[] DW Deathseeker Chaos Cadence WB

Hello everyone, this is my 1st attempt to post a build here. First I would like to give many credits to Sopranos as this build is my improvised AoM version of his build. I still remember the day I bought AoM when I came across this build on the same day, my mind was like “You sure this build is pre-AoM? Look at those numbers!”

Here is his build: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52406

Then again, with new pool of items and components, I told myself what could be done to make it better. With the help of a friend to adjust many things, I finally come up with a rather OP build.


Note that skills, stats and devotions and itemization are included in the tool.

Since I have 100% physical converted to chaos for cadence, all I need is to gather as much raw chaos/physical damage as possible, and there are indeed many such items out there.

Resistance reduction for this build is quite acceptable, with Eldritch Fire from Solael’s Witchblade (23%), Voidheart ring (10%), Mythical Open Hand of Mercy (14% reduction multiplicative, and 14 flat -res), Fang of Ch’thon (20%), plus another 10% from Solael’s Flame.

In offensive aspects, we have Hungering Void for tons of crit damage, and tons of raw damage which adds up to Cadence. At max buff proc, attack speed can reach 200%. We also have lots of DA reduction from Markovian’s Advantage, Blitz, Devil’s Cage skill, as well as more OA from Field Command and Blood of Dreeg (around 560 net OA increase if taken into account +%OA from skills, devotions and items).

In defensive aspect, we also have +DA from Field Command, damage reduction from War Cry, physical res from Blood of Dreeg, and damage absorption from Possession. All res are maxed out except Stun, and look at that armor absorption, sick!!

About healing and sustainability, we have some from that Familiar dude (although he dies a lot), Blood of Dreeg, more HP from Abominable Might, and that moment of demi-GOD when Ghoulish Hunger (18% physical res, 85% ADctH).

At the moment I only start Act 5 so I still don’t know how this build will fare against new Nemesis. Crucible Gladiator is fine though.

If you guys need any clarifications or can help to make the build even better, please feel free to post yours here.

I think it’s preeeeetty good. How hard it is to assemble that cool weapon tho?


I would not max fighting spirit, though that’s just personal preference, but since it does not have permanent uptime i rather invest these points in to fighting form for example for the extra target on cadence, especially in Crucible.

and 2 more points in scars of battle after maxing fighting form :wink:

thought as well about such this build. found mystical voidsteel gauntlet … but didnt find that weapon yet :S

nice job :slight_smile:

Bumping this, seeing i am in the process of leveling up a DW Chaos witchblade at the moment.
The build is pretty much a work in progress right now. My character is lvl 72 and thus not able to wear most of the gear i have planned for him.


The gear is probably not bis, but it is what i have available right now. Resistances will most likely be capped, but i haven’t botherered with figuring out what augments/components i need on every piece of gear.

A few things:

  • M Fang of Ch’ton - not sure if it is better than a well rolled MI yet. Nice to be able to pick up Oklaine’s lantern though.
  • No Abominable might - Might try it out too see how good it is. Never tried it before.
  • Manticore - for the higher rr, instead of black star of deceit.
  • Also, not possible (afaik) to grab Manticore, Dying God and Abominable Might at the same time.