[] The Night King: Pet/Vitality Hybrid Cabalist. 5s MQ, 3.5m Glad. Necro & Devotion Guides

This guide man jeez.

https://www.grimtools.com/calc/0V0wxqM2 Updated devotions / gear / build / etc. According to toast this does more DPS than the old setup.

Would you use the ‘Beast callers talisman’ medal for its increased bleed damage for pets and increased duration?

Quite a few items/devotions of this build are related to phisical/vitality damage being converted to lightning, to have access to bonus damage from mythical mantle of the patron, stormbringer of malmouth, widow dev ecc…
Since this guide have been released, were these kinds of devotion/item nerfed? For instance in the grimtools link, stormbringer of malmouth is stated to give 100% vit dmg conversion to lightning and +300% of lightning bonus dmg, instead now is more like +85% for the first and +180% for the second.
So my question is, is still worth the lightning conversion? (sorry I am a lazy player that doesn’t want to find the answer on his own)

Also, why the relic has been changed from primal instinct to dirge of arkovia?

It’s still worth it as the 80% vitality to lightning conversion is just an average roll and can be crafted with 100% conversion with a decent/good roll. The %lightning damage was nerfed a few patches ago but the item is still BiS I believe.

Also note that Grim Tools likes to quote pet stats as being slightly higher than they actually are for some reason. I think for this version of this build that doesn’t affect anything enough for items to be switched out.

I just got back into this game after a year and came across this build i wanted to start fresh with. I saw in your guide Raise Skeleton skill got a major nerf in like patch 1.0.3, so how big of a difference does this nerf impact the build? Also in leveling section for levels 1-13 you mentioned ‘bind Rend to Raise Skeletons’, I cant find any skill named Rend. Any help would be appreciated thanks

Rend is from the devotion tree constellation Huntress.

The guide addresses the nerf to Raise Skeletons in the OP.

I wonder which one is better class for lightning pet build?

I’ve been unable to find a Spellblade blueprint, period. I did find the Mythical Black Hand of Sanaar’Something, which I am using instead and can recommend to those also unable to obtain the weapon. The pet proc is much more reliable than the one which comes from the gloves. Still missing most of the gear and doing well.

IN devotion tree , look for Huntress , so u can bind rend to raise skeleton

Thanks for the reply, i got another noob question. Does the Reduce resistance affect on the plaguebearer master spellblade trigger on only basic attacks, always active, or anytime i cast any spell? thanks again

It triggers on any enemy you (the player) hit with a skill that has %weapon damage applied to it. You can see which skills have this in the skills menu when you hover over the skill and read the description.

In this build the way to apply it reliably is with Bone Harvest…or auto attacking but…no no don’t do that.

Excuse me, is it better savage or guille relic? Thanks :slight_smile:

Savages main advantage seems to be in adding another pet to your arsenal. However Guille has that amazing physical damage aura that affects all yoru current pets. Since you have a lot of pets, even early on with this build I think both Guille and Deathchill are better.

No maths on that, just a guess.

Hey all. Since patch 1.0.5 came last week , anyone know if this build got nerfed or buffed from 1.0.4? thanks

DA nerf from the topaz component

Anyone tried going up against Ravager with this pet build? The bastard is really getting on my nerve, none of my builds can take him down… Seeing that he’s a single target (unlike Mog), I think pet build should be the way to go?

I haven’t even tried Ravager with this build but I think keeping your pets alive (and yourself) would be potentially impossible versus Ravager. The Skeletons in this build kill fast as hell but die easily in many sustained fights that no amount of DPS can kill in seconds.

Has any pure pet build managed to kill Ravager? Haven’t seen it yet myself.

Conjurer here. Hello

The thing is that ravager will aggro ur face, the cabalist is fragile if he stays his focus on ur pets, u can actually manage to resummon ur blight fiend and hellhound soon enough with the help of time dilation and face tank him to death.

But like i said, if he choose ur hero as the target , the moment he comes for u, run!
And he runs so fast that you have to let him give up the chasing, then u go back and harass him again.
i managed to kill him this way in ultimate with my cabalist.
So it’s impossible to facetank him , but it’s possible to kite.