[] Inquisitor Enforcer - Aegis Purifier - Gladiator 150-170 Tank

Is it possible to add a leveling guide with devotion path, skills to take etc?


Follow this for leveling tips ^

The end game setup works best when one has Aegis Set. W/o it I have my doubts regarding how well G&B works so till then I recommend using either Dual-Wield Pistols or 2h Rifle

Do note that I haven’t tried G&B since vanilla and it used to be terrible before recent buffs so my statement could be completely incorrect

When you get Aegis set, spec into Fluff’s build and enjoy
Here is a theorycrafted non-MI version of Fluff’s build


Great build, shame you lack skill points to properly boost inquisitor wps and deadly aim. Although it’s still a lot of damage for such a weird gun/shield combination. Those mi’s tho, totally insane.

Thank you. Boosts and pants can be replaced. Rings are difficult though…

This is because Aegis, as is the problems with many items. Offers waaaay too much pierce res for builds that just don’t need it instead of something else.

Great job on that one, something i can get behind.

Nice build Fluff i theorycrafted with Commando but after you said it sucks glad i didnt level it.

Thanks as well:p I know Balance reings are super enticing. I wanted them too. But if Aether and chaos are not overcapped (specially aether) it’s certain death in crucible:( Should be wonderful for campaign though)

Honestly, the Justicar set should have received the same treatment as Krieg’s (and so do the other old sets).

You can’t compare justicar to what krieg was in testing. does it look like i’m steamrolling crucible?

I think he/she means that it should support a third mastery (Probably Inquisitor). Like how Krieg supports Soldier, Arcanist and Necromancer.

Won’t say no to that. But i think it supports blitz and FW so much that it won’t go for a third mastery. Not that Elemental FW couldn’t use this

Decided to change my 2H Fire Purifier to this and it’s surprisingly strong. Specially the Aegis final bonus wps. Downed Valdaran in around 20 or so seconds.

I do think the set doesn’t have enough OA. I know it’s meant to be a generic set, but i think just 25 flat OA on the gun is not much. Maybe upping to 50 on the gun and add around 40 to the belt would be great in my opinion.

And i agree about the pierce resist, it’s way too much. Maybe if they can’t just add OA on top of what already has, maybe replace the pierce resist on the belt or shield with OA instead.

Shouldn’t 2h Fire Purifier be like better for campaign tho?

My version is more offensive than Superfluff’s. That and i also wanted to try a gun and shield build.

trust me there’s is nothing i’d like more than go more offense in crucible:(. I finished Glad 170 with the 2h version btw with a similar devo setup. But kuba/reaper is hard with that guy even with better dots. This is because of their insane run speed. especially reaper. They dance in circles around you even if you have 80% slow res and overcapped run speed


great build. changed my purifier from eye cancer with a lot of spells to yours.

but why
maxed words of renewal? why not steel resolve (flat phys)?
or maxing deadly aim

may remove some points in vindictive flames to overcap blast shield?


Min-maxing was done with Glad Crucible tanking in mind.
For main campaign as Norzan said you can go with much offense


"but why
maxed words of renewal? For Stable DA and reliable tanking. This build thrives ff minimal kiting.

why not steel resolve (flat phys)? what for? Phys to fire conversion is minimal on the set. If anithing i’d take it for resists and racial bonus.

or maxing deadly aim. Minimal OA gain in the sea of crucible buffs. Go on and max it in campaign. You can do it in crucible too but the build is made to withstand any combo of nemeses in cruci. Crap like 2x reaper or kuba are the main reason builds need to be reworked to no end.

may remove some points in vindictive flames to overcap blast shield?. No need in either campaign or cruci. Attack speed is your friend, "

ok, i see.

thanks :D:)

What would this build look like more campaign focused? Same devotions and just some skills points shifted around or different devotion setup too?

What would you trade out if you wanted to go a bit more offensive / less defensive?


Something like this, it can be done in many different ways tbh.

Oh and @Superfluff, you said Commando said cause it lacked WPS (besides having less survivability). Back then you were talking about Cadence Commando right? Cause that’s what I was referring to at the time