[] DW Savagery Vindicator

I’m away today, but I am going to feed both theories to MQ tonight

I hadn’t tested Mad_Lee’s version on MQ yet and something immediately clicked for me when I did
the thing that sets my build apart from a lot of other ranged DW builds is that it is a build that can reliably facetank, the downside to that is a lower clearspeed
now, clearspeed is all the rage in ARPGs these days, but personally I think we are making it a bit too important sometimes
of course, a higher AS means a higher damage output
in the case of for example MQ however that also means that you need to deal the damage before she can finish you, of course that applies to any build but the difference here is the need to kite her
both of the versions you guys have posted need to kite MQ, that is not a bad thing at all, but it is a bit of a stretch from what I wanted to achieve

that said, I DID compare them
because of the above all three versions were tested on the dummy
which of course means that defense didn’t matter and the test was all about clearspeed



clearly the slowest, I explained why but wanted to show how it went



I’ll leave it up to the both of you to judge which version is faster
to me it’s too close to call

Mine seems a bit faster but I think it might be just a matter of you not clicking or clicking enough buttons so I guess both versions are close to being equal.

Concering MQ test, I have a Vindicator that can kill Gargabol’s second phase in 7 seconds but also has to kite MQ. I think MQ is just a bad performance test for some builds, namely - autoattacking Vindicators.

You can tune your build to facetank MQ yet rest of the content will be painfully slow and Crucible Gladiator would be still unattainable. Or you can choose an offensive version and fast farm main campaign, kill all Nemeses and just forget about Mad Queen’s existence and tackle her with a different build.

My point is that there is no point in making tanky DW pistol builds, those builds strength lies within their ability to kill fast and leech tonns of hp back. Especially lightning based vindicators who unlike Purifiers don’t have Blast Shield, Aura of Censure, Fumble from Flashbang and OA shred from transmuted BWC. So with autoattacking vindicators your best bet would be stacking damage while maintaining respectable defenses.

Yeah. I think lee’s beats mine out by like 1 - 1.5s.

I wonder why that is…intuitively I’d guess it’s the OA. Deadly aim becomes deadlier after all with more OA.

Concering MQ test, I have a Vindicator that can kill Gargabol’s second phase in 7 seconds but also has to kite MQ. I think MQ is just a bad performance test for some builds, namely - autoattacking Vindicators.

You can tune your build to facetank MQ yet rest of the content will be painfully slow and Crucible Gladiator would be still unattainable. Or you can choose an offensive version and fast farm main campaign, kill all Nemeses and just forget about Mad Queen’s existence and tackle her with a different build.

My point is that there is no point in making tanky DW pistol builds, those builds strength lies within their ability to kill fast and leech tonns of hp back. Especially lightning based vindicators who unlike Purifiers don’t have Blast Shield, Aura of Censure, Fumble from Flashbang and OA shred from transmuted BWC. So with autoattacking vindicators your best bet would be stacking damage while maintaining respectable defenses

like I said, I agree, DW vindicator seems to be unfit for gladiator crucible

I do suppose you’re right, I discover more and more that I’m actually a melee kind of player
it has always been somewhat of a strange choice to play a build like this as if it were melee
but it’s just so much fun that I can!
I posted both your versions as alternatives in the OP
I do maintain that clearspeed is often overrated though