[] Avatar of Solael 2.0 - Sigil master & 2xDoom Bolt - Gladiator 150-170 in 11:30

Mate OA and Phys res was the main reason i got em. You can’t beat it:p Log shoulders can have up to 11% phys res with formidable affix, And OA you can never have enough of, or at least I can’t

nice tips mate haha. I would try to get loghorrean then. I am gunning to get +1 more doombolt lol ,bad idea.

One thing how would you rate this build against other class combos. Im talking about doombolt and sigil builds.sorry for taking your time

No other class combo will give you this amount of Vit RR. That is why conjurer. But you can try cabalist, if you can resist the urge to use Radaggan then at the cost of DB:)

lesson learned.:stuck_out_tongue:

no way. db and sigil work quite well. The only thing this build would be perfect vit is if we can use storm vitality also but that would be for a different build

Since Crucible is your aim I’d recommend taking RoH and using conversion. Regardless of whether you go Vitality or Acid. RoH would be a big help

At most i’d take Chillsurge, maybe. haggarad is either very strong or annoying without proper mods proper+ skills and maxed artifact handling. I don’t want a half arsed skill

I;m more interested in meteors or amatok + fissure

If he doesn’t want it to be easy then he won’t take hagarrad :stuck_out_tongue:

I was talking about Chillsurge obviously. DEE+Chillsurge DoTs are amazing

Why would I bother recommending Hagarrad w/o the Conduit? It sucks :eek:

At most he might take it for DA shred but you’re right :smiley:

Hi Fluff,

Nice build as always !

With current good phys res, can this build facetank Gargabol while standing in Sigil of Consumption?

I’m not taking DEE:eek:

What is amazing of you can;t hard cap the skills properly? wan’t impressed even on WH honstly

If it can tank 3x nemeses it’s safe to say yes :slight_smile: The lifesteal is ridiculously good. Unless you get oneshot in half a second there is no way you die

I see, did you mean get one shot from it’s fissure or it’s slap attack ?

Nah man, only ravager or something could one shot you

If a panetti build can facetank garbie doll I am sure this can. Madqueen though:rolleyes:

Even the cold FoI new version I posted on last page can face thank gargabol…
Avout MQ, there is nothing in particular about this build that would ake her shotgun go insane so i’m confident it can tank her

its tricky cause this build does not have any damage absorb, save for a few from possession. Flame torrent procs MQ aura. Going to try it first hand to check.

Tried recently. HP stays full even under Gargabol’s max pressure :rolleyes:

Thanks for testing. I had no doubt, i think Soalel build, Rgaddan deceiver an d cabalist all can do it.

Solael is tankiest
Deceiver is less tanky but Censure is really cool but dmg wise in in between the two
Cabalist highest dmg, fastest clear speed, tougher than solael dtuing MoT (enough tine to delete a nemesis) and same tankyness as deceiver when MoT is off.

Between cabalist and deceiver, Cabalist is by far more fun for me. RE+ Fissire and 6% total dmg mod is fantastic

more fun? man dont say that. Im already having so much fun with conjurer and knowing there is another better makes me sad in the end

*creates new cabalist

I meant Radaggan cabalist is better than Deceiver cabalist. The solael one stands appart from this as it has the 2x DB thing

is there an alternative to spamming devouring as autoattack? seems like a waste to just spam n reapply the dot…