[] DW Cold Melee Infiltrator: Icy Blades of Death Beckon (all content viable except Ravager)

Kinda off-topic, but how do you alter the color of the prefix/suffix on the item? Some kind of tool?

With this little mod:

Thanks man :slight_smile:

what do you think of the changes to aura of censure? 35% elemental RR and 20% reduced damage. Can use blue alkamos rings for more OA to offset the loss and end up with something like this. Also, the changes to deathmarked being much better for resists? By my calculations the stats on this would potentially be a huge improvement to the build. 3.3k OA plus -400 from abilities is still a ton. Also, this version has 9% more crit damage and more attack speed and weapon damage. I personally don’t think the giants blood or ghoulish hunger are worth the points…what do you think?


Hey all,

Just wanted to stop in and say that this is my first character and I’ve been using (and enjoying) this build but I wanted to know if it’s still viable and if any changes should be made since this was originally written for build 1.0.3 and we’re now in 1.0.5.


I’m obviously not the OP but I have used this build and have tried to update it / improve it numerous times. I would say yes it is still viable and no I don’t think it requires any updates. You can get better OA/DA numbers and tooltip damage numbers, but ultimately I think the build needs everything it has because it is there for a reason and you only realize that until you take it away and wonder why with better OA/DA you still die :slight_smile:

I do think there are disadvantages to being a cold build though as fun as it can be. I think I personally prefer using the Korba Trickster by Jajaja as my cold based character and using my infiltrator as a dual wield pierce unstoppable belgothian force :stuck_out_tongue: but that is just me.

This is a really good build tho…

Your version is good too, mine was made as a relatively easy to gear build that still performs well hence all the blues and single rare affix MIs.
Personally I’m not really a fan of DM set since I like default attack builds and DM is much better for SS or hybrid builds.

If you want to use DM set, I’d go for the full set since the 5 set bonus is pretty strong right now. In that case you should get some points in the SS line too otherwise it’d just be a waste.

Censure is definitely the best aura for this build now so go with that.

As for the devotions, Ghoul lets you attack without fear for 6s when it’s on, very little can compete with that when it counts.
If you’re not doing Crucible you can get away with not having Ghoul but it’s much safer to have it there.

Builds rarely turn unviable after a patch unless they’re really old (like the pre-expansion versions) or if they were absurdly powerful and got a targeted nerf.