[] Radaggan - Vitality RoH/BH Apostate

I wanted to try out the new set with vitality on my apostate. The idea behind this build is converting elemental to vitality through Radaggan helm and Decree of Malmouth, at max rolls this can get you 90% conversion. This would then be utilized the 4 set bonus -25 RR to vitality to aura of censure. I went with Rune of Hagarrad since it’s such a strong skill and bone harvest.

Still a bit of a work in progress, but here is what I came out with:

Picture is with perma buffs only.

Right now it can easily clear 150, still struggling with 170 though. I cleared it once in about 15 tries, I normally die on 165. I’ve considered grabbing hourglass devotion for double MoT, but there would be no way to keep Rattosh at that point, I’m open to suggestions though.