When I try this build, he fires rapidly with his rifle, thus I gave my character nickname as Doomguy with Shotgun. Maybe it could be false. but at least looking fun though.
I checked Sfzrx’s post (http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68072&highlight=valdun) and modified some aspect as my preferences.
There are few things I like to mention.
1.Valdun is not god tier.
2.Mad Queen is possible, but I failed terribly at Lokarr (I am terrible).
3.Do not mention Hardcore. I have a faint of heart (I am wimpy).
4.I am South Korean, thus my Engrish is not the native language. Sorry for bad grammar.
Here goes my GD tool link.
:mad: you might say “Where is poison resist?”
Mogdrogen’s Ardor with Poison resists bonus (GD tool does not have completion bonus feature yet). it covers some resist. mine was 24%
Here goes my thoughts.
Doom vs Mogdrogen’s Ardor
Doom has sweet features too. but I personally prefer Mogdrgen’s Ardor, because of completion bonus (I crafted twice, got resists only), increased Health and BOTH skill bonus. It also has a buff which increases total speed as well. -
All physique?
Personally, if you hate to invest in physique, it is cool. You can invest in Cunning to pull serious damages and Offensive Ability. I use Myth. Chausses of Barbaros, it may need some physiques. If you totally want to focus on Cunning, aim for different pants like Really Great Pants. -
It has some options. If you have really good Iron Maiden Shoulderguard, you can. However, I don’t. Thus I have to choose between Myth. Warborn Pauldrons and Myth. Bounty Hunter’s Shoulderguard. Simply put, Myth. Bounty Hunter’s Shoulderguard has better DPS wise than Warborn, but Myth Warborn Pauldrons has good max Health with Aether resist. It is entirely up to you. -
I used to rely on Myth. Grasp of Unchained Might, because of Oleron Rage. Yet I was curious is Myth. Quickdraw Gloves better? Thus I crafted few times. That gloves has much dps with some neat Inquisitor skills. It could be biased, yet I leave that choice to you. -
Myth. Pack of Treacherous Means might be better option because of poison resist, pierce damage and so on. I do not have that recipe and prefer Myth. Reforged Chains of Oleron more. Equip the belt as you see fit. -
Rifle Augments
Coven and Barrowholm have pierce augments. Coven comes with an elemental resist (20%) meanwhile Barrowholm has more Health bonus (550). I chose Barrowholm because I prefer more health than resist. If you are picky on resistances, choose Coven’s augment. -
Why Full Set?
True, I admit, some Cadence with that default attack skill may not sound nice for the full set bonus. I spent some on Grim Dawn Tool which piece I can replace… but I cannot. Except for that amulet, each piece gives you a bonus for pierce damages if you use two-handed Rifle. If you really want 3 pieces, try to replace amulet, which I cannot guarantee fully. -
Stonehide Stoneplate sounds good, you may consider Merciless prefix, because not only it adds pierce damage, but also increases your elemental and poison resist. Subfix… I cannot think which would be better though. I didn’t have much luck with Stoneplate boots sadly. If you cannot get Stoneplate boots yet, you may consider Myth. Windshear Greaves too as poor man’s choice. -
That’s the hard part for myself. The first ring is the Bladetwister Ring, which is no brainer because of pierce resist debuff. Another ring… which is much harder. I used Myth. Blackwatch Seal first, later I got another ring with Vampiric Vine Ring of Alacrity. That ring is not bad though. but personally I need Dread Lord Cronley Seal of Shadows, which could be better. Yet sadly Cronley really hates to give me what I want… Q.Q -
Full resist vs some gapped resist
You can cap every resist to max if you modify some area. First is that rifle’s augment (Coven’s augment) with elemental resist and second is putting tainted heart instead of Seal of Annihilation. but I cannot give up Seal of Annihilation yet for attack speed with debuff… -
How to fight
Cast Pain of Word to decrease an enemy’s pierce resist and shoot it until it dies (seriously!). You can use the fragmented round to clear lesser enemies. You can also use Arcane Seal to protect/buff yourself if you face serious enemies. -
Devotion could be improved but my Korean dude called Akdong gave me feedback about my character’s Devotion already. I used to rely on Tortise yet Akdong recommended me to choose Ghoul for better Life steal. About Unknown Soldier, I do not like Living Shadow, thus I didn’t put on it. If you really want to use Living Shadow, you may have to change this devotion. -
Not fully capped resist, yet some dps with all physique. I like my build, yet not perfect and could use serious improvement still. Here goes the youtube link to killing Mad Queen and failed attempts at Lokarr.
Special Thanks to Korean GD Community in Naver, Akdong (Devotion), Brayan (for giving me full Valdun Set), Gato (helping me with the gloves) and Consarada (giving me Unchained Might gloves).
I already posted on Korean GD Community first. it is not much different from this one. I forgot (or being lazy) to put level up guide in here.