[] Bleed Witchblade Butchering 170 Waves of Crucible.

UPDATE: Added 2h warder version on 2nd post. Surprisingly good, but risky.

Regarding the 2H version, those 3 overcapped points in olerons do absolutely nothing for a bleed build. They’d be better off elsewhere. Same with the wendigo totem.

Regarding crucible, a stonewall banner and courageous tincture (for use on those particularly nasty waves) should get you to around 5k DA. And the difference in my experience, between 4.5k DA and >5K DA is pretty significant. Even more so when you can get closer to 5.5k DA.

I would put this 6 points into e. g. Heart of The Wild. A lot of Health and if I understand Behemoth/Chariot, it is: More Health, more Heal.

When you don´t want to put Rend to Grasping Vines, why spent Points in it? I really like this combination on my trickster because of the CC, the damage and the RR.

Thanks for the suggestions!

I definitely messed up on Oleron’s rage. I thought 15 points give another OA and ms bonus. I’m sticking on my setup for wendigo totem, though. I wanted to squeeze every last bit of sustain it can give and it does the job well for me. You could argue heart of the wild does the same and it’s true. But I prefer the heals.

On vines, yeah rend was the initial reason why I took it but for some reason it felt clunky. Maybe I was so used to having CoF. Now I only use it when I want more massacre procs against some bosses cause the slow’s useless against them and I don’t really need the slow against trash.

And on banners and ointments, I do use banners sometimes especially on small arenas but my personal standard on current crucible is 3 buffs no banners, cause sometimes, especially on large arenas that I like, it’s not too efficient. And I don’t use ointments. I just don’t like them :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for build :smiley:

sleeptank :rolleyes:

tools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZRRybrZ UPDATE. Added some changes for the new crucible. Now clears around 10-11 mins for offensive version and 12-13 for defensive. The older versions are still very viable except for the DA stacking one.

How do bleed builds handle SoT nowadays? or undead content in general? I had a Warder bleed build back in the pre-expansion days and he was amazing except for anything undead.

There is a drop in kill speed when it comes to undead but nothing too significant to worry about.


Is there a legendary alternative to the legguards which are green ?
Where did you find them ?
For the moment I use Barbaros but i would like to have more aether resistances to avoid to use res. potions. I have 50% for the moment.

Thank you,

Sure. There’s a no MI setup hidden inside spoiler tags in there. That’s for the previous patch but it’s still very viable now, just not optimized for fast clearing.

Edit: here https://www.grimtools.com/calc/0V0wBvE2

For the new offensive setup, do you have an altenative ? (no for the old one) ?

I don’t have a link for that but you should be able to figure it out. You have link for new version with MI then old version with no MI. Just mix and match things.

Why don’t you take Unchained Grasp of Oleron or the Crimson Claws as your Handguards? (on the 2-hand Warder) They would yoield higher DPS and utility, resist reduction from oleron’s and more ADctH from Crimson Claws. Those 2 would also give you much needed Attackspeed.

Why do you go for Colossal Grasp over Unchained Might and Crimson Claws? (on the 2-h Warder) The other two yield higher DPS, more ADctH/Resist Reduction and Attackspeed.

Cause it’s outdated. Here’s an updated grimtools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZRl8pB2 I still don’t use Unchained gloves cause weapon damage on Blade Arc is useless with Savagery actually having better weapon damage especially with feral hunger activated and dots from weapon damage do not stack, so I opted to boost Savagery and Feral Hunger instead. That one clears cruci in around 9 mins and I suck at melee. It should be better if you’re a better melee player.

I always wondered how good is this kind of warder. Can it do 150-170 with 4 buffs?

I am also wondering why not take Ghoul instead of Giant’s Blood - a heal that use useless on a melee autoattacker imo.

I wasn’t really hell-bent on optimizing the warder cause I 've always like the witchblade better. I haven’t tried ghoul on the warder but it could always be of use. On the witchblade, tho I never needed it even during the DA meta so there’s that. Probably influenced my decision on the warder too
I’ve never tried 4buffs no banner on the warder but seeing that most of my builds only suffer 1min cleartime loss without banner then I assume it does the same too.

What’s the clearing time with banner then? (for WB and for Warder)

9-10 on WB, only ran warder twice and got 9-ish both times.

I got below 9 mins on wb once but that was with really lucky bleed rolls. Warder should also be able to hit those timings but it can’t facetank all the time so it’s harder.