[] PRM Mage Hunter (MQ 15s / Lokarr 34s / No MI)

<Nomal Stat>

<Full Buff Stat>

How to Play : https://youtu.be/1VrG4Hrbu8E

MQ 15s : https://youtu.be/LlX6rklvTzs

Lokarr 34s : https://youtu.be/rJ7AUrE-S0I

Grim Tool : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/gZwKna8Z


nice setup and damage. does screen shot include all procs?

Added Full buff Stat :slight_smile:

gg setup, definetely superior than pure aether prm. :cry:

I’ll say
Great setup and gz for not using Devastation

Gotta love AKDONG`s simple yet to the point guides! :wink:

Today is a day of strong PRM builds.

Hat down for taking the elemental path:)

looks, which masteries should i focus first?

Obviously Arcanist, it is a PRM build after alll.

this or his DW Purifier build for farming Ancient Grove?

leveling Arcanist and callidor’s with 2h weapon

Very easy to clear. this PRM and DW Purifier

aoe is top notch thanks to ultos devo plus single target is dope. gone are the weak prm days. I recommend this build.

Video killing gargabol.


Prm looking better than AAR these days:)

you said it, so much for underperforming channeling skills, I guess :smiley:

can a much stronger prm build come out from a non magehunter variant? thinking of going druid with stormcaller pacts and elemental resit reduction from wind devil should give more damage. Imagine using storm caller pact? also a warlock prm will work too?

got a GT link?

I’d like to see their crucible clear and some nemesis kills. Some of the normal metrics for build capability at least.