[] Dodge Chance Cold Witch Hunter Ravager kill

Ravager kill

Grim tools~


With a username like “Shopping” and 3 posts full of links, you scared me for a minute (meaning, I thought you were a bot). But I checked all your links and they all check out except for the yt link in this thread. You might want to fix it.

Thanks for the builds and videos.

Great job on the build! I was toying around with a similar concept, but I never found the time to get around to it

You probably didn’t notice him posting two 5s MQ builds.

Btw, nice one Shopping.

I like this guy. Quick, Cold and Calculated :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s one DODGY youtube link, couldn’t open it with two browsers and VPN :slight_smile:

What’s the kill time?

Doesn’t Belgo’s Carnage proc affect Wraith Walk on your boots? If it does, shouldn’t that be BiS simply to keep 100% dodge/reflect up for as long as possible? Or is it the case that you simply can’t crit Ravager at all? Edit: ditto Time Dilation.


Damn. I distinctly remember binding TD to Oleron’s blood or Blessed Steel and being able to hit twice i na row, I guess it got changed or am I misremebering?

Oh, and lvl 13 Possession is no improvement over lvl 12, that point should go to Anatomy of Murder.

Edit2: ok, I’m gonna try sth like this out, was planning to make a Deathmarked cold/acid WH anyway, might as well try out the dodge gimmick. But from a purely theorycrafting perspective, 1 point in Blades of Nadaan seems like a huge waste, considering how much you have to invest to get there. I’m willing to bet that keeping everything as is and switching that point over to Time Dilation for refreshing Ghoul and Behemoth procs gives you more survivability than 2% dodge/deflect. In the same vein, you can drop all of the purple devotion points and change from Elemental storm to Manticore.

Item skills are not affected by any CDR sources. Bloodthirster (Haunted Steel) as well :frowning:

You’re not misremembering.
The “Reduces active skill cooldowns by X seconds” CDR type works on any active skill, including items. So if you can put it on your skill bar and cast it, it counts as an active skill.

The % based CDR doesn’t work on items though, but it does work for devotion skills.

Ah so Belgo’s relic and TD do improve Wraith Walk? I’m 100% trying this out now, almost 100% dodge sounds like a ton of fun, like old Haruspex from TQ.

They do not effect item procs… If it were a granted active skill, then yes.
Ie: it doesn’t effect wraith walk
But it will work on scourge strike

Afaik Belgo does NOT work on skills with internal timer like boots. Just stuff you can activate yourself.

Same goes for mastery skills like Fighting spirit or Blast shield, nada