[] Allagast's Stormbox of Hagarrad

Update 2.13.18 - included a gameplay video

Posting a new build I’ve been working on. Still making updates/improvements after testing, but so far, been able to clear 150 glad very quickly.

Grimtools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w26AjEeN (relic is +1 sbox/rune of hag so total 26/16 stormbox 21/16 rune of hag). If you do not have ravager helm, can use myth clairvoyant helm or dread mask of gurgoth

Build Idea

This is mainly a lightning tether build with rune of hagarrad as secondary damage. Damage type is ightning primary and Aether secondary. Pierce a far third.

After playing around with lightning tether, I really wanted to make a build with lightning tether as main dps to see how far I can take it.

Baiscally our main damage is from lightning tether with reduced CD (0.4 sec with allagast set). Lightning tether may not look that strong in grimtools/just on skill, but it actually hits 3 times a second/3x what you see on skill (someone can confirm) and does seem to scale with cast speed. Additionally, with a low CD, and the skill lasting 5 secs, you can theoretically cast lightning tether 12.5 times, before the original runs out (although in practice probably less since you are casting other things, but maybe on 5 enemies). So assuming u cast on 5 enemies and they are bunched up, you can really get the dps you see x 5 enemies casted on x 3 hits per second (or more based on cast speed). As you can see, the real dps of tether is much more then the low amount on grimtools seems to indicate. Also, you can move/run around while tether is active if you need to kite so there is essentially little dps loss while not casting new tethers.


My sheet dps in town is about 75K for lightning tether and if i tether 5 enemies close together on average (each with separate casts of tether), i could be hitting for 375K dps average. Could be more or less based on number of tethers i get going, but max theoretical of 12.5 would be insane.

As for rune of haggard, it does about half pierce half cold before any conversions. However, with allagast stormbinder and spark of ultos dual wield, i can convert all the cold damage to half aether, half lightning.

As far as reduced resist, there should be approx -

Lightning (126 + flat 28 = 152)
Aether (98 + flat 28 = 126)
Pierce ( 25 + flat 28 = 53)

Above does not count extra 25% elemental from hand of ultos

Build Variation Testing

I’ve tried doing the build with starpact/TSS as the allagast set would want you to, but i found TSS damage kinda sucks. Using rune of haggard does much more dps. Although I do not have any specific item support for rune of haggard, i have a lot of +skill to inq/all, so we can get it to a good level.

I also tried to do full aether stormbox (with skill conversion)/rune of haggard (100% cold to aether with dual allagast weapons)/chillspikes (converted to all aether), but dps didn’t seem to be as good as the posted lightning/ather mix. Maybe because a good portion of stormbox damage is electrical burn and aether cannot convert this.


Sorry but i’m not too good at these mirror builds yet, I still need practice. But here is an example of gameplay @ 153 wave crucible. https://youtu.be/JkjNzJonQY8

Looks interesting, would like to see a video.

I have no idea how it works, but if I had played it I would focus on elemental damage here and ditch Acid Spray in favour of Elemental Storm. Also ditch Word of Pain and pick up something else, maybe another rune.

Video added.

I didn’t focus strictly on elemental and did lightning/aether because i was trying to make use of the -20% light/aether from stormbox. Also, you get 120 aether dmg to stormbox, which doesnt sound like a lot, but given how often stormbox hits, its actually quite a bit of dps. That is why acid spray is good because its all rr not just ele.

Potentially possible though to focus solely on ele dmg. Would loose out a lot on the inherrent aether %/ - aether res bonuses in the build, but can do some testing.