[]Drain essence Cabalist - or how to beat cruci with channeling spell w/o buffs and banners

The silly gun has 40% conversion. a 25% on the set would go well indeeed

Its a bit unfortunate conversion because its on skill, 40% on skill and another 25% on set would net total of only 55% conversion.

so is that how it works? i thought it was only for stuff like elemental conversion and separate fire fire conversions etc.

Well in that case make it 50% on set at least:eek: And Replace the gun with a dagger:)

It should work like that because conversion does not occurs on same place ie first is occurring conversion on skill than conversion on gear.

So I am leveling up a Ritualist, around 80 atm, and i was so sad when i saw your thread and especially when i saw this post lol.

I can admit i like Cabalist more, but I really hope i can make it work on Ritualist because otherwise i have to lvl a new toon from start.

Is there another nice belt to replace this one for Ritualist?

Im sure you can make it work, you will have bit more troubles with capping resistances than I did but it should be doable.
Unfortunately I really cant advise you what belt to use, all other available options compared to Girdle of SD are looking like pale shadows.
Maybe to use belt slot as resistance filler? Tinkers belt or smth?

I am so scared to replace the belt i am afraid i will have a stroke when i see the OA sinking like Titanic…

From a fast change i did in grimtools to Ritualist, i gain 1-2k life but lose ~150OA and ~100DA, without touching GoSD.
Resistances capped.

Replaced medal only and stonehide pants and rifstone to seal of resonance.

How you dont run out of Energy using Drain Essence? It has insane costs!

I’ve tested drain essence aether spellbinder not that long ago with full Uroboruuk set and hex launcher. It’s a weak build. Despite the 170k sheet dps it’s damage output is meh and survivavility is horrible. I couldn’t finish gladiator crucible at all after 6 or 7 tries.
So I wonder how this one performs.
Just my 2 cents.

Any residual respect I had about Uro set is going down by the minute.


Or this http://www.grimtools.com/calc/62az8qEV

That’s just theorycrafted version but since you bothered trying Uro set consider trying this setup as well. I don’t have the gear to test something like that anyway
The only MI that isn’t needed there is the Off Hand imo. But I really hate using the Diviner Off Hand on anything
Btw, I’m aware Anasteria’s Helm is usable but I went for that one to see if we can make DE work w/o too much “nuke dependency”.

Chanelling spells tooltip was bugged since release and still isn’t fixed >>
For example this AAR build mention 300K tooltip dps and cant kill dummy in one minute. :wtf: That’s mean actual dps should be divided by 4 or close to it >

I believe, that main difference between Aether and Vitality is that Vitality build can (and should) use celestial powers as Twin Fands, Tip of the Scales and Vendigo Mark to survive better.

Actually Fire DE and Aether DE (the one I theorycrafted right now) can use them as well so they’re not exactly unique to Vitality DE. The thing that makes ADCtH more potent on this this build is that Vitality DE has %life leech RR as well to help it leech much better than the other DE builds. Although that’s not the sole reason why this build works so well

Well, that explains a lot!
Although I must admit that aether- and vitality-based builds with necromancer mastery can’t be properly tested on dummies because Spectral wrath debuff only applies on something that hit you. I’m not 100% sure, but it seems so to me.

Yeah, I guess that’s the reason, because DE by itself does not cope with outhealing incoming damage. Also JoV uses Judicator’s seals and Tree of life devotion for massive heath regen.

But vitality damage stacking provides more damage to these, so they heal better.

Well, it seems like JoV’s build is different in many ways from the garbage aether DE spellbinder is. I’ll probably try it later. For now, pet stuff awaits me! (reapersgaze would be proud)

Actually I meant try Spellbinder setup I theorycrafted to see if it can outperform Uro Set (Since I can’t test it myself)
:stuck_out_tongue: - http://www.grimtools.com/calc/M2gWOKv2

Not implying you shouldn’t test JoV’s build btw, you should totally try it. His build might help improve your opinion on Drain Essence

Can we get a gameplay video pls?

Awesome build btw!

I would like to see a screenshot with these 300k dps.

Grim tool seams somewhat bugged or inaccurate in this case when energy regen is concerned. Actual energy regeneration of this build is around 260 energy per sec with healing rain on iirc. Also interesting thing, that even skipped my mind earlier, is that I actually made good decision when not changing arcane spark to ecto in medal. This build can and does efficient energy leach trough % weapon dmg of twin fangs and they proc all the time cuz assigned to DE.
Im not saying you dont need to use energy pot from time to time, but situation is not even close to be serious. Had much worse time managing energy with doom bolt WH.

Try it and you will see, you are the guy for testing builds here, I just make them :smiley:
Joke aside, damage of those two builds is only pair on paper, with uroburuk you have a loot of vitality and vitality decay in mix and you dont have almost any rr for it since you are focusing on aether. Survivalbility difference is like night and day.
Tho dont expect some stellar clear times channeling spells sheet dps is deceiving in general.

Thx, but sorry Im not making videos. Tho if someone else want to do it with this build I wouldn’t mind and would be nice.

I miss Drizzto I loved music choices in his videos :frowning:

It is possible with 200% c speed this build would have like ~220k sheet dps, with more offensive devo and general setup ie adding dying god you could reach 300k, tho it would be glass canon.

Ok the best i could do for Ritualist is this: Ritualist vitality DE

As you can see, I left GoSD untouched :stuck_out_tongue:

The main differences from your Cabalist are these:
Ritualist 2100 more life, 130 more armor, ~200 more OA, ~100 more DA, ~300 less usable energy, 5% less stun resist (75%), ~50% less disruption protection (33%), replaced riftstone for SoR to get some stun resist so mobility went down i guess, replaced medal with MI and pant affixes, some components/augments swapped around, and -100% vitality/vitality decay dmg (negligible), also ~10% less physical protection.

Lost CoF but tried to compensate with Devouring swarm for the -RR% (CoF is superior though), lost Possession but what can we do I replaced it with MoD.

Only thing that really concerns me is the 33% skill disruption protection and the duration of the -RR% debuff from Devouring swarm that is 5sec or less comaring it to 10sec+ of CoF, I will have to stop casting DE all the time…

I would love to have your opinion on anything of the above.

Wondering if I can kill Av of Mog with this… :stuck_out_tongue: