[]Good old mono-clic 2h Phys Warder

For those which have trouble dealing with many skills/button, I present my mono clic Warder (not really that mono-clic but you’ll only need one hand so…).

Grimcalc : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/gZwA3Wn2

Edit : Alternate setup By Kidpid https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN4wGJlZ
I have to test it to compare it to my version but performances should be similar (though you’ll have 2 more buttons to push :wink: )

Rashalga with original set up , 23 sec kill

Gargabol with original setup, 35 sec kill

Rashalga with kidpid set up , 23 sec kill

Gargabol with kidpid setup, 54 sec kill

I’m sure there’s room for improvement but I do not see it at the moment.

The gameplay is really simple, blitz in and hack away with left clic savagery.
Don’t forget Warcry at the beginning of the fight. That’s all…

So in fact it’s not really mono-clic, but it’ really easy to use and quite sturdy.

For the record I’ve done mogdrogen dungeon without problems and facetanked the last boss (Name was Gargabol) with ease (I just had to retreat once to get out of all these pools of damage that spawned below me).

Don’t know if kuba is a real threat but it wasn’t hard.
It performed well on Rashalga too with honest kill time (around 30 sec maybe, I’m not quite sure).

I’ll post image and video at a later time.

Leveling Guide.

You’ve got a choice when leveling, whether you use those cheesy Aoe such as Blade arc or Primal Strike.
And you can stick to it till you begin elite.
Or you can go savagery straight from the start.

If you choose savagery, first go to 9 in savagery (so you have 7 charges) then take feral hunger to 8 (AOE and regen).
Your first constellation should be bull so you can have some aoe early on.
Once you’ve got enough point to get feral hunger, zolhan tech and upheaval (in that order) around level 8/9 you can ditch Bull for other more useful constellations as these three procs should give you enough AOE (a little more than 50% of your attacks will be aoe).

The mandatory constellations are assassin’s blade (of course), Kraken (I’ve tried without and it really lacks power) and Oleron (Bling fury is just too good to pass by).
For stuff, look for phys bonus damage and attack speed, you’ll also need some kind of acdth (around 5% per difficulty I’d say) to be able to heal life in each fight.
Best weapons are those that transmute lightning (or elemental) damage to physical. Early on, Cesarin’s Conviction is the best weapon you can get. It’ll easily last until the beginning of elite.

OA is also quite important as our 2 major proc (assassin’s rage and blind fury) are on crit procs, I’d say 10% crit is a bare minimum in the earlier difficulties, you should aim for more than 20% in Ultimate.

That’s all for now.

Also reserved for later

I’d heavily recommend Warborn Helmet for 100% Break Morale uptime.

EDIT: Here’s how I would do Nature’s Avenger https://www.grimtools.com/calc/nZorwJEV

I’ve tried it and yes it’s really good.

But I prefer blodragers cowl for the bonus savagery (+2 savagery and 20% weapon dmg to savagery and 10% atk speed with bloodrager amulet).
Plus you’ll loose the ninth savagery charge with warborn helm.

So Warborn is a solid choice, but it feels that you loose much just to get 100% break morale uptime.

Besides, you also got oleron’s might for reduced damage and blind fury for flat Phys RR (it’s not as good as War Cry + Break morale, but I feel it’s good enough in between).

You can keep the 9th Savagery charge with some other gearing changes. If you look at my setup in the edit you will see that I maintain 24/16 Savagery. Honestly, I don’t think either way is the “right” way to build it. Just comes down to personal preference.

Quite right, your build seems interesting, I’ll test it and I’ll post it as an alternate setup.
There’s a major flaw to your setup, 2 more buttons to push :wink:

You got me there. Let me know how your testing goes.

You guys tried this dude in crucible? I tried both pure phys and bleed and a mix of both and it;s bad. I thought I could at least make him endure with high regen. He has lots of % regen but low flat regen even with devotions and gear.

ZT crits are nice but are unreliable. 2h AA melee flat dmg is unreliable in general. The damage gap on the weapon is just huuuge. I do love the concept of the set but it doesn’t really know what it wants to be. Average bleed, average, IT, kinda average flat phys, average regen

I’ve not tried it on Crucible as I do not really like the crucible.
It fares well in the vanilla game as well as the new dungeon (downed the last boss without problems).

Most bosses and nemesis in the campaign should be doable with it.

I’ve tried Lokarr but died on it, it was my first time doing Lokarr though, I’ll try later.

As for crucible, it remains a 2h hand melee char (with savagery nearly being your only source of damage), so it suffers from most melee 2h handers flaws.
Lack of clearing speed with huge group of mobs, not that great burst DPS for boss/nemesis, OK tankiness but not as much as a shield char (enough for facetanking most of vanilla content though).
All in all, you got good DPS but clearly inferior to dual melee or heavy casters and good tankiness but inferior to shield char. It’s quite the middle ground between DPS dual melee and shield tankiness.

I honestly do not think it can finished the last waves of crucible … but I have not tried.

I see avenger set as a phys build, Bloodrager being superior for bleed build.
And the 100% lightning conversion to phys really hint that you should try pure phys build with avenger set.

So do most poeple because of the weapon mod.

But you have to wonder: Why flat bleed on the weapon that is equal in strength to 1-handed bleed weapons, why a bleed proc on the weapon, flat bleed bonus on shoulders, flat bleed on belt if 2h.

There is a reoccurring pattern here that is difficult ignore or make sense of.
Even if you want to make a mix of bleed and IT/phys and add rend devotion, you can’t max swarm along with storm touched, brute strength and ZT. The set is all over the place…

Agreed, the bleed/phys mix is a bit nonsensical. I would be happier if the bleed was replaced with IT.

I heard they originally named the set Nature’s Average but god damn autocorrect.

Warborn does physical better (both one handed and two handed) and Bloodrager does bleed better. Nature’s Avenger seems to have an identity crisis because it’s trying to do both but there are two other sets do that each much better.

The weapon and belt kick ass, but i wish the set had a more clear identity.

I added a Video of Rashalga (MQ) kill.
Added a video of Gargabol kill.

I’ll try to add videos of kidpid version to see the différences.

To Norzan, you are right, warborn set (for phys cadence) and Bloodrager set (for bleed savagery) are more OP right now.

But Avenger’s set is the best set we got now (in my opinion) for phys savagery.
Though I’d like if all that bleed was converted into internal trauma.

Added Videos with kidpid setup.
As we thought, performances are quite similar (see rashalga kill, I had to temporize during Gargabol bacause I was out of mana).

But there are some significant differences in gameplay.
First, kidpid setup is more energy hungry, see how I quickly need to regen some energy on Gargabol.
And second, kidpid setup is less smooth/intuitive having to cast wendigo totem in heavy fights.

Doomforce however is really great and useful in clearing mobs.
As I thought, mythical warborn to reduce war cry uptime is cool but I’d prefer Bloodrager’s 20% weapon damage to savagery.

I’ll try to mix the two setup to get the best of both.


^ I also had a similar build. Kidpid helped me, although I could not for the life of me find a Mythical Black Matriarch, Doom recipe or Avenger Armor yet.

This is my current setup: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNk34nRN
As you can see it still lacks some equipment, but I still managed to kill Lokarr (twice - although I used ointments, it is possible to kill it without it, just takes some time) and usually manage to go up to 150 in Gladiator Crucible. It can go even higher, but has high chances of dying.

The build is not the tankiest and neither the most offensive build I’ve saw, but manages some bosses and almost all Nemesis really well.

It does not manage well: Aleksander (it kills it, but positioning to not be killed by his meteor combo is a must) and Zantarim (when he wants to shotgun ya, but only in this case)
And almost anything that can freeze and/or stun you in the middle of a big crowd is a problem (lacks freeze and stun resist if compared to my Blademaster build). Ofc, I say this without talking about using ointments.

Edit: Also forgot to point out -> the build in the post has a different choice of constelations than the one I have right now. I love Kraken.