[] Nightmare's Vitality Cabalist New Player Starter Build

Nice,but did moderators allows you to continue this thread or you make new one-nightmare Cabalist part 2?

I have decided since Nery got the Oppressor version of this build guide up, that I will not make a FG version of this Cabalist

Cool to get this guide up to date.I am probably at some point will start build diary,probably Infiltrator.What happened with the idea for beginners guides compendium?

I will soon, very soon, take a looooong Grim Dawn vacation :stuck_out_tongue:

Will maybe check in to the forums now and then, but no more guides or builds or leveling up toons for months

I might start a build diary, or some kind of “zero 2 hero” project when I get back to GD. I am actually planning of just deleting all my other chars, items and learned BPs so that I can start fresh as a newborn child again :smiley:

I have played this build before FG and enjoyed it very much. Do you per chance know if there have been adaptations/optimizations for FG content?

You had me at “incredibly new player friendly” going to check try this build during the weekend. Cheers!

For sure.For starters there’s new amulet with 24% Crit damage to Ravenous Earth.Also Dark one set is always a improvement.Also some new faction items are available.

Cool, fortunately I already found the blueprint for it :slight_smile: what about devotions, would you recommend some adjustments with FG?

For devotions look here https://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83561 Nerys oppressor version of same build

If you haven’t seen it already, check out this build for a high performing endgame goal.

Hi, I’m not criticising, but as a new player, I’m curious about this comment. Do you simply feel this Opressor build is a better version of the Cabalist build you layout (in far more detail) here?

Or are they simply close enough and you’d rather spend your energy elsewhere, or something else again?

Don’t feel the need to justify your decision, I just didn’t understand what you meant. Feel free to ignore me if you think it will invite nuisance questions.

However, I am a little curious what you would suggest. Should I GD Defiler my character to another mastery to track another guide? I can maybe putter along with this build more or less while collecting gear, but find my ability to farm Steps of Torment at even Elite is rough. Maybe I just need more freeze resist.

I’m level 92 having followed this guide. I’m the kind of player who prefers moderately fixed classes in games, learning how to optimize within a more closed space as I go, so this guide really made Grim Dawn much more playable for me than the open-ended relatively unexplained mechanics of the wider game. I’ve gotten a bit more comfortable with itemization and am making my own tradeoffs in gearing within this build when a handy blue or purple appears, but I’m not ready to start crafting my own builds. When I did that in Titan Quest, I ended up with a terrible build.

Any advice or comments are welcome, and no advice is also welcome.

It means that since the Cabalist and Oppressor is so similar, there is no point of doing a cabalist version of Nery’s guide - I am pretty sure that the reader can figure it out on their own basically.

Dark One set is pretty spectacular easy to play and build,but if you don’t I can make one guide.But is not mandatory,cause this is excellent guide.

It is basically just using the gear you did use, with the skills in this guide :stuck_out_tongue:

Well it’s not Nuclear physics,although that is maybe easy for you,too:D

And Occultist is different class,than Warlord.Btw Possesion lacks the CDR,but is good exclusive skill.

yeah Nuclear Physics is kindergarden physics for me :stuck_out_tongue:

What is interesting is Ritualist and perhaps even Vitality caster Archon? You mentioned you wanted to try make budget beginner archon, you think vitality caster archon could work? Transmuted storm totem, wines and guardians perhaps

It will lack the punch probably.Archon idea was spin to win,but is my next stop.Later this night will write beginners guide for Vindicator totemist and also Thunderous Strike version.

I have the intention to post new guide every week,so at that point I will try some more ideas.I can maker a thread with Cabalist or other Dark One builds,also Apostate with Krieg set or some other stuff:p

Is the vindicator like my old lightning vindicator but more storm totem focused? I can send you my guide if you want/ need to steal some text and ideas

Or will you just smack on Light defender set, double rare MI off-hand and janaxia dagger and call it “Top starter build” “best beginner build ever” “easy to play farmer”

Did I hear Beginner Apostate? Squeee


Anyway, Pet Shaman is ready for Vindicator :cool:

(And yes, I will also take that Cabalist)

:):smiley: hehe:p