[]2H- HC- Double blitz Force wave fire commando

GT link :https://www.grimtools.com/calc/Q2zX1x9Z
Crucible farm : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn3-Ca3qItg&feature=youtu.be

Offense : 3K -…-
Defense : same 3k and 3k8 armor,100% absorption, high phys res.

Thank. :rolleyes:

I don’t really play HC so pardon me if I’m wrong but isn’t a Mark of Divinity kind of a must? I’m asking out of curiosity, not trying to criticize

Both blast shield and menhirs will serve similar purposes - if through slightly different mechanics. Having all 3 is just overkill of you have ample health/da/resists.

No such thing when you’re playing on HC