[] Chaotic Ch'thonic Converter - Chaos Chillspines Deceiver

I’ll keep this one short. Blood Orb of Ch’thon has always been a one of my favorite items, even though I’ve never been one for typical casters in games. This build uses it and Fang of Ch’thon to convert the majority of Chillspikes (granted by this Seal)damage into chaos. This is not a build for new players, as it is extremely dependent on having certain items. Chillspines is supplemented in damage by a mostly chaos Word of Pain (a % is vitality damage), full chaos Fiend procs, and full chaos elemental harmony procs. The end results is an extremely powerful, mobile, and tough shotgun caster with tons of sustain that can absolutely shred bosses. Even though using Dying God and Blood rite, the health regen stays positive.

I would say this build is HC capable. (not my wheelhouse in grimdawn) But you can play this build as a dot kiter/ranged attacker for extra safety or charge in with chaos strike to shotgun bosses to the face. With full debuffs/Buffs word of pain will be ticking for over 30k crits and Chillspikes will be able to crit for near 40k per projectile.

+1 to mad_lee for reminding me to not be a noob and craft things at angrim for extra armor :smiley:

Grimtools link: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4VxYwMMZ
Full chaos WoP : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YVWQnKyN

Less greens setup : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/gZwKoWlZ




12 second Grava’Thul
Facetanking MQ Shotguns with a shotgun caster
Ancient Grove part 1 / Kubacabra
Ancient Grove part 2 / Gargabol

This is ridiculous and amazing at the same time.

At first I looked at the screenshot with stats then I looked at the Grimtools and I was like, what the heck is this, chaos chillspikes/wop build, yeah, right, this can’t work.

But then I watched the videos and was like, OH SHIT, THIS BUILD RAPES.

Now I wanna see more videos of this, like, maybe an Ancient Grove Playthrough?

Lol I kind of had the same thoughts putting it together. But it turned out far far better than I expected

I’ll do an ancient grove run, but my upload speed is garbage so It will take awhile to go up once I’m finished.

Gratz on the build, man, finishing MQ and Kuba like that is no small feat. But can you make a video of Ancient Grove playthrough? Very curious on how fast it clears trash mobs.

EDIT: Posted before I saw your answer. Will be waiting for that video. Side note: do you think that ravager’s eye is a bit better option then Void’s Tar in off-hand?

Yeah it would be most likely, as the damage certainly isnt lacking. It actually clears trash more or less instantly lol.

It’s uploading now. 8 min clear… Kinda of panicked when I stumbled into kuba, but still managed lol… You also will notice that I forgot to even turn on blood rite for the beginning of the video. :o :rolleyes:

Im going to work on doing some crucible later tonight. I feel 170 should be doable with stonewalls and buffs… But for now I’m going to get outside for a bit, and enjoy the weather :smiley:

It’s just a ton of chaos damage. Fiend proc near 15k chaos base hit, elemental harmony procs crit for about 35-40k chaos, eldritch fire is full chaos damage ticks, the tainted ruby is like 4k per second chaos base. Spikes can hit for 30-35crits x5. The dps is nuts

Im tempted to drop bat to pick up Lantern for more stats. :undecided:

Just a bit of an update… original video for ancient grove refused to upload. It failed 3 times. I decided to split the new one in two parts. First half is up… second is uploading

Some juicy action, tanking kuba all the way despite his self-healing pools is strong. Really solid build, but you probably can improve it even more!

Surprised there is nooone commenting on this sick and fun build.

Wouldn’t expect anything less from you but fireworks. Chillspikes doesn’t surprise me but WoP’s ticks surprise me. Gargabol would be dead meat

I do have one question, why not use Youtube? Maybe that can solve your problem with videos

I’ve used it in the past. The main problem is that my internet connection upload speed is well under 1 mbps… But I just bought a new house that is in town. So in about 4-5 weeks I should be able to start streaming again even.

Yeah the ravager’s eye and taking lantern over bat should be a solid buff.
trading the proc/life leech/ armor for over 100 DA, some OA, crit damage, and some cast speed.

Also I noticed that I wasnt even getting the bonus from my Inq seal until he split the 2nd time lol.

Nice Gargabol kill. If it were me I’d have kited around like a headless chicken around him letting the DoTs do the work

You definitely can do that with this build too! Shooting off a couple spikes then running more.

Looks even more solid now, real fire!

How much armor you have in-game? With 5 craftable gear pieces I reckon you can get it to around 2400 easily, this is where all the physical resistance really shines.

Im a bit over 2100 after putting on the Ravager eye. Check out the concept extension Mage hunter links I put at the bottom. The damage / -resist on that elemental one looks nice…

2100 armor, did you not craft all your gear at Angrim?

Mage Hunter looks nice, but I would deffo go TD route with double mirror.

Wow. First time I see a blood orb build that doesn’t look like a meme and shits on bosses face to face. Congrats!

Duncan :eek:

I’ve always felt mirror was a cheesy skill. So I never really build around it

At Duncan? Noooooo!

So your build can be even tankier, you can get up to 35% more armor.