[] Deathbound Blades - Cold Phantasmal Blades Witch Hunter - 170 viable

Fresh build coming in hot… or should I say cold? Buh dum tsss
There have been plenty of PB builds posted; Cold spellbreakers, vitality witch hunters and reapers, and of course the one and only bleedblade shinobi of cairn… but no cold witch hunters! Lets change that

https://www.grimtools.com/calc/xZydXKkV - you can get more hp by using barrowholm augments… unfortunately for me, my witch hunter is hostile to them. RIP

You are definitely on the squishy side, but due to the high weapon damage and leech in this build you are able to tank a lot of damage. Knowing when to kite will make or break you in crucible. (As you will see in one of the videos I will post. Face tanking reaper/grava/iron maiden = dead :eek: ) You have decent physical resist, armor, some %absorb from possession, and decent DA… But a major lack of HP. You can band-aid hp by using Ugdensalve and/or Royal Jelly Essence. It works without them, but there is no room for error whatsoever.
Anyways heres some videos. Enjoy

Campaign Gameplay - I was running a slightly different build from the one in the post for this one and the 100-160 vid
100-160 in 25 mins (the video I eluded to earlier)
20 sec Lokar

Oh and shout out to mad lee… his tss breaker inspired me a bit to make this build, as my breaker and witch hunter have been on the shelf for the longest.

R e S e r v e d because reasons

no cold wh except for the one fluff posted which is almost the exact same. well done though :smiley:

Not including hungering void is a big mistake to me otherwise looks pretty goot

rip tried finding cold wh and failed… should have known it was done already :rolleyes:

Already at 188% cast speed in game without battlecry or prismatic rage up. The damage is already pretty nuts, and with such a low hp pool I didnt want negative regen even with the insane life steal PB provides. Sub 20 second dummy resets. Andddd I didnt have it leveled :eek: Otherwise I might have tested it at least

Looks very strong. How does PB damage turns out with all the confusing conversions? Still mostly cold?