really seperate Fire damage from Burn, sources you aim provide you both with slightly in favor of Fire.
It is not uncommon to pass on some Burn damage options when focusing on flat Fire damage in several builds but we take every possible bonus to both in this one.

Stacking Burn damage gives that edge and enables kiting compared to flat Fire, if i didn’t aim for Burn damage my weapon would have been quite different.
And i don’t think it could have worked as good as this setup, despite the build being tanky and all it is still not possible to tank everything head on in Gladiator especially as a non shield build.

Just with the buffs on my Fire damage is 2250% and Burn damage is 2288%

Ah, thank you for the walkthrough, it explains a bunch of things.

I’ve also made a tree that trades Chariot for Dryad & allows you to get every single burn node off the tree… Not sure where the extra points would go, though.


Thoughts on Seal of Blades? 5% ADCtH & procs one of our devotions constantly (Flame Torrent, specifically).
Also Toad instead of Quill grants you another 3% ADCtH at the cost of 2% DA. Seems like a decent trade?

Nice build, a friend plays something similar though he went with Fire Strike, I agree with Cadence being better (sad but true). The weapon is a good choice for burn focus.

Have you tried with ulzuin set?

Then, I can´t understand you, in wich situations is better the “Infernal Brimstone” Build, and in wich “Herald of Blazind Ends”?..

You also got me confused tbh :smiley:

I presented 2 different builds with different setups, you can chose whichever you like or which ones items you drop faster.

Both builds are more than capable of completing HC Gladiator with extra spawns.

I thought you could tell the difference in weapon choices, one of them is a 2H and other is a 1H since BWC focused one uses a shield.

I modified your build a bit for softcore :


  • new devotions including phoenix and magi for extra damage. Phoenix damage absorption coupled with huge armor (3k) and 98% Armor absorption allows to ignore trashes completly and focuses on big targets.
  • replaced seal of destruction by seal of blades, reason is we lose a bit of fire/burning/crit damage but we gain pierce res, ADCTH and also a proc for devotions. Plus the spell given by seal of destruction is useless here.
    Extra adcth from SoB allows us to get rid of one lifegiver signet and take combustion band, compensates the loss of burning and fire damage from SoD, but also add a fire proc + 10 fire resistance reduction.
  • also replaced pants by chausses of barbaros for the proc.
  • boots are MI but kinda easy to get if you craft a bit.

Tried 2 times gladiator cruci with extra spawn without any buffs and died at 150 because of insane wave (2 iron maiden and fabius, yeah f*** you too game).
This char is godly for farming MC because of movement speed + 2 dashes. Procs kill trash and you don’t have to hit them ^^.

NB : Tried ruby and sapphire of elemental balance. You lose lot of Hp, ADCTH and the proc isn’t that good (half of it is useless because cold damage).
Tried 2x Mythical Reign of Fire and Ice. Same thing, it’s cute but it adds nothing to the build.

build is pretty awesome but think of another rings.
What do you say about Mythical Closed Fist Of Vengeance and second one Mythical Open Hand Of Mercy?
Both are the part of the set that has a bonus of 33% health regeneration and +8%Attack speed and +8%Casting speed. Just guessing…Thanks

Awesome loved Zars build and been waiting for a post expansion version to come up and give me a sense of direction! Might tweak a bit for softcore!:D:D:rolleyes:

Korvaak´s Deception seems hard to get, is there any way to farm it?.. Or to get it?.. Well, I have the materials to do Korvaak´s, If someone have the blueprint and could do it for me?..

Add me on Stream: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091473744/ (I´m The Red Demon Mask)

How is your build so tanky? How can I make a build if I don’t have the items?

I’ve play through multiple times with 500 hours sunk into this game but it’s always the same The content outlevels me eventually. I have a mixed bag of mid level legendaries (about a half dozen mules actually) but nothing that can be woven into a high level gladiator build to actually farm some stuff. I hit a peak in the 50’s and 60’s as I’m maxing out the 2-3 most relevant and OP skills then as the enemies level up yeah I’m getting 2% more powerful/survivable per level but the enemies are getting 5% stronger.

I’ve run 2 handed builds before with Giant’s blood, and Chariot as defensive constellations and the problem is these 2 are inevitably on cooldown at some point and I get bursted down rapidly.

Any tips which skills to max first? and generally what do you do at 70+ when you have no items? What do you run?

QUOTE=Gavija;565476]I modified your build a bit for softcore :


Tried 2 times gladiator cruci with extra spawn without any buffs and died at 150 because of insane wave (2 iron maiden and fabius, yeah f*** you too game).
This char is godly for farming MC because of movement speed + 2 dashes. Procs kill trash and you don’t have to hit them ^^.

NB : Tried ruby and sapphire of elemental balance. You lose lot of Hp, ADCTH and the proc isn’t that good (half of it is useless because cold damage).
Tried 2x Mythical Reign of Fire and Ice. Same thing, it’s cute but it adds nothing to the build.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for testing and sharing your different tryouts, im glad you are enjoying the build, its really great for farming and achievement hunting.

I’ve mentioned in the build about possible choices, Judicator’s would be a really good option but regardless of HC or not i’d advise you to have least around 15% of ADCtH in HC, 12% might cut it on SC.
HP regen isn’t really enough to sustain through damage of Gladiator unless stacked in really big amounts,i have tested this before with ToL and stuff and it was pre nerf.

I’ll try to test Judicator’s and if you also can let me know about it please :). 2 Lifetaker procs actually help a lot with sustain which might go unnoticed.

Generally i wouldn’t advise this build as your fundamental build to start farming high level stuff.
You can either level focused on Demo with ranged Fire Strike then swap to Soldier when it gets less effective depending on RNG drops.
Or through Forcewave.

You can somewhat understand the elements that make the build tanky i assume, items also contribute to it.
Justicar has really high armor and passives that boost tankiness, BWC tankiness comes from shield/shield skills, passives + Overguard.

You can somewhat manage with faction items and rares dropping through leveling process but to beat Gladiator you’ll least have to have more than half of the suggested items.

Depending on the items, i would switch to BWC + shield mid Elite, not having the skill points from BiS gear would be hard but i assume it would be easier to farm in that method regardless.

There are many farming routes and everyone has a different one. When i’m not feeling Crucible (since i have done too much so far) i’d either run dungeons (run in Elite if Ultimate is too hard) or standard boss runs. Cronley + hives > Undercity > Darkvale > Fort Ikon > Tomb of the Archon > Necropolis as pre AoM.

On a side note i had in mind to do a full leveling guide with a different build from scratch, i want to do a detailed write up/guide when i can find time for it.

I tested with two lifegiver Signet and it is pretty awesome. Way better than mine rings. Still I am trying to find that Shar`zul Worldeater mace. It is really hard to get. Maybe it will be better than the Infernal Brimstone.

Please boys, someone that have Korvaak´s Deception to craft it, its the last item I need to do this build, I have the materials ready to crat it…

Add me on Stream: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091473744/ (I´m The Red Demon Mask)

Its done, thanks…