[]Drain essence Cabalist - or how to beat cruci with channeling spell w/o buffs and banners

You are missing -30% Aether RR.:stuck_out_tongue:

There is nothing that Arcanist gives outside of 25% crit and inquis as Deadly aim with CDR itmes.

Overall Apostate is boss for Aether DE

How to level this guy before 94?
Is it strong enough before Dreadwalkerā€™s Grace?

I recommend a Spectral shield Asap if you want to play DE from scratch. Then move to Siphon to nuke mobs



Thanks a lot!

So Mirror, CDR, reduce energy cost and devastation donā€™t add anything? :eek:

Or did you not mention Devastation because of Taco Bell Earth?

You forgot cast speed, free 30% spirit and Maiven :roll: And Arcanist has better gear choise that Apostate.

Starting to smell like Hymenā€™s Chosen up in hereā€¦

Might as well make Devastation build then and drop DE. JoV already posted one. As for mirror+CDR, iā€™d hope not to need it if all my main abilities life steal like crazy

If you want to play DE build through and through then highest Damage is apostate. Also skillpoint spread. If you focus on SS and DE fully you will have mediocre devastation with medicore DE:(

Havenā€™t gotten around to it but i will certainly make the apostate happen. Uroborruk helm and hex launcher have some pretty sick modifiers

Agreed on free spirit and CS but not on Maiven
Donā€™t get me wrong, I use it on all arcanists I just hate that skill with a passion. The only build where I donā€™t mind using it is on my CT Battlemage as I have it at Max Ultimate Rank. Basically Maiven is the skill I hate the most in this entire game surpassing Cadence

Didnā€™t mean to point at a Meteor build. You can use only one devastation and still be fine :stuck_out_tongue:
If we overlook Devastation, Spellbinder looks better I say this as most of the gear seems to be tailored more towards Spellbinder than Apostate and as Ptirodaktill mentioned we have Maiven, Free Spirit and Cast Speed. Energy management would be much better with Spellbinder. And thereā€™s Eternity and CDR for Spellbinder

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not good utility wise. just not dmg wise. iā€™ll get the cast speed.

30% spirit is a bit generous to say with full uroboruuk. I only care to meet requirements

and as for maiven, again, crazy life steal. and % total dmg penaly is the last thing De need. By this logic any class adds positive stuff to Aether DE really

Thats main difference between aether and vitality DE, w/o ratosh and with lesser base ADCTH its like night and day when you face some more or less serious threat like nemesis. You can compensate by using same gloves like this build is using to improve ADCTH situation a bit, but again its not even close. Situation only can be really improved by using hount relic.

Not really, I donā€™t think anything outside Apostate or Spellbinder would be good for Aether DE

I am not saying Apostate is bad, heck itā€™d be pretty strong but from a QoL pov Arcanist seems like a much better secondary mastery.
Emphasis on ā€œseems likeā€ as Iā€™m arguing w/o trying stuff due to lacking gear :smiley:
And ADCtH is fine and all but Mirror +Eternity + CDR should be tankier

I wanted to get Rattosh on my transmuted DE but as it already had itā€™s dick cut off through removal of ADCtH and lacking actual gear support I couldnā€™t afford to drop leviathan

Idk man for me as far as DE goes Spellbinder is poor manā€™s apostate. Good/functional but not quite tippy top:D

@JoV. Aether Apostate doesnā€™t have way lesser base life steal. Gravechill has that problem.

I was assuming you are not going to use vitality based gloves (8% ADCTH, and vitality based medal 4% ADCTH), Uroburuk effigy is giving you only 5%, or Im missing something?

I think he meant w/o Rattosh life steal would be relatively weaker. Gravechill doesnā€™t have ā€œless adcthā€ it has ā€œno adcthā€. I had to resort to using Ravagerā€™s Amulet and Rift Gloves for ADCtH

with all the rr apostate has, wouldnā€™t it be enough damage turned to hp?

well anyway, we can talk tiā€™ll end of times w/o proper testing:D

Well that setup doesnā€™t have significantly more aether rr than cabalist has vitality and when facing enemies with ~80-90% life leach resistance -8% means a loot.
Also there is conversion issue, you wont be able to convert all vitality to aether (at least with full set) and even if you manage to do it you are wasting a loot of vitality decay dmg.
But dont get me wrong aether spelbinder or apostate could work nicely Im just questioning its chances to finish no buffs and banners gladiator cruci. With buffs and banners it would surely be possible, but where is fun in that, even half naked builds can do that :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, DE has undergone a lot of changes since testing phase. Weā€™ll see. i hope they add more than just that hex gun with nice mod and conversionā€¦Uroboruuk with a gunā€¦:eek: Really?

Imho they should add to some weapon or uroburuk set piece vitality to aether conversion it would drastically improve situation. Also -% life leach and ADCTH in general shouldnt be reserved mostly for vitality damage based builds (not counting few items/components like hount or seal of blades here).