[] The Night King: Pet/Vitality Hybrid Cabalist. 5s MQ, 3.5m Glad. Necro & Devotion Guides

anyone know how to craft the green(rare) version of ‘Stoneplate Greaves’ listed in this build? i only see the yellow(magic) ‘Stoneplate Greaves’ at my blacksmith. New to crafting can someone explain please thanks.

Keep Crafting Yellow you will get greens randomly

oh so its just by chance, i see thanks

Yeah its necessary to craft like 100 of them to get good ones, but depends on luck as always :slight_smile:

very funny and difficult build, playing on hardcore is very tough, but i love it.

how do you beat avatar of mogdrogen to get the mantle? the pet summons from the boss just overrun me everytime =(

That’s not “a boss”, that’s a super boss. He’s one of two (if you have expansion) strongest enemies in the game. Literally few builds can kill him or if you have over 4000 DA.

so id have to create a new character specifically to kill mogdrogen to obtain the mantle for my current char? sigh

I killed him with the character…in a party :stuck_out_tongue:
See if you can join up with a purifier with maxed flame touched and thermite mines for even more -lightning res. Damage on the pets just straight doubles.

any ideas where i can find players to group with? reddit or discord?

So about leveling this one…
Is it better to lose some %petdamage for +skills to necro/skeletons?
Did run into an epic 2-H that gives +2 to necro, but I kinda like my twin revenants…

Why give up on timed Blight Fiends?

Because I’m stupid and forgot to put a point there.

I’m a total noob for pet build and decided to give this one a go since I have all the legendaries and epic for this.

Pets are really confusing me a bit, esp the skills description. I mostly see 3 sections - attribute, abilities, weapon explanation.

How do “abilities” factor in to this? Eg Raise Skeletons has %dmg, %health, %energy, and %energy regen as abilities. Are these permanent? Aren’t health and dmg already scaling accordingly when you put more points in the skill?

Another question is about devotion, do all the healings (twin fangs, giant blood) benefit pets too?

Also, I assume that whatever flat dmg offered in devotion only affects my attack, and not the pets’, am I correct?

Is this build still great on curent path ?

I bought Malmouth few weeks ago and started this build right away.

Not following 100% (maybe 98 or so), for example I did not remove the devotions points yet. Also I spent 1 point in Soul Harvest, before maxing Necromancer. (The guide tells to max necromancer, then max Soul Harvest).
Very small disgressions :slight_smile:

I do not have the items mentioned in the build, so completely playing in self found.

I’m now in the districts of Malmouth and it works very well.
I died few times, on purple bosses that strike the player ignoring all pets. Other than that the build pretty much plays itself :slight_smile:

I could not imagine the game could be that easy :slight_smile:
I’m still in normal /veteran. I have not tried yet Elite.

Btw, thanks to the author to take the time on all this.

Game was a breeze until A1 ult, now im having a lot of trouble with dmg and getting one shot a lot (even with a circuit breaker amulet)

there are mentions of shopping for pet gear, but there’s nothing profoundly strong. and ive never really crafted before, dont have any good recipes really (like mostly yellow stuff or rares that are like 7 pierce resist and 30 aether dmg)

do i need to just go back on elite and find a good route to farm some gg legendaries?

at lv76 and only have 7.3k life, capped ele resist and everything else is 50 or less

Please link your grimtools if you can.

at lv76 and only have 7.3k life, capped ele resist and everything else is 50 or less

This is mainly a resists & raw HP problem.

Did you really finish Malmouth in Elite at level 76? That seems really early, If that’s the case did you get revered with them so you can get exp potions?

Do you have significant spirit investment that you no longer need? You might need to drink an attribute potion to respec into more phys.

What powders do you have access to for fixing resists? It may benefit you to do bounties on Elite and unlock powders to fix your resists.

there are mentions of shopping for pet gear, but there’s nothing profoundly strong. and ive never really crafted before, dont have any good recipes really (like mostly yellow stuff or rares that are like 7 pierce resist and 30 aether dmg)

I don’t think there’s incredibly impressive vendor pet gear around level 70. However at level 90 you gain access to Coven and Barrowholm stuff which is significant. At level 70 I found that access to better survival game like Legion Headguard was most relevant.

do i need to just go back on elite and find a good route to farm some gg legendaries?

Farm for a few leveling MI’s and theres a decent chance you’ll get Legendaries on those routes.

Do you have Bysmiel pants?
I’d suggest doing some runs on Elite until you get a decent pair.

Do you have Gollus rings?
I’d suggest you try to get some, if not look for decent Prefix/Affix on them.

Oh yea, what are you using for a relic. I’ve played with the Bysmiel relic since around level 70, if you’re using a level 35 relic you’re going to suffer from substantially worse DPS than Primal/Bysmial.


here is gear and stuff, im following this build and it says to go to ultimate after a4 elite for better rewards but maybe it’s just too hard.

i put everything in physique

is there a place to target farm for bysmiel pants or gollus rings? or is it like POE where every legendary is totally random and only MIs can be target farmed? or like d2 where say, cronley, has a specific poool of legendaries he drops?

im using deathchill relic and yeah its pretty low level but i haven’t found a blueprint for anything else that would be relevant

You can actually upload your character to grimtools, not just the link Dashiv had in his guide. It’ll let me see what you’ve currently got equipped and skilled so I can help. Maybe you meant to and forgot to click the generate link button?

i put everything in physique

Thats generally correct

is there a place to target farm for bysmiel pants or gollus rings? or is it like POE where every legendary is totally random and only MIs can be target farmed? or like d2 where say, cronley, has a specific poool of legendaries he drops?

Gollus and Bysmiel are MI’s that you’re farming for.
In general legendaries are completely random. I think there are a handful of exceptions like the Krieg set.

gollus is in a hidden area:

bysmiel is also in a hidden area:

im using deathchill relic and yeah its pretty low level but i haven’t found a blueprint for anything else that would be relevant

Until you find an endgame relic I suspect you’ll have a really hard time unless you can push skeletons to 26/16 with decent pet gear.

This is what I’m currently playing:

I’m still missing a number of important pieces, but it clears mobs fairly easily and as long as you don’t run into the center of 20 units and get hit by all of them it does fine staying alive. I’ll still get hit for 10-20% of my max from certain mobs but that’s the worst of it.

oh ok, thanks! should i hunt them on elite for now or are they rare enough that i should just do it on ultimate?

hopefully it works this time: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4NOlv0P2