[] The Night King: Pet/Vitality Hybrid Cabalist. 5s MQ, 3.5m Glad. Necro & Devotion Guides

If you’re struggling on Ultimate you should take a step back and fix your gear and resists on Elite.

It looks like you’ve got a lot of opportunities for improvement.

I think almost any pet offhand you find on the floor could replace your current offhand.

I’d personally use corpse dust in your rings to fix your vit resist instead of frozen hearts.

You desperately need augments. Go get revered with rovers so you can put Mogdrogen’s blessing on rings & amulet.

You’re level 70 so you have access to powders for armor slots which can fix your resists. At level 90 you gain access to AoM augments and powders which are really nice as well.

See if you can improve your Impervious ring to something better.

Find room for 2x Scaled hide in some combination of Shoulders, Pants, Chest. Normally Pants and Shoulders is the preferred slot.

What does your BOM give as bonuses? The one on the grimtools doesn’t seem to give any relevant +skills. Replace it with any medal that gives a plus to:
Raise Skeletons
Blood of Dreeg
Storm Spirit
Soul Harvest

Take 2 points out of manipulation so it’s 12/12 instead of 14/12
Put 1 in Aspect of the Guardian (blood of dreeg modifier)
Put 1 in Hellfire (hellhound modifier)

Take 1 point out of Rotting Fumes
Put 1 into the blight fiend unstable anomoly

Right now your build is really skill point starved. Farm for some MI’s in elite and the combination of exp and slightly improved gear should help. It also gives you time to try and find an endgame pets relic.

Noob question; Being new to the game, I’m following this build religiously - last but not least because it actually goes in depth about the reasoning behind everything - but I don’t understand the reasoning behind some of the devotion picks. The damage types seem very spread out and some devotions (like bat) seem to offer no pet utility at all, nor any RR.

Is this mainly for survivability? Can I/should I pass on Bat and Widow for more straightforward pet devotions until i reach the endgame and have the appropriate gear?

You want Bat because it provides good sustain, which will ultimately be used to offset the self damage you inflict with hungering void.

You could pass on Widow until you have the lightning conversion setup working.

In general you can improvise a devotion setup with this build and it’ll work fine. I was toying around with Harp & Panther until level 70 something.

Thanks for these instructions. I’ve reached Act 5. I don’t quite understand that sentence.

Does this mean that I should go to Barrowholm very quickly without completing the quests and then do them in Ultimate or should I continue questing until I reach Barrowholm as usual?

First time you go through the game until you reach barrowholm quickly. THen via main menu , you start your play through in elite. You can then start ultimate already after finishing act4

Thanks for your answer. Does that mean I have to do all the quests in Elite until Act 4 again?
Aren’t the quests usually enough for leveling up to 100?

Yes, Yes.

However leveling faster means you can get to endgame gear faster and equip desirable gear. The main reason to ally with Barrowholm in Vet is to start gaining rep by killing Cthonics in Elite/Ult.

That strategy may also reduce the need to add significant Aether/Chaos resist.

Thanks for your help guys. The game is wonderful.:smiley:

Is a plaguebearers with 30 RR better than another weapon with 99% pet dmg?

Yes, %pet damage is easy to come by and stack to the 600-1000% range. RR is harder.

Debating between this one and the Lazy Pokemon as my first self-found pet build.
Which one is easier to get up and running (mostly worried about !FUN! damage floors and vomiting bosses) or is there some other options?

Im trying to make a cabalist build, and im following this guide, but i have a big question. How important is resistance for pet, compared to other stats?

This build prioritizes DPS and clear speed above anything else. It makes up for that by spamming Skeleton Re-summon with Time Dilation and occasionally kiting around a little bit if AOE cleans both sets of skeletons too quickly.

In normal campaign the resists you casually get are probably good enough. If you’re trying to push Crucible past 150 resists become more important.

Just wondering how is this build with the new patch? Can it still tackle gladiator 150-170?

Maybe doing something stupid… but i cant get widow to bind to summon blight fiend. It doesnt have the option to bind to it when i click on the devotion… anyone got any ideas?

I have the same problem.

To the two above posts - one of the recent updates made it so that you cannot summon pets (like Arcane Bomb) with other pets. As both Dashiv’s build and Halpheas’ build a few pages ago both use bind Arcane Bomb to pets, I would recommend replacing the Ammo component on the off-hand with a Seal of Corruption (the one with -8% Lightning Resistance) and bind Arcane Bomb to the granted skill instead.

This build is one of those cases where one more button to press is too much.

yeah, I had the same issue now that Widow can’t be bound to Blight Fiend. Already way too many buttons on this build, so I dropped widow and added panther. it’s definitely not as good, but it gives the 3 blue you need to reach Aeon’s Hourglass and it also gives pet %OA, which is good.

I switched to panther to unlock aeons hourglass. hope this helps