[] Carrot Tank - Markovian S&B Witchblade, Gladiator farmer (12 minutes)

@mad_lee, I tested your suggestions except for ring and medal (I like my choices more).
This setup was tested.
It’s nearly the same overall, feels little slower.
I included your suggestion as an alternative.

Here’s the video.


Update. Replaced the video with one where it faces 2 Reapers and wins.

That fisting tho :slight_smile:

Were the devotions fully leveled? It’s funny that you said it’s slower, the video of the vire+empyrion is clearly shorter than both videos of the runs you’ve posted with your setup :slight_smile:

EDIT: it also looked kinda like you didn’t need bloodthirster at all in Vire+Empyrion run.

EDIT 2: I also have an honest question: why not softcap Fighting Form to get to those 3 targets max for Cadence?

It’s about total clear time. 151-160 was cleared slower than 161-170 and total time was worse.
Edit: maybe, maybe, it feels tankier with extra resistances.
Edit2: lack of the skill points.

Not bad, but this build really is missing one item to make it complete:

Oleron all the way

Do want! Crate, please :smiley:

All right, after few tweaks and some trial and error I came up with the build that is unkillable and clears Crucible 150-170 consistently in 11:00-12:00 minutes.

Here is a spec.

Couple of insignificant shortcomings - sometimes you gotta pop a mana potion and Aetherward Oil is recommended against wave 164 (with Councilman), 169 and sometimes agains Alexander, especially against wave 164 because those bastards seem to be very resistant against our char. I would call it minor inconvinience.

I recorded a video with two runs. Honestly, it might sounds like I am pulling excuses, but I never played soldier outside of testing GDstashed Valdun Blademaster (that one failed spectaculary) and this little carrot tank. So I was smashing buttons pretty much randomly. I still don’t know if the skill from Doom relic is worth smashing everytime it’s off its cooldown or it’s only for trash clearing. I tried to stand in maximum amount of shit and never kite. I think I kited once in second video when on the last wave Grava started to fumble my char hard, so I had to move couple of yards away.

I also did not play it sober and I almost fell asleep during my tests: because there was never any danger and shield builds are not super exciting for me.


Run 1

Run 2 (right after run 2)

My impressions: I think Markovian set needs a little buff. Maybe some more OA/Crit damage or some racial damage and a different set proc (didn’t feel like Markovian Vigilance was doing much tbh).

Markovian might not be…forgotten:rolleyes:

You can use this augment - it is better than Sparkbloom due to extra energy absorption.
Well done! Updated the op with new alternative link and video.

Btw, Light of Empyrion have better damage output than Blind Fury and have a racial bonus, now I see it too.
Most probably I’ll test it too and maybe respec into Empyrion.

Not at all;)

Oleron: 1 sec CD, 70% WD
Empyrion: 2,5 sec CD, 60% WD + 700 flat damage ( = 110% WD equivalent of damage) = 1 sec CD, 68% WD, but it needs no crits at all (is consistent) and have 50% racial bonus.

You can throw all them stats at me. Oleron gameplay is far more aggressive.

I’ve done the empyr gameplay plenty way back when crucible was very harsh in 0.2 and I posted the crusader tactician too. In no universe is empyr(setup taken as a whole not just the two T3 devotions side by side) going to be as aggressive as Oleron setup.

Sadly, this is all i can say at the moment;)

Why not both at the same time? https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62a5Q4m2 you can even pick Vire if you drop some procs.

Tested this one few minutes ago. It works well. Damage is slightly better and survivability is higher due to Ghoul.

Empyrion is 20 % chance when hit by melee, meaning it’s useless against Zantarin, everyone that rains down meteors, mq shotguns. It’s also not so good in 1v1s cause there’s less chance of you getting hit and bosses don’t have as fast atk speed as players.

Zantarin is pussy, does anyone really experience problems with him? Reaper, Grava and Maiden are real baddies nowadays.
“everyone that rains down meteors, mq shotguns”
They don’t spawn alone

16K phys dmg in GT is very very low. 24K can be achieved at the moment

BTW what the point in Harp in these setup? Its not like you need mana .

Any plans to test the build with DS gun and post some video? :wink: