[] Ele Warder, Gladiator 150 Down (Fabby+2 Maiden), Nobody Likes Blind Sage but me D:

Look how good she looks!

So, I’ve always wanted to play with the devotion Blind Sage. After the expansion came out, I noticed that three of the end game devotions shared the same color:

Blind Sage
Attak Seru

The build idea is quite straight forward: stack as much %ele damage and flat ele damage as possible while ensuring survivability. I went with Warder for the health, shield, Cadence conversion and -resist from Wind Devil. The result is a really offensive devotion tree compensated by an extremely defensive class choice and gear set up.

Here are the grimtool and 150 wave screenshots. I hit the jackpot and rolled Fabby + 2 Maiden and boy did that last wave gave me some scares…



Very nice build GuTz !!

I also use Blind Sage in some of my builds :smiley:
It has nice AoE, combine with elemental balance ring :wink:

http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?p=524827#post524827 :slight_smile:

Reign of ice and fire?

Does the elemental conversion on Cadence also affect the 2 load up attacks or does it only apply on every 3rd strike? I always thought the latter was the case, but seeing this I’m not sure anymore.

And I like Blind Sage too <3

Do you really need the legendary shield?
You can easily “gamble” a MI shield in Steelcap vendor, which can be pretty good even with with magic affixes, let alone with some nice rare suffix.
Sure, you lose around 600 DA, but flat life and phys res will make up for it.

lol i have the exact same shield as the one in the first link.

Nah you dont need the purple shield. A rare one would do fine.

I am trying to build off your guide here and I need more information. Can you screen shot your stats pages and populate grim tools with your gear? or list all your gear? I’m having trouble gearing stuff.

Please let me know, thanks.