[] Witch Moon - a Coven's Protector

I. Little intro

So, boys and girls, today i would like to represent one of my cold build. It’s a story about blademaster who grown in around of spellbreakers and have a strong desires to be just like they.

And now jokes aside, it’s a discord cadence blademaster. I know it’s not a common choice then we talk about cadence oriented builds but this build represents a surprising effectiveness, along with good surviblilaty that gives a soldier mastery.

Surelly it’s not a top 10 cold build that ever made, and this build does not deal a 50 billion frostburn damage per second (as some spellbreakers build does). However, I observe an 100k-130k tick of frostburn damage that more than enough for me.

II. Build


Pictire with all buffs prock alltogether


Actually, i still don’t have a full complect of lvl94 Alcamos rings, so now i use a lvl 75 set. For sure when I obtain a highlevel set of this rings dps will increase.

Yes, I got a myth. BSoD but, in fact, I can not get more efficiency from it than from the regular version.

III. Devotion

This is an common cold oriented devotion’s setup (Amatok, Leviathan, MurMur, Crown), but I dare to add a Bard’s Harp - and and as it turned out later it was a damn right decision, 'cos in AoM there are a lot of enemies who want to slow you or trap you. Or do this all together.

Devotion progress:

  1. Crossroads, purple
  2. Toad
  3. Quill
  4. Crown
  5. Charriot
  6. Throne
  7. Crossroads, red
  8. Crossroads, blue
  9. Eel
  10. MurMur
  11. Remowe crossroads, red
  12. Amatok
  13. Remowe crossroads, blue
  14. Crossroads, yellow
  15. Lion
  16. Harp
  17. Remove Lion
  18. Leviathan

reserved 4 future

I thought you didn’t do guides :stuck_out_tongue:

An innovative build as one would expect of you
But why Discord? Keeping it at two points and leaving the rest of the conversion to the weapons would get you more cold damage


Also, not sure if overcapped Oleron is better than Night’s Chill and since you’re going DW might as well make use of Carnage.

Because I can :smiley:
Actually I just want ot watch how good discord is, short verdict - not so good but acceptable

Surelly this build requares some polising, it has come a long way since