[] Tri Element Physceiver

Will finish this and aether aprocstate tomorrow I promise ;D

Been doing a lot of full phys conversion casters and while most have turned out mediocre I’m pretty happy with this one. Need to do a lot of fixing on this just kinda threw it together definitely some fairly poor gear choices in there :D, but quite happy with it so I’m posting now. Again mostly so Cthon doesn’t claim another cool idea before me <3 Didn’t fight any nems with it, but did a full AoM clear with it and was pretty happy with the performance and fun level.

A lot of beronath builds somewhat or entirely hard focus a single thing to convert and abuse weapon damage, but I wanted to make a caster fairly equally utilizing all the 3 elements so inquisitor was the obvious primary class and I took blizzard, meteor, and ultos so they are equally represented in devotions as well. Core of this clown fiesta build is beronath, 2pc octavius, and RR whoring. Build is pretty tanky, but it doesn’t have much sustain so you need to avoid huge burst damage, kite, and time your heals well. Luckily this build can nuke move speed and has some stun/freeze going on as well. Burst is pretty decent when everything comes in at once and while dot damage needs to be reapplied somewhat frequently (where is my massive trauma duration :furious:) they do some good work, managed to hit a 166k trauma tick on the dummy!

Note: Tome of names is the level 58 variant because lol spirit


Good one. My highest on this concept was 140k tick with Pyro

You do have an odd gearing choice, Lacerator girdle and Mythical Gutworm Medal are what I use. Even in devotions I stuck to Vire and Bull (taking only Fiend from the left side)

How is energy treating you?


I wouldn’t have posted this till they gave me better IT support :stuck_out_tongue:


This is the concept still in testing phase

Highest recorded tick - 140k
Consistent ticks - 93k-101k

The low ticks is the reason why I never posted it (and probably never will)

N1. Arcane bricks @work