[] - Ulzuin's Avatar (Fire/Lightning/Passive Damage Procs/Tanky)

Posting a build thread about this since I got a few people asking about it.

Doing something quick for now, but i can expand over time.

Basically this build uses Ulzuin’s Infernal Avatar Set Proc. It is very powerful. It is flame torrent on super steroids. But there is a big investment to use it - full 5 piece ulzuin’s set (including a 2hand ranged weapon). The ulzuin proc is kinda counter intuitive for a build using a 2handed gun, because like the flame torrent proc, it damages in a small circle around the caster. So you baiscally need to be in melee range of mobs to make full use of the proc. The playstyle is basically like a melee build (but unforunately has no movement skill - please crate let us have a movement skill for ranged char in expansion!)

Build uses a mix of 1K+ hp regen/sec with ADCTH with WPS procs (flametorrent/ulzuin’s) for sustain. A bunch of forcefields/absorb shields, and procs to get armor to a good level.

I have two versions of this, one more DPS focused, and one tanker. Mosly just devotion differences.

DPS Devotion Version


Tanky Devotion Version (still basically same clear times)


This is still kind of a work in progress to try and make it tankier (full facetank) without sacrificing much damage (and less kiting = more damage). Think I’m almost there with the tanky version, but still tweaking.

But regardless of the build still being tweaked, it is fully capable of doing all content and does 150-170 gladiator in under 11 mins!! Sometimes I die, trying to facetank (which is what im trying to tweak to avoid), but the dps is very good and overall currently quite tanky (esp considering its a 2hand range build).

Korvaak’s Deception
edit: Requires a melee weapon.

nevermind :smiley:
u could use riftstone in slot , offhand seal of might, so the aura wont switch off

nice build! :)))